/* This command is a minor modification version of makedlg from E. F. Haghish University of Göttingen haghish@med.uni-goesttingen.de https://github.com/haghish */ VERSION 14.0 POSITION . . 250 60 OK ok1, label("Yes") CANCEL can1, label("No") // Specify package license // https://help.github.com/articles/licensing-a-repository/ DIALOG nextcpkg, label("create package information") BEGIN // select installable files TEXT tx_summary3 10 10 @ ., label(".pkg file NOT found.") CHECKBOX cinst 10 +20 . ., option(cinst) default(1) /// label("Create pkg information") //TEXT tx_summary4 10 +20 . ., label("Create package information for installation?") END // --------------------------------------------------------- // nextcpkg COMMAND // ========================================================= PROGRAM command BEGIN put "nextcpkgdlg " put ", " option nextcpkg.cinst END