*! version 1.0.5 22june2017 Michael Stepner, stepner@mit.edu /*** Unlicence (abridged): This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. It is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. For the full legal text of the Unlicense, see */ * Why did I include a formal license? Jeff Atwood gives good reasons: * http://blog.codinghorror.com/pick-a-license-any-license/ program define maptile_geohelp version 11 set more off syntax name(name=geography id="geoname") [, geofolder(string)] * Set default directory if (`"`geofolder'"'=="") local geofolder `c(sysdir_personal)'maptile_geographies * Check that the geography is installed cap confirm file `"`geofolder'/`geography'_maptile.ado"' if (_rc!=0) { di as error "geography(`geography') specified, but it is not installed." if ("`geofolder'"=="`c(sysdir_personal)'maptile_geographies") di as text `"To see a list of installed geographies run: {stata maptile_geolist}"' else { di as text `"To see a list of installed geographies run:"' di as text `" {stata maptile_geolist, geofolder(`geofolder')}"' di as text "" } exit 198 } * Check that it has a help file cap confirm file `"`geofolder'/`geography'_maptile.smcl"' if (_rc!=0) { di as error `"{bf:`geography'} geography exists, but it does not have a help file. There is no file:"' di as text `" `geofolder'/`geography'_maptile.smcl"' exit 198 } * Display the help file if ("`c(console)'" == "console") type `"`geofolder'/`geography'_maptile.smcl"' else view `"`geofolder'/`geography'_maptile.smcl"' end