*! version 1.0.6 10Aug2022 program define nstagemenu version 10.0 if "`1'"!="off" & "`1'"!="on" { di in red "invalid syntax, enter nstagemenu on or nstagemenu off" exit 198 } if "`1'"=="off" { window menu clear global S_NSTAGEMENU di as txt "{hline 60}" _n "The menubar has been changed." _n /// "NOTE THAT ALL ADDITIONS TO THE USER MENU HAVE BEEN CLEARED." _n "{hline 60}" exit } if "$S_NSTAGEMENU"=="on" { di as txt "n-stage trial design menu already on. Type nstagemenu off to turn off." exit } global S_NSTAGEMENU "on" window menu append submenu "stUser" "n-stage trial" window menu append item "n-stage trial" "Multi stage trial designs" "db nstage" window menu refresh di as txt _n "nstage version 5.0, October 2021." _n di as txt "Software written at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London." di as txt "{hline 64}" _n "n-stage trial design menu on. The menubar has been changed." _n "{hline 64}" end