help for mypkg

Inform on packages installed over net

mypkg [ , all list_options ]

mypkg pkgpattern [pkgpattern [pkgpattern [ ... ]]] [ , all list_options ]

mypkg pkgname [pkgname [pkgname [ ... ]]] [ , all ]


mypkg informs on packages installed with ado, net or ssc and accessible to your Stata.

With no arguments, mypkg displays a list of packages installed, sorted alphabetically by their name and giving the last date installed. Two or more packages with the same name or a package installed more than once will by default be listed just once.

Given one or more package name patterns, mypkg displays information on each such package installed according to the last date installed. Two or more packages with the same name or a package installed more than once will by default be listed just once. A pattern includes one or more uses of * or ? as understood by the match() function. Thus xt* means all names starting with xt and parmes? means all names which are parmes followed by one character.

Given one or more package names, mypkg displays information on each installed according to the last date installed. Two or more packages with the same name or a package installed more than once will by default listed just once.

mypkg takes its information from, and depends on the existence of, the file stata.trk within what sysdir knows as STBPLUS. (In Stata 8, this is equivalent to what sysdir knows as PLUS.)

Options all specifies that all packages satisfying the criteria should be shown and not just the last installed with each distinct name.

list_options are options of list other than noobs.


. mypkg

. mypkg ts* xt*

. mypkg parmest

. mypkg parmest, all


Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk


Fred Wolfe suggested this problem. He and Lee Sieswerda provided valuable feedback during development.

Also see

On-line: help for net; ssc; sysdir; list