index of NJC's Stata stuff (version 10 December 2012) 


This is a list of my Stata packages or commands that are in the public domain. Most commonly you might want to search this file in the Viewer. If a help file is not accessible to you, use findit to find out where the files are. The help files carry details on people who kindly reported bugs or made useful suggestions. What I regard as my best packages and commands are listed thematically at NJC best stuff.

Contributor to official Stata commands

command version added --------------------------------- clonevar 8 update tostring 8 update ci 8 update (advisor) cumul 8 update ds 8 update levels 8 update (levelsof in 9 up) duplicates 8 split 8 ssc 7 update findit 7 update destring 7 egen 7 contract 6 separate 6 serrbar 6 spikeplot 6


OS means official Stata obs means obsolete pobs means partially obsolete sup means superseded psup means partially superseded + means good judgements assume availability of Stata 12

aaplot SSC (NJC) scatter plot with linear and/or quadratic fit, automatically annotated +

acplot SSC (NJC) autocorrelogram plots obs(OS ac)

adjacent SSC (NJC) list adjacent values of variables

adotype SSC (NJC) type ado file pobs(OS findfile)

allpossible SSC (NJC) fit all possible models with subsets of predictors

archutil ip29 stb52 (C.F. Baum, NJC) utilities for using SSC archive (1) obs(OS ssc)

archutil ip29_1 stb54 (NJC, C.F. Baum) utilities for using SSC archive (2) obs(OS ssc)

asciiplot SSC (M. Blasnik, S. Juul, NJC) graph ASCII character set in current graph font +

avplot2 SSC (NJC) added variable plots sup(favplots)

bandplot SSC (NJC) plot summary statistics of responses for bands of predictors +

barplot SSC (NJC) bar plots obs(OS graph)

barplot2 SSC (NJC) bar plots with optional error bars obs(OS graph)

bcoeff SSC (Z. Wang, NJC) save regression coefficients to new variable pobs(OS statsby)

beamplot SSC (NJC) horizontal dotplots using beams +

betafit SSC (M.L. Buis, NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit two-parameter beta distribution +

bincoverage www.stata.com/users/rgutierrez (R.G. Gutierrez, NJC) true coverage probabilities for binomial confidence intervals

binsm gr26 stb37 (NJC) bin smoothing and summary on scatter plots sup(SJ 6-1)

binsm gr26_1 sj6-1 (NJC) bin smoothing and summary on scatter plots (2) +

biv ip26 stb45 (NJC) bivariate results for each pair of variables in a list sup(makematrix)

bkrosenblatt SSC (NJC) Blum, Kiefer and Rosenblatt test of bivariate independence +

blogit2 SSC (NJC) grouped data logit with support for in obs(OS blogit)

bsmplot gr22 stb35 (NJC) binomial smoothing plots (1) sup(SJ 4-4)

bsmplot gr22_1 sj4-4 (NJC) binomial smoothing plots (2)

catenate SSC (NJC) concatenate variables into string variable obs(OS egen)

catplot SSC (NJC) plots of frequencies, fractions or percents of categorical data +

cbarplot SSC (NJC) centred bar plots of absolute or relative frequencies

cfvars SSC (NJC) compare variable name lists in two data sets

chaos SSC (NJC) iterate a logistic difference equation

charlist SSC (NJC) list characters present in string variable +

charutil SSC (NJC) utilities for working with characteristics

chplot gr16_1 stb36 (NJC) convex hull plots

cibplot SSC (NJC) bar-on-bar plots of confidence intervals

cihplot SSC (NJC) horizontally labelled plots showing confidence intervals obs(ciplot)

cij SSC (NJC) binomial confidence intervals using Jeffreys prior pobs(OS ci)

ciplot SSC (NJC) plots of confidence intervals +

cipolate SSC (NJC) cubic interpolation +

circstat www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) circular statistics (1) sup(SSC circular)

circstat SSC (NJC) circular statistics (2) sup(SSC circular)

circular SSC (NJC) circular statistics (3; for Stata 8 up) +

cistat SSC (NJC) confidence intervals in matrix form

civplot SSC (NJC) plot confidence intervals vertically obs(ciplot)

ciw SSC (NJC) binomial confidence intervals using Wilson scores obs(OS ci)

collfreq dm59 stb44 (NJC) collapsing datasets to frequencies sup(OS contract)

concord sg84 stb43 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (1) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord sg84_1 stb45 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (2) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord sg84_2 stb54 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (3) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord sg84_3 stb58 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (4) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015 sj2-2 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (5) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord SSC (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (6) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015_1 sj4-4 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (7) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015_2 sj5-3 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (8) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015_3 sj6-2 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (9) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015_4 sj7-3 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (10) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015_5 sj8-4 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (11) sup(SJ 10-4)

concord st0015_6 sj10-4 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) concordance correlation (12) +

condraw gr16_2 stb41 (J.P. Gray, NJC) convex hull plots

copydesc SSC (NJC) copy description of variable pobs(OS clonevar)

corrci, corrcii pr0041 sj8-3 (NJC) correlation with z-based confidence intervals (1) sup(SJ 10-4)

corrci, corrcii pr0041_1 sj10-4 (NJC) correlation with z-based confidence intervals (2) +

corrtable SSC (NJC) correlation matrix as graphical table +

countmatch SSC (NJC) count matching values for one variable in another

cp ip27 stb45 (NJC) results for all possible combinations of arguments sup(cpr)/pobs(foreach, forval)

cpcorr SSC (NJC) correlations for each row vs each column variable

cpr SSC (NJC) results for all possible combinations of arguments pobs(foreach, forval)

cpyxplot www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) scatter plots for each y vs each x variable (1) sup(SSC)

cpyxplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots for each y vs each x variable (2) +

cquantile SSC (NJC) generate corresponding quantiles

csipolate SSC (NJC) cubic spline interpolation +

ctabstat SSC (NJC) table of summary statistics

cycleplot SSC (NJC) cycle plots (month plots or seasonal subseries plots) see also SJ 6-3

cycleplot, sliceplot gr0025 sj6-3 (NJC) cycle plot, slice plot +

destring dm45 stb37 (NJC, W. Gould) change string variables to numeric (1) sup(OS destring)

destring dm45_1 stb49 (NJC) change string variables to numeric (2) sup(OS destring)

destring dm45_2 stb52 (NJC) change string variables to numeric (3) sup(OS destring)

devnplot SSC (NJC) deviation plots +

diagsm, doublesm, polarsm gr0021 sj5-4 (NJC) diagonal, double and polar smoothing sup(SJ 10-1)

diagsm, doublesm, polarsm gr0021_1 sj10-1 (NJC) diagonal, double and polar smoothing +

diplot SSC (NJC) double interval plot

diptest SSC (NJC) dip statistic to test for unimodality +

dirifit SSC (M.L. Buis, NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit Dirichlet distribution +

disjoint SSC (NJC) demarcating disjoint spells

dissim SSC (NJC) dissimilarity index

distinct SSC (G. Longton, NJC) display number of distinct values of variables +

distinct dm0042 sj8-4 (G. Longton, NJC) display number of distinct values of variables sup(SJ 12-2)

distinct dm0042_1 sj12-2 (G. Longton, NJC) display number of distinct values of variables +

distplot SSC (NJC) distribution function plots (1) sup(SJ 10-1)

distplot gr41 stb51 (NJC) distribution function plots (2) sup(SJ 10-1)

distplot gr41_1 sj3-2 (NJC) distribution function plots (3) sup(SJ 10-1)

distplot gr41_2 sj3-4 (NJC) distribution function plots (4) sup(SJ 10-1)

distplot gr41_3 sj5-3 (NJC) distribution function plots (5) sup(SJ 10-1)

distplot gr41_4 sj10-1 (NJC) distribution function plots (6) +

dlist SSC (NJC) list with variable labels

domdiag SSC (NJC) dominance diagrams

doubmass SSC (NJC) double mass plots

dpplot SSC (NJC) density probability plots sup(SJ 7-4)

dpplot gr0012 sj5-2 (NJC) density probability plots sup(SJ 7-4)

dpplot gr0012_1 sj7-4 (NJC) density probability plots +

dropmiss dm89 stb60 (NJC) dropping variables or observations with missing values sup(SJ 8-4)

dropmiss dm89_1 sj8-4 (NJC) dropping variables or observations with missing values +

ds2 SSC (NJC) describe variables in memory (for Stata 6) sup(OS ds, findname)

ds2 dm78 stb56 (NJC) describe variables in memory (for Stata 6) sup(OS ds, findname)

ds2 dm78_1 stb60 (NJC) describe variables in memory (for Stata 7) sup(OS ds, findname)

ds3 SSC (NJC) describe variables in memory (for Stata 7) sup(OS ds, findname)

ds5 SSC (NJC) describe variables in memory (for Stata 5) sup(OS ds, findname)

dummies SSC (NJC) families of dummy variables obs(foreach)

dummieslab SSC (P. van Kerm, NJC) dummy variables using value labels

dups SSC (T.J. Steichen, NJC) identify and optionally remove duplicate observations (1) sup(OS duplicates)

dups dm53 stb41 (T.J. Steichen, NJC) identify and optionally remove duplicate observations (2) sup(OS duplicates)

egen extensions dm70 stb50 (NJC) egen extensions) pobs(OS egen)

egen extensions dm70_1 stb57 (NJC) egen extensions (update) pobs(OS egen)

egen rank dm72 stb51 (NJC, R. Goldstein) alternative ranking procedures sup(OS egen)

egen rank dm72_1 stb52 (NJC, R. Goldstein) alternative ranking procedures (update) sup(OS egen)

egenmore SSC (NJC, C.F. Baum, U. Kohler, S. Stillman, N. Winter) more egen functions +

egenodd www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) egen extensions sup(STB 50, 57)

eofplot SSC (NJC) plot coefficients or loadings after principal component or factor analysis +

eqprhistogram SSC (NJC) equal probability histograms +

ewma SSC (NJC) exponentially weighted moving average obs(OS tssmooth)

examples SSC (NJC) show examples from on-line help files

expandby SSC (NJC) duplicate observations by variable

extremes SSC (NJC) list extreme values of a variable +

favplots SSC (NJC) formatted added-variable plot(s) +

fbar SSC (NJC) bar charts showing frequencies of categorical variables obs(OS graph, catplot)

fedit SSC (NJC) find and edit text file from within Stata +

filei SSC (NJC) write lines to end or beginning of text files

findname SSC (NJC) list variables matching name patterns or other properties sup(SJ 12-1)

findname dm0048 sj10-2 (NJC) list variables matching name patterns or other properties sup(SJ 12-1)

findname dm0048_1 sj10-4 (NJC) list variables matching name patterns or other properties sup(SJ 12-1)

findname dm0048_2 sj12-1 (NJC) list variables matching name patterns or other properties +

firstdigit SSC (NJC) first digits of numeric variables +

fixsort SSC (NJC) sort and align variables, others fixed in position +

flower SSC (T.J. Steichen, NJC) sunflower plots obs(OS graph)

fndmtch SSC (NJC, D.E. Williams) find matching values

fndmtch2 SSC (NJC) find matching values for one variable in another sup(SSC countmatch)

fractileplot SSC (NJC) smoothing with respect to distribution function predictors +

fs SSC (NJC) show names of files in compact form +

fsx SSC (G. Rossman, NJC) show names of files in compact form (Unix variant)

gammafit SSC (NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit two-parameter gamma distribution +

genfreq SSC (NJC) frequency distribution for a variable obs(OS graph)

ghistcum SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC) histograms with cumulative distribution obs(OS graph)

glmcorr SSC (NJC) correlation measure of predictive power for GLMs +

group1d SSC (NJC) grouping or clustering in one dimension +

groups SSC (NJC) list group frequencies +

gumbelfit SSC (NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit two-parameter Gumbel distribution +

hansen2 SSC (NJC) Hansen's test for parameter instability

hbar SSC (NJC) horizontal bar charts obs(OS graph)

hbox SSC (NJC) horizontal box plots obs(OS graph)

hdquantile SSC (NJC) Harrell-Davis estimator of quantiles +

histplot SSC (NJC) histograms obs(OS graph)

hlist SSC (NJC) horizontally listing values

hlpdir SSC (NJC) find location(s) of help file pobs(OS findfile)

hplot SSC (NJC) horizontal plots obs(OS graph)

hsmode SSC (NJC) half-sample modes +

ineq SSC (NJC) measures of inequality

invgammafit SSC (NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit two-parameter inverse gamma distribution +

invgaussfit SSC (NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit two-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution +

iquantile SSC (NJC) interpolated quantiles +

irrepro SSC (NJC) simulation of irreproducible results

isvar SSC (NJC) filter names into variable names and others

kaplansky SSC (NJC) graph examples of distributions of varying kurtosis +

kernreg2 SSC (NJC, I.H. Salgado-Ugarte, M. Shimizu, T. Taniuchi) kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson estimator) obs(OS lpoly)

keyplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots with keys in user-chosen positions obs(OS graph)

labgen SSC (NJC) generate or replace variables with definitions copied to variable labels

labmask gr0034 sj8-2 (NJC) values or value labels of one variable as value labels of another +

labutil SSC (NJC) managing value and variable labels

lambda SSC (NJC) Goodman and Kruskal's lambda measures for two-way tables

levels SSC (NJC) distinct levels of integer or string variable sup(OS levelsof)

linkplot SSC (NJC) linked (connected) scatter plots + (note also OS pcarrow, etc.)

listutil SSC (NJC) manipulate lists of words pobs(OS foreach, forval, macrolists)

ljs SSC (NJC) left-justify string variables for printing obs(OS format)

lmoments SSC (NJC) L-moments and derived statistics +

log2html SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC, B. Rising) produce HTML log files

longplot SSC (Z. Wang, NJC) exploratory plots for longitudinal data pobs(linkplot, OS)

longshape SSC (NJC) reshape to long (limited alternative) +

loopplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots with loops

lstack SSC (NJC) stack variables with labelled _stack

majority SSC (NJC) majority calculations for real or hypothetical elections

makematrix SSC (NJC) make a matrix of results from other commands

marker SSC (NJC) generate indicator variable marking desired sample

markov SSC (NJC) generate Markov probabilities pobs(OS xttrans, xttrans2)

matmap SSC (NJC) elementwise calculations for matrices pobs(OS Mata)

matmore dm79 stb56 (NJC) yet more new matrix commands pobs(OS Mata)

matodd www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) various matrix tasks pobs(OS Mata)

matodd dm69 stb50 (NJC) various matrix tasks pobs(OS Mata)

matodd SSC (NJC) various matrix tasks psup(STB 50); pobs(OS Mata)

matrixof SSC (NJC) matrix or vector of results for paired or single variables sup(makematrix)

matvsort SSC (NJC) sorting vectors or rows or columns of matrices pobs(OS Mata)

mdensity SSC (NJC) univariate kernel density estimation, for variables or groups

missingplot SSC (NJC) plot showing patterns of missing values in a dataset +

mlowess SSC (NJC) lowess smoothing with multiple predictors +

mnthplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots for monthly data with repetition of data

modeldiag SSC (NJC) generate graphics after regression (also SJ 4-4)

modeldiag gr0009 sj4-4 (NJC) generate graphics after regression sup(SJ 10-1)

modeldiag gr0009_1 sj10-1 (NJC) generate graphics after regression +

modes sg113 stb50 (NJC) tabulation of modes (1) sup(SJ 9-4)

modes sg113_1 sj3-2 (NJC) tabulation of modes (2) sup(SJ 9-4)

modes sg113_2 sj9-4 (NJC) tabulation of modes (3) +

moments SSC (NJC) moment-based statistics +

moreobs SSC (NJC) add observations to dataset

moss SSC (R. Picard, NJC) multiple occurrences of substrings +

movsumm sg85 stb44 (NJC) moving summaries obs(OS rolling)

mrunning gr0017 sj5-3 (P. Royston, NJC) multivariable scatterplot smoother +

msplot SSC (NJC) multiple median-spline plots

mstdize SSC (NJC) marginal standardization of two-way tables

multencode SSC (NJC) encode multiple string variables into numeric

multqplot gr0053 sj12-3 (NJC) multiple quantile plots +

muxplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots with y vs multiple x variables obs(OS graph)

muxyplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots with multiple x and y variables obs(OS graph)

mvcorr SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC) moving-window correlation or autocorrelation in time series pobs(OS rolling)

mvsumm SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC) moving-window descriptive statistics in time series pobs(OS rolling)

mylabels SSC (NJC, S. Merryman) axis labels or ticks on transformed scales +

mypkg SSC (NJC) inform on packages installed over net

nbfit SSC (NJC, R.G. Gutierrez) fitting negative binomial distribution by maximum likelihood

nearest SSC (NJC) calculate nearest neighbours from point coordinates

nicedates SSC (NJC) nice dates, especially for time series graphs

nmissing dm67 stb49 (NJC) numbers of missing and present values (1) sup(SSC)

nmissing dm67_1 stb60 (NJC) numbers of missing and present values (2) sup(SJ 5-4)

nmissing dm67_2 sj3-4 (NJC) numbers of missing and present values (3) sup(SJ 5-4)

nmissing SSC (NJC) numbers of missing and present values (4) also SJ 5-4

nmissing dm67_3 sj5-4 (NJC) numbers of missing and present values (5) + (but cf. OS misstable)

nnipolate SSC (NJC) nearest neighbour interpolation +

nruns st0044_1 sj6-4 (N. Smeeton, NJC) number of runs compared with random shuffles +

ntimeofday, stimeofday dm0018 sj6-1 (NJC) generate time of day variables pobs(OS dates and times)

nvars SSC (NJC) count number of variables obs(OS describe, c(k))

omninorm SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC) omnibus test for univariate or multivariate normality + (but cf. OS mvtest normality)

onewplot SSC (NJC) oneway plots (for Stata 6) sup(SSC stripplot)

onewayplot SSC (NJC) oneway plots (for Stata 8) sup(SSC stripplot)

ordplot SSC (NJC) cumulative distribution plots of ordinal variable sup(SSC distplot)

outfix2 SSC (NJC) output formatted data obs(OS file)

panelthin SSC (NJC) identify observations for possible thinned panel dataset

pairplot SSC (NJC) paired observations plots +

parplot SSC (NJC) parallel coordinates plots +

pbeta SSC (NJC) probability plots for data vs fitted beta distribution +

pchipolate SSC (NJC) piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation +

pdplot SSC (NJC) Pareto dot plots +

personage SSC (NJC) calculate people's ages or similar daily date differences

pexp SSC (NJC) probability plots for data vs fitted exponential distribution +

pgamma SSC (NJC) probability plots for data vs fitted gamma distribution +

pieplot SSC (NJC) plot pie charts of categorical frequencies

ppplot SSC (NJC) P-P plots +

psbayes SSC (NJC) pseudo-Bayes smoothing of cell estimates sup(SJ qsbayes)

pwcorrw SSC (NJC) print wide correlation matrix with significance indicators

pweibull SSC (NJC) probability plots for data vs fitted Weibull distribution +

qbeta SSC (NJC) quantile-quantile plots for data vs fitted beta distribution +

qenv: qenvnormal, qenvgamma SSC (NJC) generate quantile envelopes for quantile-quantile plots +

qexp SSC (NJC) quantile-quantile plots for data vs fitted exponential distribution +

qgamma SSC (NJC) quantile-quantile plots for data vs fitted gamma distribution +

qlognorm SSC (NJC) diagnostic plots for lognormal distribution sup(SSC qpfit)

qpfit SSC (NJC) various quantile and probability plots for assessing distribution fit +

qplot gr42_2 sj4-1 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (4) sup(SJ 12-1)

qplot gr42_3 sj5-3 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (5) sup(SJ 12-1)

qplot gr42_4 sj6-4 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (6) sup(SJ 12-1)

qplot gr42_5 sj10-4 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (7) sup(SJ 12-1)

qplot gr42_6 sj12-1 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (8) +

qqplot2 SSC (NJC) quantile-quantile plots obs(OS qqplot)

qsbayes, qsbayesi st0168 sj9-2 (NJC) quasi-Bayes smoothing +

quantil2 gr42 stb51 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (1) sup(SJ 12-1 qplot)

quantil2 gr42_1 stb61 (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (2) sup(SJ 12-1 qplot)

quantil2 SSC (NJC) quantile plots, generalized (3) sup(SJ 12-1 qplot)

qweibull SSC (NJC) quantile-quantile plots for data vs fitted Weibull distribution +

rcspline SSC (NJC) restricted cubic spline smoothing +

regresby SSC (NJC) generate regression residuals by byvarlist pobs(OS foreach, forval)

renames SSC (NJC) rename variables sup(renvars, OS rename)

rensfix dm83 stb59 (S.P. Jenkins, NJC) rename variables and change suffix sup(renvars, OS rename)

renvars dm88 stb60 (NJC, J. Weesie) rename variables, multiply and systematically psup(OS rename)

renvars dm88_1 sj5-4 (NJC, J. Weesie) rename variables, multiply and systematically (2) psup(OS rename)

reorder SSC (NJC) reorder variables in dataset, reversibly

roman SSC (NJC) handling Roman numerals and decimal equivalents sup(SJ 11-1)

roman dm0053 sj11-1 (NJC) handling Roman numerals and decimal equivalents

romantoarabic SSC (NJC) converting Roman numerals to arabic numbers sup(roman)

rowranks SSC (NJC) row ranks of a set of variables sup(SJ 9-1)

rowranks pr0046 sj9-1 (NJC) row ranks of a set of variables +

rowsort SSC (NJC) row sort a set of integer variables sup(SJ 9-1)

rowsort pr0046 sj9-1 (NJC) row sort a set of variables +

running sed9_2 sj5-2 (P. Sasieni, P. Royston, NJC) symmetric nearest neighbor linear smoothers sup(SSC)

running SSC (P. Sasieni, P. Royston, NJC) symmetric nearest neighbor linear smoothers +

safedrop SSC (NJC) drop variables if and only if varnames specified in full

savesome SSC (NJC) save subset of data

sbplot SSC (NJC) scatter plots, one y variable shown by vertical bars (for Stata 6) obs(OS graph)

sbplot5 SSC (NJC) scatter plots, one y variable shown by vertical bars (for Stata 5) obs(OS graph)

scat3 SSC (NJC) crude 3-dimensional graphics

sdline SSC (NJC) SD line (reduced major axis) +

selectvars SSC (NJC) selecting all possible n-tuples from a varlist sup(SSC tuples)

seq dm44 stb37 (NJC) generate sequences of integers obs(OS egen)

seq SSC (NJC) generate sequences of integers obs(OS egen)

seqvar gr0034 sj8-2 (NJC) assign integer numlists to variables +

shorth SSC (NJC) descriptive statistics based on shortest halves +

showgph SSC (J. Brogger, NJC) show graphs previously saved

shownear SSC (NJC) show nearby values of numeric variable

Singh-Maddala etc. gr35 stb48 (NJC) plots for assessing Singh-Maddala and Dagum distributions sup(qpfit)

skewplot SSC (NJC) skewness plots +

sliceplot SSC (NJC) time series or other plot in slices see also SJ 6-3

slideplot SSC (NJC) sliding bar plots for frequencies or percents

sparl SSC (NJC) scatter plots with y-x regression line pobs(OS graph); sup(aaplot)

spautoc SSC (NJC) spatial autocorrelation (Moran and Geary measures)

spell SSC (NJC, R. Goldstein) identification of spells or runs of similar values pobs(tsspell)

spikeplt SSC (NJC, A. Brady) spike plots showing fine structure of the data (1) sup(OS spikeplot)

spikeplt gr25 stb36 (NJC, A. Brady) spike plots showing fine structure of the data (2) sup(OS spikeplot)

spikeplt gr25_1 stb40 (NJC, A. Brady) spike plots showing fine structure of the data (3) sup(OS spikeplot)

spineplot SSC (NJC) spine plots for two-way categorical data see SJ 8-1

spineplot gr0031 sj8-1 (NJC) spine plots for two-way categorical data +

split SSC (NJC) splitting string variables into parts sup(OS split)

sqr SSC (NJC) make graphs square, or any other shape obs(OS graph)

sssplot SSC (NJC) seasonal subseries plots sup(cycleplot)

statplot SSC (E.A. Booth, NJC) plots of summary statistics +

statsmat SSC (NJC, C.F. Baum) descriptive statistics in matrix

stbget SSC (NJC) get packages from Stata Technical Bulletin

stemplot gr0028 sj7-3 (NJC) stem-and-leaf plots +

sto SSC (NJC) toggle trace switch obs(OS trace)

storecmd SSC (NJC) store and repeat commands using characteristics

strgen SSC (NJC) generate string variables without knowing string type obs(OS generate)

stripplot SSC (NJC) strip plots +

strparse SSC (M. Blasnik, NJC) parse string variables obs(OS split)

stylerules SSC (NJC) suggestions on programming style sup(see SJ 5: 560-566, 2005)

summdate SSC (NJC) summarizing date variable

swapval SSC (NJC) swapping values of two variables

swor dm86 stb59 (NJC) sampling without replacement (1) pobs(OS sample)

swor dm0086_1 sj5-1 (NJC) sampling without replacement (2) pobs(OS sample)

sxpose SSC (NJC) transpose string variable dataset

t2way5 SSC (NJC) Tukey's two-way analysis by medians (update of t2way)

tab2i sg57 stb33 (NJC) immediate command for two-way tables sup(tab_chi)

tab_chi www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) tabulation and chi-square tasks (1) sup(SSC)

tab_chi SSC (NJC) tabulation and chi-square tasks (2) + (chitest/chitesti/tabsplit)

taba SSC (NJC) tabulation of frequencies

tabcond SSC (NJC) tabulate frequencies satisfying specified conditions

tabcount SSC (NJC) tabulate frequencies, with zeros explicit +

tabexport SSC (NJC) export tables of summary statistics to text files

tabhbar SSC (NJC) table of frequencies as horizontal bar chart obs(catplot)

tabhplot SSC (NJC) table of frequencies as horizontal plots obs(catplot)

tablab SSC (NJC) autocrosstabulate a variable pobs(OS numlabel)

tablepc SSC (NJC) percent calculation prior to table

tableplot SSC (NJC) graphical display in two-way table format

tabmerge SSC (NJC) tabulate report on merge

tabplot SSC (NJC) table of frequencies as table of bars +

tails www.stata.com/meetings/6uk (NJC) plotting and fitting distributions with long or heavy tails

textbarplot SSC (NJC) horizontal text and bar plot use labmask and seqvar instead

text editors texteditors.html some notes on text editors for Stata users

tkdensity SSC (NJC) kernel density estimation, calculation on transformed scale +

todate SSC (NJC) generate date variables from run-together date variables psup(OS date())

tolower SSC (NJC) rename variables with lower case names sup(renvars; OS rename)

tomode SSC (NJC, F. Wolfe) change values of a variable to mode(s) sup(STB 50, OS egen)

topichlp www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) help files on various general topics sup(SSC)

torats SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC) facilitate transfer of data to RATS

tostring www.stata.com/users/jwernow (NJC, J.B. Wernow) change numeric variables to string sup(OS tostring)

tostring dm80 stb56 (NJC, J.B. Wernow) change numeric variables to string sup(OS tostring)

tostring dm80_1 stb57 (NJC, J.B. Wernow) change numeric variables to string (update) sup(OS tostring)

tpvar SSC (NJC) turning-point variable for graphics labelling obs(OS graph)

transint SSC (NJC) help files for transformations +

triplot SSC (NJC) triangular plots +

tsgraph SSC (NJC, C.F. Baum) time series line graphs obs(OS graph)

tsspell SSC (NJC) identification of spells or runs in time series +

tuples SSC (NJC) selecting all possible tuples from a list +

univstat www.stata.com/users/njc (NJC) summary statistics in matrix form (1) sup(SSC)

univstat SSC (NJC) summary statistics in matrix form (2)

vallab SSC (NJC) pack values and labels into a new string variable pobs(OS numlabel)

vallist dm90 stb60 (NJC) listing distinct values of a variable sup(OS levelsof)

variog SSC (NJC) calculate and graph semi-variograms

vbar gr24 stb36 (NJC) vertical bar charts (1) obs(OS graph, catplot)

vbar gr24_1 stb40 (NJC) vertical bar charts (2) obs(OS graph, catplot)

vclose SSC (NJC) close viewer windows

vplplot SSC (NJC) paired data plots sup(pairplot)

vreverse SSC (NJC) reverse existing categorical variable

wbull SSC (NJC) fit Weibull distribution by maximum likelihood sup(weibullfit)

weibullfit SSC (NJC, S.P. Jenkins) fit two-parameter Weibull distribution +

whitetst SSC (C.F. Baum, NJC) tests for heteroskedasticity in regression error distribution sup(STB 55)

whitetst sg137 stb55 (C.F. Baum, NJC, V. Wiggins) tests for heteroskedasticity in regression error distribution psup(OS imtest)

winsor SSC (NJC) Winsorize a variable

xcorplot SSC (NJC, A. Tobias) calculate and graph cross-correlation function obs(OS xcor)

xtpattern SSC (NJC) code showing pattern of xt data

xtpatternvar SSC (NJC) generate variable describing panel patterns +

xttrans2 SSC (NJC) tables of transition probabilities

zmap SSC (NJC) binned scatter maps +


Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk