help nopomatch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title nopomatch -- Decomposition of Nopo (2008)

Syntax nopomatch matchvar [matchvar(s)] [if] , outcome(varname) by(varname) [options]

Parameters matchvar(s): list of variables used to match observations of the groups defined by by(). outcome: outcome for which the gap will be computed. (e.g.: wage) by: dummy (0/1) that discriminates the sample to perform the computation of the gap. (e.g.: gender).

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main sd computes standard deviations. replace deletes the _match and _supp variables previously created (if any). reportby(varname) split the results for different groups of observations. fact(factor-variable) specifies the use of frequency weights. filename(file-name) saves output in STATA file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description nopomatch -- module to decompose the gap in an outcome between two groups using matching, following the methodology developed by Nopo (2008). nopomatch performs the matching, computes the gap decomposition and provides the standard deviation of the unexplained component of the gap.

Options +------+ ----+ Main +------------------------------------------------------------- sd computes standard deviations of the unexplained components of the gap. Note that the usage of this option substancially increases significantly the computation time.

replace deletes the _match and _supp variables previously created (if any).

reportby(varname) repeats the command for each group of observations of each category of varname.

fact(varname) specifies the use of a weighting factor variable (frequency weight) in the data.

filename(string) creates an output STATA file (string.dta) with the results of the decomposition.


A typical output of the nopomatch module looks like this:

**************************************************** ***** Gap in matchvar(s) decomposition ****************************************************

D = # is the total gap, the difference between averages in the outcome-variable of the comparing groups. It is expressed as a percentage of the average of outcome-variable for the group in which by-variable=0 D0= # is the unexplained part of the gap. DM= # is the part of the gap that can be explained by the differences in characteristics between two groups of the individuals with by-variable=1, that are in and out of the common support of the variables defined by match-variable(s) DF= # is the part of the gap that can be explained by the differences in characteristics between two groups of the individuals with by-variable=0, that are in and out of the common support of the variables defined by match-variable(s) DX= # is the part of the gap that can be explained by differences in the distribution of characteristics of the two groups discriminated by by-variable in the common support of the variables defined by match-variable(s) **************************************************** percM= # is the percentage of the individuals with by-variable=1 that are in the common support of the variables defined by match-variable(s) percF= # is the percentage of the individuals with by-variable=0 that are in the common support of the variables defined by match-variable(s) ****************************************************

Note that D = DO + DM + DF + DX. For technical details see Nopo (2008).


. nopomatch age education, outcome(wage) by(male)

. nopomatch age education, outcome(wage) by(male) fact(freqweight) sd replace filename(example1)

. nopomatch age education occupation sector, outcome(wage) by(male) fact(freqweight) reportby(education)

. nopomatch age education occupation sector, outcome(wage) by(male) sd replace fact(freqweight) reportby(firmsize) filename(example2)


Nopo, H. 2008. Matching as a Tool to Decompose Wage Gaps Review of Economics an > d Statistics, 90(2): 290-299.


This code was built from previous versions developed by Sebastian Calónico and > Luana Marques.


This program is provided without warranty of any kind. The authors are not resp > onsible for any cost derived by the usage of this program.


Atal, Juan Pablo; Hoyos, Alejandro and Hugo Nopo. If you observe any problems m >