help for ^muxplot^

Scatter plots with y versus multiple x variables ------------------------------------------------

^muxplot^ yvar xvars [weight] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^,^ graph_options ^l^ink ^n^eed^(^string^)^ ]

Description -----------

^muxplot^ produces a scatter or twoway plot for one yvar versus two or more xvars, all of which xvars are measured on comparable scales. For example, depth or height may be shown on the vertical axis and two or more responses on the horizontal axis.

Options -------

graph_options are options allowed with ^graph, twoway^. ^connect^ and ^symbol^ refer to the x-axis variables. Note that

1. ^connect(m)^, ^connect(s)^, ^connect(||)^ and ^connect(II)^ are either unusable or irrelevant.

2. ^sy([_n])^ does not work properly. Instead do something like

^gen id = _n^ ^muxplot^ ... ^, sy([id]) need(id)^

3. As exemplified above, any variables named in options should also be specified in the ^need^ option.

^link^ connects each set of data points for each observation (x1, y), (x2, y), (x3, y), ... by a horizontal straight line. For example, if x is a time axis, x1, x2, x3 might represent times at which events occurred for an individual. ^link^ may not be combined with ^connect()^.

^need(^string^)^ specifies variables needed by options and not mentioned before the options. (Otherwise, those variables would be lost by the ^stack^ included in ^muxplot^.) Two or more variable names should be separated by spaces.

Limitation ----------

^by( ) link total^ is allowed as a combination of options but is not guaranteed to produce a correct ^total^ graph, because sorting first on the ^by( )^ variable may have the side-effect of producing spurious connections between data points.

Examples --------

. ^muxplot height x1 x2, c(ll)^ . ^muxplot depth x1 x2, c(ll) by(site) n(site) yrev^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Also see --------

On-line: help for @graph@, @muxyplot@ (if installed) Manual: [R] graph