{smcl} {* *! version 3.1 13jul2015}{...} {vieweralsosee "mvmeta" "mvmeta"}{...} {vieweralsosee "Main mvmeta demonstration" "mvmetademo_run"}{...} {hline} {cmd:Demonstration for the mvmeta package in Stata: getting the data into mvmeta format} {cmd:Ian White} {hline} {title:How to run this tutorial} {p}You will need to install the mvmeta package as described in {help mvmetademo_run:the main demonstration}. {p}{cmd:mvmeta} expects the data to be organised with one line per study, with each line containing the estimates and their variances for that study. The estimates must be named as a common stub followed by a unique ending, and the variances must be named as a (different) common stub followed by a repeated ending. Ideally, covariances are also included, named as the variance stub followed by two endings. {p}Let's make that more concrete by inputting the p53 data. These data are described in {help mvmetademo_run##p53:the main demonstration}. The data are the estimated log hazard ratios (lnHR) for mutant vs. normal p53 gene for two outcomes. {p}The data for overall survival look like this: study estimate std.error 1 -.18 .56 2 .79 .24 3 .21 .66 4 -.63 .29 5 1.01 .48 6 -.64 .4 {p}and the corresponding data for disease-free survival (which was only reported in 3 studies) look like this: study estimate std.error 1 -.58 .56 4 -1.02 .39 6 -.69 .4 {p}We enter these using lnHR as the stub for the log hazard ratios and selnHR as a stub for the standard errors, and using abbreviations os for overall survival and dfs for disease-free survival: {stata clear} {stata input study lnHRos selnHRos lnHRdfs selnHRdfs} {stata 1 -.18 .56 -.58 .56} {stata 2 .79 .24 . .} {stata 3 .21 .66 . .} {stata 4 -.63 .29 -1.02 .39} {stata 5 1.01 .48 . .} {stata 6 -.64 .4 -.69 .4} {stata end} {p}Note that we have entered missing values for disease-free survival in studies 2, 3 and 5. {p}{cmd:mvmeta} requires variables representing the variances. These must be named as . We choose VlnHR as the stub for the variances, so: {pstd}{stata gen VlnHRosos = selnHRos^2} {pstd}{stata gen VlnHRdfsdfs = selnHRdfs^2} {p}These data are now in the format required by {cmd:mvmeta} and can be analysed as shown in {help mvmetademo_run##p53:the main demonstration}. {p}If we also knew the within-study covariances, we could have input them with the main data. If we knew the within-study correlations, we could have input them with the main data (say as variable corrosdfs) and then computed the covariances using {stata gen VlnHRosdfs = corrosdfs*selnHRos*selnHRdfs}.