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mm_insheet() -- Read spreadsheet file into string matrix (and vice versa)


string matrix mm_insheet(filename [, delimiter, line1, line2])

string matrix mm_infile(filename [, line1, line2])

void mm_outsheet(filename , s[, mode, delimiter])


filename: string scalar filename delimiter: string scalar delimiter line1: real scalar line1 line2: real scalar line2 s: string matrix s mode: string scalar containing "", "replace" or "append"


mm_insheet() returns as a string matrix the contents of a spreadsheet file (ASCII) in which columns are separated by, e.g., tabs or commas and rows are separated by the newline character. filename specifies the filename. delimiter specifies the character used to separate the values. The default value for delimiter is char(9) (the tab-character).

mm_infile() returns as a string matrix the contents of a free-format file (ASCII) in which columns are separated by one or more blanks and rows are separated by the newline character.

Specifying line1 (and line2) with mm_insheet() or mm_infile() indicates that the file be read starting with line number line1 (and ending with line number line2).

mm_outsheet() writes string matrix s into an ASCII file. Rows are separated by the newline character. Columns are separated by delimiter. The default value for delimiter is char(9) (the tab-character). mm_outsheet() aborts with error if the file indicated by fn already exists and mode is omitted or mode="". Specify mode="replace" to replace an existing file or mode="append" to append to an existing file.


mm_outsheet() can only be used with string matrices. To export a real matrix, type mm_outsheet(filename, strofreal(R)) where R is the real matrix (see [M-5] strofreal()).


mm_insheet(filename, delimiter, line1, line2): filename: 1 x 1 delimiter: 1 x 1 line1: 1 x 1 line2: 1 x 1 result: r x c

mm_infile(filename, line1, line2): filename: 1 x 1 line1: 1 x 1 line2: 1 x 1 result: r x c

mm_outsheet(filename, s, mode, delimiter): filename: 1 x 1 s: r x c mode: 1 x 1 delimiter: 1 x 1 result: void


mm_insheet() and mm_infile() abort with error if the file indicated by filename does not exist.

mm_insheet() and mm_infile() return a 0 x 0 result if the file indicated by filename contains 0 bytes.

The number of columns in the matrix returned by mm_insheet() or mm_infile() is determined by the maximum number of elements per line found the input file. If an individual input line contains less than the maximum number of elements, an appropriate number of empty elements is appended to the right of the row.

mm_outsheet() creates a file containing 0 bytes if s is a void string matrix (see [M-2] void).

Source code

mm_insheet.mata, mm_infile.mata, mm_outsheet.mata


Ben Jann, ETH Zurich,

Also see