help for netplot

netplot - Social Network Visualization

Syntax netplot var1 var2 [if] [in] [, options]


netplot produces a graphical representation of a network stored as an extended > edgelist or arclist in var1 and var2.


type(string) specifies the type of layout. Valid values are:

circle: vertices are arranged on a circle

mds: positions of vertices are calculated using multidimensional scaling. This is the default; omitting type() is equivalent to specifying type(mds).

label specifies that vertices are to be labeled using their identifiers in var1 and var2

arrows specifies that arrows rather than lines are drawn between vertices. Arrows run from the vertex in var1 to the vertex in var2. This option is useful for arclists that represent directed relations.

iterations(#) specifies the maximum number of iterations in the multidimensional scaling procedure. The default is iterate(1000).


An extended edglelist or arclist is a set of two variables representing relations (i.e., edges (undirected) or arcs (undirected)) between entities (vertices). Vertices are identified by the entries in the cells. For example:

+----------+ | v1 v2 | |----------| 1. | 1 2 | 2. | 2 3 | 3. | 4 . | +----------+

represents relations among four vertices. There are edges between 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3. The fact that the value in v2 for vertex 4 is missing indicates that vertex 4 is isolated.

Also see

Online: [MV] mdsmat, [G] twoway_scatter, [G] twoway_pcspike