*! 1.0.0 Ariel Linden 06Dec2024 program define mpm, rclass version 11.0 /* obtain settings */ syntax anything numlist "`anything'", min(1) max(1) // convert MPH to a time local time = 60 / `anything' // parse out the minutes tokenize `time', parse(".") local min `1' macro shift local sec `2' // parse out and convert seconds tokenize `sec', parse(".") local sec `1' local newsec = ceil(.`sec' * 60) // add ":00" if `newsec' == . { local mpm `min':00 } else { local mpm `min':`newsec' } // show result di as txt _n di as txt "Minutes Per Mile: {bf:`mpm'}" // save result return local mpm `mpm' end