{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.0 12jun2017}{...} {title:Title} {p2colset 9 18 22 2}{...} {p2col :nw_fromlist {hline 2} Build a network from a list (long data)} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmdab: nw_fromlist} [{it:{help netname}}] [{cmd:,} {opt node()} {opt id()} {opt direction()} {opt binary} {opt normalize} ] {synoptset 25 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {synopt:{opt node(varname)}} Indicate the node variable. Required {synopt:{opt id(varname)}} Indicate Individual variable (if the network is the sum of individual networks) . {synopt:{opt dir:ection(varname)}} Indicate the order variable of linkages for directed networks . {synopt:{opt norm:alize}} Build a normalized network (max weight=1). {synopt:{opt bin:ary}} Build a binary network (all edges' weights set to 1. {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} Builds a network from a list (long data) of individuals position on nodes. Returns the squared (weighted) adjacency matrix of nodes. Previous dataset is deleted. {pstd} By default, it computes weighted non-normalized networks, as the sum of individual on each edge. {pstd} A directed network might be specified if the positions follow a sequential order, with the option {cmd:directed({it:order})}. {pstd} {cmd:nwcluster} also returns the number of nodes and of individuals composing the network. {pstd} This is the alorithm to build French multinational enteprises' network from the list of foreign affiliates in Joyez (2017) {it:On The Topological Structure of Multinationals Network}, Phys.A(473C) {title:Examples} *Countries network by enterprises nwclear input byte ent str4 iso3 float(year var4) str1 var5 1 "AUT" 1 5 "a" 1 "USA" 2 5 "a" 2 "USA" 1 5 "a" 2 "GBR" 1 5 "a" 3 "GBR" 2 5 "a" 3 "FRA" 2 5 "a" 3 "ESP" 1 5 "a" 4 "ESP" 1 5 "a" 4 "ITA" 1 5 "a" 4 "USA" 2 5 "a" 4 "USA" 3 5 "a" . "USA" 3 . "" 4 "" 3 . "" end {cmd:. nw_fromlist test,node(iso3) id(ent)} {cmd:. nwplot } *Countries network by enterprises through time nwclear input byte ent str4 iso3 float(year var4) str1 var5 1 "AUT" 1 5 "a" 1 "USA" 2 5 "a" 2 "USA" 1 5 "a" 2 "GBR" 1 5 "a" 3 "GBR" 2 5 "a" 3 "FRA" 2 5 "a" 3 "ESP" 1 5 "a" 4 "ESP" 1 5 "a" 4 "ITA" 1 5 "a" 4 "USA" 2 5 "a" 4 "USA" 3 5 "a" . "USA" 3 . "" 4 "" 3 . "" end {cmd:. nw_fromlist test,node(iso3) id(ent) direction(year)} {cmd:. nwplot } *Firms network by countries nwclear input byte ent str4 iso3 float(year var4) str1 var5 1 "AUT" 1 5 "a" 1 "USA" 2 5 "a" 2 "USA" 1 5 "a" 2 "GBR" 1 5 "a" 3 "GBR" 2 5 "a" 3 "FRA" 2 5 "a" 3 "ESP" 1 5 "a" 4 "ESP" 1 5 "a" 4 "ITA" 1 5 "a" 4 "USA" 2 5 "a" 4 "USA" 3 5 "a" . "USA" 3 . "" 4 "" 3 . "" end {cmd:. nw_fromlist test,node(ent) id(iso3)} {cmd:. nwplot } {title:Saved results} {pstd}{cmd:nw_fromlist} saves the following in {cmd:r()}: {synoptset 14 tabbed}{...} {p2col 5 20 30 2: Scalars}{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:r(nb_node)}} Number of nodes {p_end} {synopt:{cmd:r(nb_id)}} Number of indviduals' networks {p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {pstd}{cmd:nw_fromlist} also saves the adjacency matrix in a Mata matrix {it:M}: {cmd:. mata M } {title:See also} {pstd} {cmd:nw_fromlist} requires the {bf : nwcommands} package developed by Thomas Grund. {pstd} For do-files and ancillary files, see: {cmd:. net describe nwcommands-ado, from(http://www.nwcommands.org)} } For help files, see : {cmd:. net describe nwcommands-hlp, from(http://www.nwcommands.org)} } {title:Author} Charlie Joyez, Paris-Dauphine University charlie.joyez@dauphine.fr