{smcl} {* 12apr2004}{...} {hline} help for {cmd:meta_dialog}{...} {right:version 1.0.4 {space 6}} {hline} Sub-menu and Dialogs for Meta-Analysis Commands {result:(Stata Version 8 only)} {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} Package {cmd:meta_dialog} provides Stata Version 8 dialog boxes (.dlg files) and the commands needed to create a Meta-Analysis sub-menu that contains the publicly available meta-analysis commands. The 14 commands included in this package that may be placed on the menu are: {cmd:meta}, {cmd:metan}, {cmd:metap}, {cmd:metareg}, {cmd:metacum}, {cmd:funnel}, {cmd:metafunnel}, {cmd:labbe}, {cmd:metannt}, {cmd:metaninf}, {cmd:metaninf}, {cmd:galbr}, {cmd:metabias}, and {cmd:metatrim}. {p 4 4 2} The menu commands (shown below) are placed in your personal Stata {cmd:profile.do} file. They create the sub-menu on the StataCorp-defined User menu. {p 4 4 2} You can determine if you have defined a {cmd:profile.do} file by starting Stata and observing whether a line of the form: {p 8}{result:running C:\data\stata\profile.do} ... {p 4 4 2} appears on the screen as part of the initiation sequence. If it does, then add the commands below to that file and resave the file. If the line does not appear then you have not defined a profile. Create a plain text file containing the commands below, name it {cmd:profile.do} and save it somewhere in the Stata path. {p 4 4 2} You may choose not to create the menu and run the dialogs directly from the Stata8 command line via the {cmd:db {it:name}} command. If so, {col 5}{hline 69} {col 5}command...{col 19}runs...{col 36}description... {col 5}{hline 69} {col 5}{dialog meta:db meta}{col 19}{help meta:meta 2.06}{col 36}Meta-analysis of Effects {col 5}{dialog metan:db metan}{col 19}{help metan:metan 1.74}{col 36}Meta-analysis of Binary and Continuous {col 5}{dialog metap:db metap}{col 19}{help metap:metap 2.0.0}{col 36}Meta-analysis of p-values {col 5}{dialog metareg:db metareg}{col 19}{help metareg:metareg 1.06}{col 36}Meta-analysis Regression {col 5}{dialog metacum:db metacum}{col 19}{help metacum:metacum 1.02}{col 36}Cumulative Meta-analysis {col 5}{dialog funnel:db funnel}{col 19}{help funnel:funnel 1.04}{col 36}Metan-based Funnel Graph {col 5}{dialog metafunnel:db metafunnel}{col 19}{help metafunnel:metafunnel 1.02}{col 36}Funnel Graph (vertical) {col 5}{dialog labbe:db labbe}{col 19}{help labbe:labbe 1.21}{col 36}Metan-based L'abbe Graph {col 5}{dialog metannt:db metannt}{col 19}{help metannt:metannt 1.0}{col 36}Metan-based NNT {col 5}{dialog metaninf:db metaninf}{col 19}{help metaninf:metaninf 1.0.1}{col 36}Metan-based Influence Analysis {col 5}{dialog metainf:db metainf}{col 19}{help metainf:metainf 3.0.0}{col 36}Meta-based Influence Analysis {col 5}{dialog galbr:db galbr}{col 19}{help galbr:galbr 2.0}{col 36}Galbraith Plot for Heterogeneity {col 5}{dialog metabias:db metabias}{col 19}{help metabias:metabias 1.2.2}{col 36}Publication Bias in Meta-analysis {col 5}{dialog metatrim:db metatrim}{col 19}{help metatrim:metatrim 1.0.5}{col 36}Trim and Fill Analysis {col 5}{hline 69} {title:Menu creation commands} {p 4 4 2} Put the following commands in your {cmd:profile.do} (the lines are long and may wrap on the screen):{input} {hline}{asis} if _caller() >= 8 { window menu clear window menu append submenu "stUser" "&Meta-Analysis" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Of Binary and Continuous (meta&n)" "db metan" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Of Effects (&meta)" "db meta" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Of p-values (meta&p)" "db metap" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Cumulative (meta&cum)" "db metacum" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Regression (meta®)" "db metareg" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Funnel Graph, metan-based (f&unnel)" "db funnel" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Funnel Graph, &vertical (metafunnel)" "db metafunnel" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "L'abbe Graph, metan-based (&labbe)" "db labbe" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "NNT, metan-based (metann&t)" "db metannt" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Influence Analysis, metan-based (metan&inf)" "db metaninf" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Influence Analysis, meta-based (metain&f)" "db metainf" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Galbraith Plot for Heterogeneity (&galbr)" "db galbr" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Publication Bias (meta&bias)" "db metabias" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Trim and Fill Analysis (met&atrim)" "db metatrim" window menu refresh } {smcl} {hline} {sf}{txt} {title:Notes} {p 4 4 2} Dialogs are available in Stata8 only, thus the leading {cmd:if _caller() >= 8 {c -(}} and trailing {cmd:{c )-}} lines above are needed only if you also run Stata7, but leaving them in will not cause problems. {p 4 4 2} The easiest way to capture these commands is to open this help file in your text editor, copy the lines, then paste them into {cmd:profile.do}. {title:Author} {p 4 8 2} Thomas J. Steichen, steichen@triad.rr.com {title:Also see} Manual: {hi:[P] dialogs; [P] window menu; [R] db} {p 4 13 2}Online: help for {help dialogs}; {help window}; {help db}