*!mkheader_mi version 0.1.0 *!Written 22Apr2023 *!Written by Sergio Venturini and Mehmet Mehmetoglu *!The following code is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3) program mkheader_mi version 15.1 syntax [, Wscheme(string) Init(string) DIGits(integer 5) noSTRuctural /// RAWsum CONsistent ] /* Options: -------- digits(integer 5) --> number of digits to display (default 5) nostructural --> indicator of whether the model includes a structural part rawsum --> scores are raw sum of indicators consistent --> indicator for consistent PLS (PLSc) */ local tol = e(tolerance) display display as text "Multiple-imputation estimates" // display if ("`consistent'" == "") { local header "Partial least squares SEM" } else { local header "Consistent partial least squares (PLSc) SEM" } local nobs: display _skip(0) "`header'" _col(49) /// "Number of obs" _col(69) "=" _skip(5) //string(e(N)) display as text "`nobs'" _continue display as result e(N) if ("`structural'" == "nostructural") { local init_head: display _skip(0) "Initialization: " display as text "`init_head'" _continue display as result "`init'" _continue local init_head: display _skip(0) "`init_head'" _col(49) /// "Imputations" _col(69) "=" _skip(5) //string(e(M_mi)) display as text "`init_head'" _continue display as result e(M_mi) } else { if ("`rawsum'" == "") { local gof: display _skip(0) "Weighting scheme: " display as text "`gof'" _continue display as result "`wscheme'" _col(49) _continue } else { local gof: display _skip(0) "Weighting scheme: " _col(49) display as text "`gof'" _continue display as result "rawsum" _col(49) _continue } local gof: display _skip(0) _col(49) /// "Imputations" _col(69) "=" _skip(5) //string(e(M_mi)) display as text "`gof'" _continue display as result e(M_mi) if ("`rawsum'" == "") { local gof_rel: display _skip(0) "Tolerance: " //string(`tol', "%9.`digits'e") display as text "`gof_rel'" _continue display as result string(`tol', "%9.`digits'e") _col(49) } else { local gof_rel: display _skip(0) _col(49) display as text "`gof_rel'" } if ("`rawsum'" == "") { local avred: display _skip(0) "Initialization: " display as text "`avred'" _continue display as result "`init'" } else { local avred: display _skip(0) display as text "`avred'" } } end