Generating numeric identifiers for neighbours ---------------------------------------------
^numids5^ locivar locjvar, ^gen(^numid1var numid2var^)^
Description -----------
^nunids5^ converts spatial neighbourhood information of the form
locivar locjvar ------- ------- 123 456 678 901
or of the form
"TX" "OK" "TX" "NM"
that is, using any numeric or string identifiers, into identifiers that are observation numbers 1, ..., _N. The order will be the sort order of locivar.
Remarks -------
^numids5^ is a utility for users of ^spautoc5^.
It is assumed that every pair of neighbours is recorded twice, once as i and j, once as j and i. If not, use ^dupneigh5^ first.
Options -------
^gen(^numid1var numid2var^)^ specifies two new variables to contain numeric identifiers. It is a required option.
Examples --------
. ^numids5 i j , gen(ni nj)^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Also see ---------
On-line: help for @spautoc5@, @dupneigh5@, @neigh5@