*! Source code of --ltimbimata--

*! *! mz_decalen.mata *! version 1.0.0, Diallo Ibrahima Amadou, 25aug2008 version 10.0 mata:

transmorphic matrix mz_decalen(transmorphic matrix x, real scalar n) { transmorphic matrix u, v, res real scalar k k = abs(n) u = J(k, cols(x), missingof(x)) if (n>=0) { v = mz_trimrows(x,0,k) res = (u\v) } else { v = mz_trimrows(x,k,0) res = (v\u) } return(res) }


*! *! mz_pancolshape.mata *! version 1.0.0, Diallo Ibrahima Amadou, 25aug2008 version 10.0 mata:

transmorphic matrix mz_pancolshape(transmorphic matrix W, real scalar c, string > scalar f) { transmorphic matrix res transmorphic rowvector v, s real rowvector R real scalar i, j, l, N N = cols(W)/c if ((N-trunc(N))!=0) { _error(3200,"You have inconformable number of > panels") } if (f=="CK") { v = J(1, c, missingof(W)) for(i=1; i<=N; i++) { v = (v\W[|1,(1+(i-1)*c)\.,(i*c)| > ]) } res = v[(2::rows(v)),.] } else if (f=="KC") { s = J(1, c, missingof(W)) for (j=1; j<=N; j++) { R = J(1, cols(W), 0) for (l=1; l<=c; l++) { R[j+ > (l-1)*N] = 1 } s = (s\select(W,R)) } res = s[(2::rows(s)),.] } return(res) }


*! *! mz_panrowshape.mata *! version 1.0.0, Diallo Ibrahima Amadou, 25aug2008 version 10.0 mata:

transmorphic matrix mz_panrowshape(transmorphic matrix V, real scalar idcol, st > ring scalar f, | real rowvector d) { transmorphic matrix X, VP, VPP, res, w transmorphic colvector Q real matrix info real rowvector s, P, PP, R real scalar T, N, k, i, j, a, l, m P = J(1, cols(V), 1) Q = J(rows(V), 1, missingof(V)) if (args()==4) { for (i=1; i<=cols(d); i++) { a = . a = d[i] if (a==idcol) { Q = V[., > idcol] } P[a] = 0 } k = cols(V)-cols(d) } else { k = cols(V) } if (allof(Q,missingof(Q))) { VP = V VPP = select(VP,P) info = panelsetup(VPP, idcol, 2, 0) s = panelstats(info) N = s[1]; T = s[4] } else { VP = select(V,P) VPP = (Q,VP) info = panelsetup(VPP, 1, 2, 0) s = panelstats(info) N = s[1]; T = s[4] PP = J(1, cols(VPP), 1) PP[1] = 0 VPP = select(VPP,PP) } X = J(T,N*k, missingof(V)) for (j=1; j<=N; j++) { X[|1,(1+(j-1)*k)\.,(j*k)|] = panelsubmatrix(V > PP, j, info) } if (f=="CK") { res = X } else if (f=="KC") { w = J(rows(X), 1, missingof(X)) for (l=1; l<=k; l++) { R = J(1, cols(X), 0) for (m=1; m<=N; m++) { R[l+ > (m-1)*k] = 1 } w = (w,select(X,R)) } res = w[.,(2.. cols(w))] } return(res) }


*! *! mz_reshape.mata *! version 1.0.0, Diallo Ibrahima Amadou, 25aug2008 version 10.0 mata:

transmorphic matrix mz_reshape(transmorphic matrix x, real scalar m, real scala > r n) { transmorphic matrix res transmorphic rowvector v, q, w real scalar i v = vec(x')' w = mz_ajvec(v, m*n) q = J(1, n, missingof(x)) for (i=1; i<=m; i++) { q = (q\w[|1+(i-1)*n\i*n|]) } res = q[(2::rows(q)),.] return(res) }

transmorphic rowvector mz_ajvec(transmorphic rowvector x, real scalar d) { transmorphic rowvector u, v real scalar i, s u = J(1, cols(x), missingof(x)) if (d<=cols(x)) { v = x[|1\d|] } else { s = ceil(d/cols(x)) for (i=1; i<=s; i++) { u = (u,x) } v = u[|(cols(x)+1)\(cols(x)+d)|] } return(v) }


*! *! mz_stdc.mata *! version 1.0.0, Diallo Ibrahima Amadou, 25aug2008 version 10.0 mata:

real colvector mz_stdc(real matrix x) { real matrix res real scalar N N = rows(x) res = sqrt((1/(N-1)):*colsum((x-mz_reshape(mean(x), rows(x), co > ls(x))):^2)') return(res) }


*! *! mz_trimrows.mata *! version 1.0.0, Diallo Ibrahima Amadou, 25aug2008 version 10.0 mata:

transmorphic matrix mz_trimrows(transmorphic matrix x, real scalar p, real sca > lar d) { transmorphic matrix res res = x[((p+1)::(rows(x)-d)),.] return(res) }
