program define matewd *! 1.0.0 NJC 21 July 1998 version 5.0 parse "`*'", parse(" ,") if "`3'" == "" | "`3'" == "," { di in r "invalid syntax" exit 198 } matchk `1' local A "`1'" matchk `2' local B "`2'" matcfa `A' `B' local nr = rowsof(matrix(`A')) local nc = colsof(matrix(`A')) local C "`3'" mac shift 3 local options "Format(str)" parse "`*'" tempname D mat `D' = J(`nr',`nc',1) local i 1 while `i' <= `nr' { local j 1 while `j' <= `nc' { if `B'[`i',`j'] == 0 { di in r "matrix would have missing values" exit 504 } mat `D'[`i',`j'] = `A'[`i',`j'] / `B'[`i',`j'] local j = `j' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 } if "`format'" == "" { local format "%9.2f" } mat `C' = `D' /* allows overwriting of either `A' or `B' */ mat li `C', format(`format') end