Markov chain analysis ---------------------
^markov^ varname [ , ^f^name^(^string^)^ ^p^name^(^string^)^ tabchi_options ]
Description -----------
^markov^ examines varname, treated as a sequence or series, to produce basic summaries relevant to discrete-time, discrete-state Markov chains.
^markov^ tabulates one-step transition frequencies from one state to another, carries out a chi-square test for independence, and tabulates a transition probability matrix. The frequency matrix and the probability matrix are saved as F and P, or as whatever names are specified. Matrices with these names are overwritten.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that data are in the appropriate sort order when ^markov^ is called.
^tabchi^ must be installed first.
Options -------
^fname(^string^)^ specifies a name for the frequency matrix (default F).
^pname(^string^)^ specifies a name for the probability matrix (default P).
tabchi_options are options allowed with ^tabchi^.
Example -------
. ^markov state^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Also see --------
On-line: help for @tabchi@