/* Dialog (Version 1.0.0) by: T. J. Steichen, steicht@rjrt.com meta VERSION 2.02 jan1998 Fixed and random-effects meta-analysis, with graphics ----------------------------------------------------- Syntax: meta { theta | exp(theta) } { se_theta | var_theta | ll ul [cl] } [if exp] [in range] [ , id(strvar) var ci graph(f|r|e) eform print ebayes level(#) fmult(#) boxysca(#) boxshad(#) cline ltrunc(#) rtrunc(#)] To install in User Statistics menu via Stata commands: . window menu append item "stUserStatistics" "Meta-analysis of Effects (&meta)" "db meta" . window menu refresh To permanently install, place the commands in your -profile.do- file. */ VERSION 8.0 INCLUDE _std_small INCLUDE header HELP hlp1, view("help meta") RESET res1, label("Reset") DIALOG main, label("meta 2.02 - Meta-analysis of Effects") tabtitle("Main") BEGIN GROUPBOX gb_data 10 5 330 _ht5h, /// label("Type of Data:") RADIO r_se 15 25 100 ., /// label("Theta, SE") first /// onclickon(script se_on) /// onclickoff(script se_off) /// option(NONE) RADIO r_var 115 25 100 ., /// label("Theta, Var") middle /// onclickon(script var_on) /// onclickoff(script var_off) /// option("var") RADIO r_ci 215 25 110 ., /// label("exp(Theta), CI") last /// onclickon(script ci_on) /// onclickoff(script ci_off) /// option("ci") TEXT tx_se 15 45 320 ., /// label("Vars for theta, se(theta), in that order") VARLIST vl_se @ _ss @ ., /// label("Vars for theta, se(theta)") TEXT tx_var @ 45 320 ., /// label("Vars for theta, var(theta), in that order") VARLIST vl_var @ _ss @ ., /// label("Vars for theta, var(theta)") TEXT tx_ci @ 45 320 ., /// label("Vars for exp(theta), CI_LL, CI_UL, in that order") VARLIST vl_ci @ _ss @ ., /// label("Vars for exp(theta), CI_LL, CI_UL") CHECKBOX cb_id 10 100 100 ., /// label("ID Variable:") /// onclickon(main.vn_id.enable) /// onclickoff(main.vn_id.disable) VARNAME vn_id 110 100 230 ., /// label("ID Variable") /// option("id") CHECKBOX cb_eform 10 130 150 ., /// label("Use exp(theta)") /// option("eform") CHECKBOX cb_print 10 150 150 ., /// label("Print details") /// option("print") CHECKBOX cb_ebayes 10 170 300 ., /// label("Generate Empirical Bayes variables") /// option("ebayes") CHECKBOX cb_level 220 130 75 ., /// label("CI Level:") /// onclickon(main.ed_level.enable) /// onclickoff(main.ed_level.disable) EDIT ed_level 300 @ 40 ., /// label("Level") numonly default(95) /// option("level") END DIALOG graph, tabtitle("Graph Options") BEGIN GROUPBOX gb_graph 10 10 330 _ht2h, /// label("Graph Estimates:") RADIO r_none 15 30 65 ., /// label("None") first /// onclickon(program graph_off) /// onclickoff(program graph_on) /// option(NONE) RADIO r_fixed 80 30 65 ., /// label("Fixed") middle /// option("graph(f)") RADIO r_random 145 30 75 ., /// label("Random") middle /// option("graph(r)") RADIO r_ebayes 230 30 95 ., /// label("Emp. Bayes") last /// option("graph(e)") CHECKBOX cb_cline 15 80 150 ., /// label("Draw Estimate line") /// option("cline") CHECKBOX cb_fmult 200 80 95 ., /// label("Font scale:") /// onclickon(graph.ed_fmult.enable) /// onclickoff(graph.ed_fmult.disable) EDIT ed_fmult 300 @ 40 ., /// label("Font scale") numonly default(1) /// option("fmult") CHECKBOX cb_boxy 200 110 95 ., /// label("Box yscale:") /// onclickon(graph.ed_boxy.enable) /// onclickoff(graph.ed_boxy.disable) EDIT ed_boxy 300 @ 40 ., /// label("Box yscale") numonly default(1) /// option("boxysca") CHECKBOX cb_boxs 200 130 95 ., /// label("Box shade:") /// onclickon(graph.ed_boxs.enable) /// onclickoff(graph.ed_boxs.disable) EDIT ed_boxs 300 @ 40 ., /// label("Box shading") numonly default(0) /// option("boxshad") CHECKBOX cb_ltrunc 15 110 95 ., /// label("Left truncate:") /// onclickon(graph.ed_ltrunc.enable) /// onclickoff(graph.ed_ltrunc.disable) EDIT ed_ltrunc 125 @ 40 ., /// label("Left truncate") numonly /// option("ltrunc") CHECKBOX cb_rtrunc 15 130 105 ., /// label("Right truncate:") /// onclickon(graph.ed_rtrunc.enable) /// onclickoff(graph.ed_rtrunc.disable) EDIT ed_rtrunc 125 @ 40 ., /// label("Right truncate") numonly /// option("rtrunc") GROUPBOX gb_gopts7 10 155 330 _ht1h, /// label("Allowed Graph7 Options:") EDIT ed_gopts7 15 175 320 ., /// label("Graph7 Options") END INCLUDE ifin SCRIPT se_on BEGIN main.tx_se.show main.vl_se.show main.tx_se.enable main.vl_se.enable main.tx_var.disable main.vl_var.disable main.tx_var.hide main.vl_var.hide main.tx_ci.disable main.vl_ci.disable main.tx_ci.hide main.vl_ci.hide END SCRIPT se_off BEGIN main.tx_se.disable main.vl_se.disable main.tx_se.hide main.vl_se.hide END SCRIPT var_on BEGIN main.tx_var.show main.vl_var.show main.tx_var.enable main.vl_var.enable main.tx_se.disable main.vl_se.disable main.tx_se.hide main.vl_se.hide main.tx_ci.disable main.vl_ci.disable main.tx_ci.hide main.vl_ci.hide END SCRIPT var_off BEGIN main.tx_var.disable main.vl_var.disable main.tx_var.hide main.vl_var.hide END SCRIPT ci_on BEGIN main.tx_ci.show main.vl_ci.show main.tx_ci.enable main.vl_ci.enable main.tx_se.disable main.vl_se.disable main.tx_se.hide main.vl_se.hide main.tx_var.disable main.vl_var.disable main.tx_var.hide main.vl_var.hide END SCRIPT ci_off BEGIN main.tx_ci.disable main.vl_ci.disable main.tx_ci.hide main.vl_ci.hide END PROGRAM graph_on BEGIN call graph.cb_cline.enable call graph.cb_fmult.enable call graph.cb_boxy.enable call graph.cb_boxs.enable call graph.cb_ltrunc.enable call graph.cb_rtrunc.enable call graph.gb_gopts7.enable call graph.ed_gopts7.enable if graph.cb_fmult { call graph.ed_fmult.enable } if graph.cb_boxy { call graph.ed_boxy.enable } if graph.cb_boxs { call graph.ed_boxs.enable } if graph.cb_ltrunc { call graph.ed_ltrunc.enable } if graph.cb_rtrunc { call graph.ed_rtrunc.enable } END PROGRAM graph_off BEGIN call graph.cb_cline.disable call graph.cb_fmult.disable call graph.cb_boxy.disable call graph.cb_boxs.disable call graph.cb_ltrunc.disable call graph.cb_rtrunc.disable call graph.gb_gopts7.disable call graph.ed_gopts7.disable if graph.cb_fmult { call graph.ed_fmult.disable } if graph.cb_boxy { call graph.ed_boxy.disable } if graph.cb_boxs { call graph.ed_boxs.disable } if graph.cb_ltrunc { call graph.ed_ltrunc.disable } if graph.cb_rtrunc { call graph.ed_rtrunc.disable } END PROGRAM command BEGIN put "meta " if main.r_se { varlist main.vl_se } if main.r_var { varlist main.vl_var } if main.r_ci { varlist main.vl_ci } INCLUDE _ifin_pr beginoptions option radio(main r_se r_var r_ci) optionarg main.vn_id option radio(graph r_none r_fixed r_random r_ebayes) option main.cb_eform option main.cb_print option main.cb_ebayes option graph.cb_cline optionarg graph.ed_fmult optionarg graph.ed_boxy optionarg graph.ed_boxs optionarg graph.ed_ltrunc optionarg graph.ed_rtrunc put graph.ed_gopts7 endoptions END