moremata -- Various Mata functions
Online help entry Function Purpose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+------------------+ ---| Scalar functions |---------------------------------------------------- +------------------+
mm_kern() mm_kern() various kernel functions mm_kint() kernel integral functions mm_kdel0() canonical bandwidth of kernel
+-----------------------+ ---| Statistical functions |----------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+
Quantiles, ranks, frequencies, & summary statistics
mm_quantile() mm_quantile() quantile function mm_median() median mm_iqrange() inter-quartile range
mm_ecdf() mm_ecdf() cumulative distribution function mm_relrank() grade transformation mm_ranks() ranks/cumulative frequencies
mm_freq() mm_freq() compute frequency counts
mm_histogram() mm_histogram() produce histogram data
mm_mgof() mm_mgof() multinomial goodness-of-fit tests
mm_collapse() mm_collapse() summary statistics by subgroups _mm_collapse() summary statistics by subgroups
mm_gini() mm_gini() Gini coefficient
Sampling, resampling, & combinations
mm_sample() mm_sample() draw random sample mm_srswr() SRS with replacement mm_srswor() SRS without replacement mm_upswr() UPS with replacement mm_upswor() UPS without replacement
mm_bs() mm_bs() bootstrap estimation mm_bs2() bootstrap estimation mm_bs_report() report bootstrap results
mm_jk() mm_jk() jackknife estimation mm_jk_report() report jackknife results
mm_subset() mm_subset() obtain subsets, one at a time mm_composition() obtain compositions, one by one mm_ncompositions() determine number of compositions mm_partition() obtain partitions, one at a time mm_npartitionss() determine number of partitions mm_rsubset() draw random subset mm_rcomposition() draw random composition
Means, variances, & correlations
mm_colvar() mm_colvar() variance, by column mm_meancolvar() mean and variance, by column mm_variance0() population variance mm_meanvariance0() mean and population variance mm_mse() mean squared error mm_colmse() mean squared error, by column mm_sse() sum of squared errors mm_colsse() sum of squared errors, by column
Densities & distributions
mm_benford() mm_benford() Benford distribution
mm_cauchy() mm_cauchy() cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz dist. mm_cauchyden() Cauchy-Lorentz density mm_cauchytail() reverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz mm_invcauchy() inverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz
mm_rbinomial() mm_rbinomial() generate binomial random numbers mm_cebinomial() cond. expect. of binomial r.v.
+------------------------------+ ---| Other mathematical functions |---------------------------------------- +------------------------------+
mm_root() mm_root() Brent's univariate zero finder
mm_nrroot() mm_nrroot() Newton-Raphson zero finder
mm_finvert() mm_finvert() univariate function inverter
+---------------------+ ---| Graphical functions |------------------------------------------------- +---------------------+
mm_plot() mm_plot() Draw twoway plot _mm_plot() Draw twoway plot
+--------------------------+ ---| Matrix utility functions |-------------------------------------------- +--------------------------+
mm_panels() mm_panels() identify nested panel structure _mm_panels() identify panel sizes mm_npanels() identify number of panels
mm_nunique() mm_nunique() count number of distinct values mm_nuniqrows() count number of unique rows
mm_isconstant() mm_isconstant() whether matrix is constant
mm_nobs() mm_nobs() number of observations
mm_colrunsum() mm_colrunsum() running sum of each column
mm_linbin() mm_linbin() linear binning mm_fastlinbin() fast linear binning mm_exactbin() exact binning mm_makegrid() equally spaced grid points
mm_cut() mm_cut() categorize data vector
mm_posof() mm_posof() find element in vector
mm_which() mm_which() positions of nonzero elements
mm_locate() mm_locate() search an ordered vector mm_hunt() consecutive search
mm_ipolate() mm_ipolate() linear interpolation
mm_polint() mm_polint() polynomial inter-/extrapolation
+-------------------------------+ ---| Matrix manipulation functions |--------------------------------------- +-------------------------------+
mm_cond() mm_cond() matrix conditional operator
mm_expand() mm_expand() duplicate single rows/columns _mm_expand() duplicate rows/columns in place mm_repeat() duplicate contents as a whole _mm_repeat() duplicate contents in place
mm_unorder2() mm_unorder2() stable version of unorder() mm_jumble2() stable version of jumble() mm__jumble2() stable version of _jumble()
+------------------+ ---| String functions |---------------------------------------------------- +------------------+
mm_pieces() mm_pieces() break string into pieces mm_npieces() count number of pieces _mm_npieces() count number of pieces
mm_invtokens() mm_invtokens() reverse of tokens()
mm_realofstr() mm_realofstr() convert string into real
mm_strexpand() mm_strexpand() expand string argument
+---------------+ ---| I/O functions |------------------------------------------------------- +---------------+
mm_matlist() mm_matlist() display a (real) matrix
mm_insheet() mm_insheet() read spreadsheet file mm_infile() read free-format file mm_outsheet() write spreadsheet file
+-----------------------+ ---| Programming functions |----------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+
mm_callf() mm_callf() pass optional args to function mm_callf_setup() setup for mm_callf() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The functions above are general-purpose add-ons to official Mata.
Ben Jann, ETH Zurich, jannb@ethz.ch
The Cauchy-Lorentz distribution functions were provided by Christopher F Baum, Boston College.
Thanks for citing this software as follows:
Jann, B. 2005. moremata: Stata module (Mata) to provide various functions. Available from http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s455001.html.
Also see