capture program drop mest program mest,rclass version 14 syntax [namelist] [, Col(numlist) ] tokenize `namelist' capture mat drop A capture mat drop E mat A=r(table) local r=1 foreach x in `col' { capture mat drop E`r' mat E`r'=J(1,3,.) mat E`r'[1,1]= A[1,`x'] mat E`r'[1,2]= A[5,`x'] mat E`r'[1,3]= A[6,`x'] local r=`r' + 1 } mat E=E1 local maxc=`r'-1 if `maxc'>1 { foreach x of numlist 2/`maxc' { mat E=E\E`x' matrix drop E`x' } } mat colnames E= Estmation Low Up display _newline(1)"***** Matrix for the the estimation and 95 confidence intervals *****" mat list E return matrix coefficient=E return matrix table=A end