index of NJC's best Stata stuff (version 10 December 2012)  


This is a list of what I regard as my best Stata packages or commands that are in the public domain. If a help file is not accessible to you, use findit to find out where the files are. The help files carry details on people who kindly reported bugs or made useful suggestions. A fuller list is available at NJC stuff.

Contributor to official Stata commands

command version added --------------------------------- clonevar 8 update tostring 8 update ci 8 update (advisor) cumul 8 update ds 8 update levels 8 update (levelsof in 9 up) duplicates 8 split 8 ssc 7 update findit 7 update destring 7 egen 7 contract 6 separate 6 serrbar 6 spikeplot 6

Packages, mostly on SSC

General graphics commands

aaplot scatter plot with linear and/or quadratic fit, automati > cally annotated asciiplot graph ASCII character set in current graph font bandplot plot summary statistics of responses for bands of predi > ctors beamplot horizontal dotplots using beams binsm bin smoothing and summary on scatter plots catplot plots of categorical data ciplot plots of confidence intervals corrtable correlation matrix as graphical table cpyxplot twoway plots for each y vs each x cycleplot cycle plots (seasonal subseries plots) devnplot deviation plots diagsm diagonal smoothing distplot distribution function plots doublesm double smoothing dpplot density probability plots eofplot plot coefficients or loadings after PCA or factor analy > sis eqprhistogram equal probability histograms favplots formatted added-variable plot(s) fractileplot smoothing with distribution function predictors kaplansky graph examples of distributions of varying kurtosis linkplot linked scatter plots missingplot plot showing patterns of missing values in a dataset mlowess lowess smoothing with multiple predictors modeldiag model diagnostics after regression-type commands mrunning running line smoother (multivariable version) multqplot multiple quantile plots mylabels axis labels or ticks on specified scales pairplot plots of paired observations parplot parallel coordinates plots pdplot Pareto dot plots polarsm polar smoothing ppplot P-P plots qplot quantile plots rcspline restricted cubic spline smoothing running symmetric nearest neighbour smoothing sdline SD line (reduced major axis) skewplot skewness plots sliceplot time series or other plot in slices spineplot spine plots for two-way categorical data statplot plots of summary statistics stemplot stem-and-leaf plots stripplot strip plots tabplot two-way table shown as table of bars triplot triangular plots zmap binned scatter maps

Distribution fitting and plotting

qenv generate quantile envelopes for quantile-quantile plots betafit beta distribution pbeta qbeta dirifit Dirichlet distribution pexp exponential distribution qexp gammafit gamma distribution pgamma qgamma gumbelfit Gumbel distribution pgumbel qgumbel invgammafit inverse gamma distribution pinvgamma qinvgamma invgaussfit inverse Gaussian distribution pinvgauss qinvgauss weibullfit Weibull distribution pweibull qweibull qpfit Dagum, generalized beta (second kind), lognormal, Singh-Maddala distributions

Other statistics

bkrosenblatt Blum, Kiefer and Rosenblatt test of bivariate independe > nce cipolate cubic interpolation circular circular statistics concord concordance correlation corrci, corrcii correlation with z-based confidence intervals csipolate cubic spline interpolation diptest dip statistic to test for unimodality extremes list extreme values firstdigit first digits of numeric variables glmcorr correlation and RMS error for GLMs group1d grouping or clustering in one dimension hdquantile Harrell-Davis estimator of quantiles hsmode half-sample modes iquantile interpolated quantiles lmoments L-moments and derived statistics modes tabulation of modes moments moment-based statistics nnipolate nearest neighbour interpolation nruns number of runs compared with random shuffles omninorm omnibus test for univariate or multivariate normality pchipolate piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation qsbayes, qbayesi quasi-Bayes smoothing of categorical frequencies shorth descriptive statistics based on shortest halves tab_chi chitest, chitesti, tabsplit especially tkdensity kernel density estimation, calculation on transformed s > cale transint transformations help

Data management and programming

charlist list characters present in string variables distinct display number of distinct values of variables dropmiss dropping variables or observations with missing values egenmore extension to generate (more extras) fedit find and edit text file from within Stata findname list variables matching name patterns or other properti > es fixsort sort variables and align in sorted order fs show names of files in compact form groups list group frequencies labmask values or value labels of one variable as value labels > of another longshape reshape to long (limited alternative) moss multiple occurrences of substrings nmissing numbers of missing (or present) values rowranks row ranks of a set of variables rowsort row sort a set of variables seqvar assign integer numlists to variables tabcount tabulate frequencies tsspell identification of spells in time series tuples selecting all possible tuples from a list xtpatternvar generate variable describing panel patterns


C.F. Baum, M. Blasnik, E.A. Booth, A. Brady, J. Brogger, M.L. Buis, R. Goldstein, W. Gould, J.P. Gray, R.G. Gutierrez, S.P. Jenkins, S. Juul, P. van Kerm, U. Kohler, G. Longton, S. Merryman, R. Picard, B. Rising, G. Rossman, P. Royston, I.H. Salgado-Ugarte, P. Sasieni, M. Shimizu, N. Smeeton, T.J. Steichen, S. Stillman, T. Taniuchi, A. Tobias, Z. Wang, J. Weesie, J.B. Wernow, V. Wiggins, D.E. Williams, N. Winter, F. Wolfe and those contributing to the text editors FAQ


Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk