{smcl} {* *! version 1.1.0 24may2010} {cmd:help nopomatch} {hline} {title:Title} {phang} {bf:nopomatch} {hline 2} Decomposition of Nopo (2008) {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmdab:nopomatch} {it:matchvar} [{it:matchvar(s)}] [if] {cmd:,} outcome({it:varname}) by({it:varname}) [{it:options}] {title:Parameters} {synoptset 30 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{it: matchvar(s):}} list of variables used to match observations of the groups defined by {it:by()}.{p_end} {synopt:{it: outcome:}} outcome for which the gap will be computed. (e.g.: wage){p_end} {synopt:{it: by:}} dummy (0/1) that discriminates the sample to perform the computation of the gap. (e.g.: gender).{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {synoptset 30 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {syntab:Main} {synopt:{opt sd}} computes standard error. {p_end} {synopt:{opt replace}} deletes the _match and _supp variables previously created (if any).{p_end} {synopt:{opt reportby(varname)}} split the results for different groups of observations.{p_end} {synopt:{opt fact(factor-variable)}} specifies the use of frequency weights.{p_end} {synopt:{opt filename(file-name)}} saves output in STATA file.{p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:nopomatch} {hline 2} module to decompose the gap in an outcome between two groups using matching, following the methodology developed by Nopo (2008). {cmd:nopomatch} performs the matching, computes the gap decomposition and provides the standard error of the unexplained component of the gap. {title:Options} {dlgtab:Main} {phang} {cmdab:sd} computes standard error of the unexplained components of the gap. Note that the usage of this option substancially increases significantly the computation time. {phang} {cmdab:replace} deletes the _match and _supp variables previously created (if any). {phang} {cmdab:reportby}{cmd:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} repeats the command for each group of observations of each category of {it:varname}. {phang} {cmdab:fact}{cmd:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} specifies the use of a weighting factor variable (frequency weight) in the data. {phang} {cmdab:filename}{cmd:(}{it:string}{cmd:)} creates an output STATA file ({it:string.dta}) with the results of the decomposition. {title:Output} {pstd} A typical output of the {cmd:nopomatch} module looks like this: **************************************************** ***** Gap in {it:matchvar(s)} decomposition **************************************************** {synoptset 10 tabbed} {synopt: D = # }is the total gap, the difference between averages in the outcome-variable of the comparing groups. It is expressed as a percentage of the average of outcome-variable for the group in which by-variable=0{p_end} {synopt: D0= # }is the unexplained part of the gap.{p_end} {synopt: DM= # }is the part of the gap that can be explained by the differences in characteristics between two groups of the individuals with by-variable=1, that are in and out of the common support of the variables defined by {it:match-variable(s)}{p_end} {synopt: DF= # }is the part of the gap that can be explained by the differences in characteristics between two groups of the individuals with by-variable=0, that are in and out of the common support of the variables defined by {it:match-variable(s)}{p_end} {synopt: DX= # }is the part of the gap that can be explained by differences in the distribution of characteristics of the two groups discriminated by by-variable in the common support of the variables defined by {it:match-variable(s)}{p_end} **************************************************** {synopt: percM= # }is the percentage of the individuals with {it:by-variable}=1 that are in the common support of the variables defined by {it:match-variable(s)}{p_end} {synopt: percF= # }is the percentage of the individuals with {it:by-variable}=0 that are in the common support of the variables defined by {it:match-variable(s)}{p_end} **************************************************** {p2colreset} Note that D = DO + DM + DF + DX. For technical details see Nopo (2008). {title:Examples} {pstd} {phang}{cmd:. nopomatch age education, outcome(wage) by(male)} {phang}{cmd:. nopomatch age education, outcome(wage) by(male) fact(freqweight) sd replace filename(example1)} {phang}{cmd:. nopomatch age education occupation sector, outcome(wage) by(male) fact(freqweight) reportby(education)} {phang}{cmd:. nopomatch age education occupation sector, outcome(wage) by(male) sd replace fact(freqweight) reportby(firmsize) filename(example2)} {title:References} {pstd} Nopo, H. 2008. Matching as a Tool to Decompose Wage Gaps {it:Review of Economics and Statistics}, 90(2): 290-299. {title:Acknowledgements} {pstd} This code was built from previous versions developed by Sebastian Calónico and Luana Marques. {title:Disclaimer} {pstd} This program is provided without warranty of any kind. The authors are not responsible for any cost derived by the usage of this program. {title:Authors} {pstd} Atal, Juan Pablo; Hoyos, Alejandro and Hugo Nopo. If you observe any problems {browse "mailto:hugon@iadb.org"}