{smcl} {.-} help for netplot {.-} {title:netplot - Social Network Visualization} {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2} {cmdab:netplot} {it: var1 var2} {ifin} [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {title:Description} {opt netplot} produces a graphical representation of a network stored as an extended edgelist or arclist in {it: var1} and {it: var2}. {title:Options} {phang} {opt t:ype(string)} specifies the type of layout. Valid values are: {phang2} {opt circle}: vertices are arranged on a circle {phang2} {opt mds}: positions of vertices are calculated using multidimensional scaling. This is the default; omitting {opt type()} is equivalent to specifying {opt type(mds)}. {phang} {opt l:abel} specifies that vertices are to be labeled using their identifiers in {it: var1} and {it: var2} {phang} {opt a:rrows} specifies that arrows rather than lines are drawn between vertices. Arrows run from the vertex in {it: var1} to the vertex in {it: var2}. This option is useful for arclists that represent directed relations. {phang} {opt i:terations(#)} specifies the maximum number of iterations in the multidimensional scaling procedure. The default is {cmd: iterate(1000)}. {title:Remarks} {p} An extended edglelist or arclist is a set of two variables representing relations (i.e., edges (undirected) or arcs (undirected)) between entities (vertices). Vertices are identified by the entries in the cells. For example: {c TLC}{hline 9}{c -}{c TRC} {c |} {res} v1 v2 {txt}{c |} {c LT}{hline 9}{c -}{c RT} 1. {c |} {res} 1 2 {txt}{c |} 2. {c |} {res} 2 3 {txt}{c |} 3. {c |} {res} 4 . {txt}{c |} {c BLC}{hline 9}{c -}{c BRC} {p} represents relations among four vertices. There are edges between 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3. The fact that the value in v2 for vertex 4 is missing indicates that vertex 4 is isolated. {title:Also see} {psee} Online: {manhelp mdsmat MV}, {manhelp twoway_scatter G}, {manhelp twoway_pcspike G} {p_end}