Deletion of row and/or column from matrix -----------------------------------------
^matdelrc^ matrix [ ^, r^ow^(^rowexp^) c^ol^(^colexp^)^ ]
Description -----------
Given a matrix, ^matdelrc^ deletes a specified row, or a specified column, or both.
^matdelrc^ will not delete (i.e. annihilate) entire row vectors or entire column vectors.
Options -------
^row(^rowexp^)^ specifies the row number. rowexp should be or evaluate to an integer between 1 and the number of rows.
^col(^colexp^)^ specifies the column number. colexp should be or evaluate to an integer between 1 and the number of columns.
Example -------
. ^matdelrc A, c(1)^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Acknowlegement --------------
William Gould sketched the main idea and made very helpful comments on a draft.