*!version 2.4 Nov 2020 Fernando Rios Avila * Took out the Robust and cluster as default options. This may give users more flexibility, and avoid the "robust" problem/ * version 2.34 April 2020 Fernando Rios Avila * added alert for Robust standard errors. * Note to myself: How to add info about Cluster? and allow for NO SE? * version 2.33 April 2020 Fernando Rios Avila * Eliminated minor inneficiencies * version 2.32 Feb 2020 Fernando Rios Avila * Corrected small error with markout and parsing * version 2.31 Feb 2020 Fernando Rios Avila * Improvement in sample definition. Use markout rather than manual. * version 2.3 November 2019 Fernando Rios Avila * This version adds some programs from "oaxaca" to do parsing and avoid problems when using noisily option * version 2.2 July 2019 Author Fernando Rios Avila * Added s2var To easily add deviation respect to the mean as another explanatory variable. May think about adding interactions too, but not for now * also added back noisily to show all intermediate results * version 2.1 April 2019 Author Fernando Rios Avila *This version alows for the use of iseed. This helps to obtain replicable rank dependent indices. * version 2.0 march 2019 * Allows to use the options Relax and noisily from oaxaca. May change to only allow for specific options, but will leave it like this for now * added option for scale and retain. * version 1.0 Jan 2019 * This is a program that can be used as a "mask" for Oaxaca, allowing to do RIF recomposition * Various RIF decompositions are available. More than just RIFREG * Correction to output table regarding Reweight error. *capture program drop oaxaca_rif program oaxaca_rif_old, eclass sortpreserve byable(recall) properties( svyb ) if replay() { display_ob exit } version 12.0 syntax anything [if] [in] [aw fw iw pw] , by(varname) rif(string) /// [ swp swap Weights(str) rwlogit(str) rwprobit(str) wgt(int -1) cluster(varname) robust /// relax Noisily scale(real 1.0) retain(str) replace iseed(str) s2var(varlist) nose] *iseed undocumented. The idea is to make some indices reproducible /*if c(stata_version)>=16 { local fv fv this is to try making it FV but problems with a bug }98*/ tokenize `anything' local y `1' //get the rest of the vars macro shift local rest `*' final_parsing `rest' local rest2 `r(xvars)' *display in w "`rest2'" marksample touse markout `touse' `y' `rest2' `by' `cluster' `rwprobit' `rwlogit' `s2var' ****Here we identify GROUPs qui:levelsof `by' if `touse', local(idf) foreach i of local idf { local nx=`nx'+1 local g`nx'=`i' if `nx'>2 { display "More than 2 groups in `by' identified. Only 2 groups can be used" exit } } ** Get weights if "`weight'" == "" { tempvar eweight gen `eweight' = 1.0 local weight "aweight" local exp `eweight' local erweight 1 } else { local exp = regexr("`exp'", "= ", "") local erweight `exp' } //get the weight expression without '=' sign local exp_no_eq = regexr("`exp'", "=", "") *** This is to check if weights was called isntead of WGT if "`weights'"!="" { local wgt=`weights' local weights="" } *** This should check if cf is 0 or 1, or use the default 0 if "`wgt'"=="-1" { display "No wgt specified. Using default 0" local wgt = "0" } if "`wgt'"!="0" & "`wgt'"!="1" { display "For Weighted Oaxaca, one can only use w=1 or w=0" exit } **** if "`rwlogit'"!="" & "`rwprobit'"!="" { display "Only one probability model can be set. Choose either Logit or probit for the first stage" exit } **** if "`rwlogit'"=="" & "`rwprobit'"=="" { display "No Reweighted Strategy Choosen" local type="Standard" } else { local type="Reweighted" } *** * checking for swap if "`swap'"!="" { local swap="" local swp="swp" } ** obtaining rivfar if retain * this is "cheating" for creating the data if "`retain'"!="" { tempvar rifretain qui:egen `rifretain'=rifvar(`y') if `touse', `rif' weight(`exp') by(`by') qui: replace `rifretain'=`rifretain'*`scale' if "`replace'"!="" { capture:gen double `retain'=`rifretain' capture:replace `retain'=`rifretain' local vnm:variable label `rifretain' label var `retain' "`vnm'" } else { gen double `retain'=`rifretain' local vnm:variable label `rifretain' label var `retain' "`vnm'" } } display "Estimating `type' RIF-OAXACA using RIF:`rif'" *** Option 1. Standard oaxaca if "`type'"=="Standard" { preserve if "`swp'"!="" { replace `by'=-`by' local gx=`g1' local g1=`g2' local g2=`gx' } ************************************************************ tempvar rif_var qui: egen `rif_var'=rifvar(`y') if `touse'==1, `rif' weight(`exp') by(`by') seed(`iseed') qui: replace `rif_var'=`rif_var'*`scale' *** this is a new option s2var(str) The idea is to add the "variance" as another component to the decomposition. foreach i of local s2var { qui: egen _s2_`i'=rifvar(`i') if `touse'==1, var weight(`exp') by(`by') seed(`iseed') local re `re' _s2_`i' } ** simple way to create the noisily result if "`noisily'"!="" { local cnt=0 qui:levelsof `by', local(grps) foreach i of local grps { local cnt=`cnt'+1 if `cnt'==1 display in w "RIF regression group 1" if `cnt'==2 display in w "RIF regression group 2" rifhdreg `y' `rest2' `re' [`weight'=`exp'] if `touse'==1 & `by'==`i', `robust' cluster(`cluster') rif(`rif') iseed(`iseed') tempname bf`cnt' Vf`cnt' matrix `bf`cnt''=e(b) matrix `Vf`cnt''=e(V) } } *qui:reg `re' if `touse'==1 qui:`fv'oaxaca `rif_var' `rest' `re' [`weight'=`exp'] if `touse'==1, by(`by') w(`wgt') `robust' cluster(`cluster') `relax' `se' drop `rif_var' local lgd "" `e(legend)' "" local N_clust `e(N_clust)' tempname b V matrix `b'=e(b) if "`se'"=="" matrix `V'=e(V) if `wgt'==0 { local gc = "x1*b2" } if `wgt'==1 { local gc = "x2*b1" } local N1=e(N_1) local N2=e(N_2) ************************************************************* restore } if "`type'"=="Reweighted" { ************************************************************ preserve qui:keep if `touse'==1 if "`swp'"!="" { qui:replace `by'=-`by' local gx=`g1' local g1=`g2' local g2=`gx' } ** For this application, we need to duplicate One of the groups, to create the counterfactual. qui:levelsof `by' if `touse'==1, local(grps) tempvar dy qui:egen `dy'=group(`by') if `touse' qui:sum `dy' if `touse', meanonly *** if r(max)>2 { display "More than 2 groups detected. Only 2 groups allowed for reweighted OAXACA" exit } qui:replace `dy'=`dy'==2 ** Here we do the probit/logit regression if "`rwprobit'"!="" { qui: `noisily' probit `dy' `rwprobit' [pw=`exp'] if `touse'==1 tempvar pr qui:predict double `pr', pr tempname b_rw v_rw matrix `b_rw'=e(b) matrix `v_rw'=e(V) local rwmodel="probit" } if "`rwlogit'"!="" { qui: `noisily' logit `dy' `rwlogit' [pw=`exp'] if `touse'==1 tempvar pr qui:predict double `pr', pr tempname b_rw v_rw matrix `b_rw'=e(b) matrix `v_rw'=e(V) local rwmodel="logit" } *** Here we will expand the data according to W and create new groups *** and create the IPW weights if `wgt'==0 { * display "Counterfactual: group_2 reweighted to group_1 characteristics" tempvar id id2 ord qui:gen `id'=_n qui:expand 2 if `dy'==1 qui:gen `id2'=_n qui:gen byte `ord'=1+(`id'!=`id2') tempvar ddy qui:gen byte `ddy'=1 if `dy'==0 qui:replace `ddy'=3 if `dy'==1 qui:replace `ddy'=2 if `dy'==1 & `ord'==1 tempvar ipw qui:gen double `ipw'=1 if `ddy'==1 | `ddy'==3 qui:replace `ipw'=(1-`pr')/`pr' if `ddy'==2 local gc="X2~>rw~>X1 or x1*b2" } if `wgt'==1 { * display "Counterfactual: group_1 reweighted to group_2 characteristics" tempvar id id2 ord qui:gen `id'=_n qui:expand 2 if `dy'==0 qui:gen `id2'=_n qui:gen byte `ord'=1+(`id'!=`id2') tempvar ddy qui:gen byte `ddy'=1 if `dy'==0 qui:replace `ddy'=3 if `dy'==1 qui:replace `ddy'=2 if `dy'==0 & `ord'==1 tempvar ipw qui:gen double `ipw'=1 if `ddy'==1 | `ddy'==3 qui: replace `ipw'=`pr'/(1-`pr') if `ddy'==2 local gc="X1~>rw~>X2 or x2*b1" } /*qui:compress NOT NEEDED Just takes time*/ ** Here we create the RIFs using RIFreg for three groups. group 2 its the Counterfactual. tempvar rifvar tempvar wexp qui:gen double `wexp'=`exp'*`ipw' qui:egen `rifvar'=rifvar(`y') if `touse', `rif' weight(`wexp') by(`ddy') seed(`iseed') ** Rescaling if "`scale'"!="1" qui:replace `rifvar'=`rifvar'*`scale' ** Here we do the actual OB decomposition: *** this is a new option s2var(str) The idea is to add the "variance" as another component to the decomposition. foreach i of local s2var { qui: egen _s2_`i'=rifvar(`i') if `touse'==1, var weight(`wexp') by(`ddy') seed(`iseed') local re `re' _s2_`i' } if "`cluster'"!="" local idcluster `cluster' *else local idcluster `id' if "`noisily'"!="" { local cnt=0 qui:levelsof `ddy', local(grps) foreach i of local grps { local cnt=`cnt'+1 if `cnt'==1 display in w "RIF regression group 1" else if `cnt'==2 display in w "RIF regression counterfactual group" else if `cnt'==3 display in w "RIF regression group 2" rifhdreg `y' `rest2' `re' [`weight'=`exp'*`ipw'] if `touse'==1 & `ddy'==`i', `robust' cluster(`cluster') rif(`rif') iseed(`iseed') tempname bf`cnt' Vf`cnt' matrix `bf`cnt''=e(b) matrix `Vf`cnt''=e(V) } } ** re is the created s2var qui:`fv'oaxaca `rifvar' `rest' `re' [aw=`exp'*`ipw'] if `touse'==1 & (`ddy'==1 | `ddy'==3), by(`ddy') w(`wgt') nodetail `robust' cluster(`idcluster') `relax' `se' local N_clust `e(N_clust)' tempname b0 v0 bb vb bx vx bc vc matrix `b0'=e(b) matrix `v0'=e(V) if `wgt'==0 { ** Delta B qui:`fv'oaxaca `rifvar' `rest' `re' [aw=`exp'*`ipw'] if `touse'==1 & inlist(`ddy',1,2), by(`ddy') w(0) `robust' cluster(`idcluster') `relax' `se' local N_clust `e(N_clust)' matrix `bb'=e(b) matrix `vb'=e(V) ** Delta x qui:`fv'oaxaca `rifvar' `rest' `re' [aw=`exp'*`ipw'] if `touse'==1 & inlist(`ddy',2,3), by(`ddy') w(0) `robust' cluster(`idcluster') `relax' `se' local N_clust `e(N_clust)' matrix `bx'=e(b) matrix `vx'=e(V) local lgd "" `e(legend)' "" matrix `bc'=`bx'[1,1] matrix `vc'=`vx'[1,1] } if `wgt'==1 { ** Delta X qui:`fv'oaxaca `rifvar' `rest' `re' [aw=`exp'*`ipw'] if `touse'==1 & inlist(`ddy',1,2), by(`ddy') w(1) `robust' cluster(`idcluster') `relax' `se' local N_clust `e(N_clust)' matrix `bx'=e(b) matrix `vx'=e(V) ** Delta B qui:`fv'oaxaca `rifvar' `rest' `re' [aw=`exp'*`ipw'] if `touse'==1 & inlist(`ddy',2,3), by(`ddy') w(1) `robust' cluster(`idcluster') `relax' `se' local N_clust `e(N_clust)' matrix `bb'=e(b) matrix `vb'=e(V) local lgd `e(legend)' matrix `bc'=`bx'[1,2] matrix `vc'=`vx'[2,2] } qui:count if `touse'==1 & `ddy'==1 local N1=r(N) qui:count if `touse'==1 & `ddy'==2 local NC=r(N) qui:count if `touse'==1 & `ddy'==3 local N2=r(N) ** This next section gets all the betas of interest ** Aggregate Decomp matrix `b0'=`b0'[.,"overall:group_1"],`bc',`b0'[.,"overall:group_2"],`b0'[.,"overall:difference"] **Explained tempname bx1 bx2 bx3 matrix `bx1'=`bx'[.,"overall:"] matrix `bx2'=`bx'[.,"explained:"] matrix `bx3'=`bx'[.,"unexplained:"] matrix coleq `bx1'="Explained" matrix colname `bx1'=Group_1 Group_2 Total Pure_explained Specif_err matrix coleq `bx2'="Pure_explained" matrix coleq `bx3'="Specif_err" matrix `bx'=`bx1'[.,3...],`bx2',`bx3' *matrix drop bx1 bx2' bx3' **unexplained tempname bb1 bb2 bb3 matrix `bb1'=`bb'[.,"overall:"] matrix `bb2'=`bb'[.,"explained:"] matrix `bb3'=`bb'[.,"unexplained:"] matrix coleq `bb1'="Unexplained" matrix colname `bb1'=Group_1 Group_2 Total Reweight_err Pure_Unexplained matrix coleq `bb3'="Pure_Unexplained" matrix coleq `bb2'="Reweight_err" matrix `bb'=`bb1'[.,3...],`bb3',`bb2' *matrix drop bb1 bb3 bb2 **Label VCOV to extract Total Explained and Total unexplained. * **Putting all together *For Beta0 matrix `b0'=`b0',`bx'[.,"Explained:Total"],`bb'[.,"Unexplained:Total"] matrix coleq `b0'=Overall matrix colname `b0'=Group_1 Group_c Group_2 Tdifference ToT_Explained ToT_Unexplained tempname b V matrix `b'=`b0',`bx',`bb' **now for V0 ** Flip at some point to make better sense local cb: colnames `b' local ceqb: coleq `b' if "`se'"=="" { matrix `v0'=`v0'[.,"overall:group_1"],[0,0,0,0,0]',`v0'[.,"overall:group_2"],`v0'[.,"overall:difference"] matrix `v0'=`v0'["overall:group_1",.]\ [0,`vc',0,0] \ `v0'["overall:group_2",.] \ `v0'["overall:difference",.] matrix `vx'=`vx'[.,3..5], `vx'[.,"explained:"], `vx'[.,"unexplained:"] matrix `vx'=`vx'[3..5,.]\ `vx'["explained:",.]\ `vx'["unexplained:",.] matrix `vb'=`vb'[.,3..5], `vb'[.,"unexplained:"], `vb'[.,"explained:"] matrix `vb'=`vb'[3..5,.]\ `vb'["unexplained:",.]\ `vb'["explained:",.] matrix `v0'=[`v0',[0,0,0,0]'] \ /// [[0,0,0,0],`vx'["overall:difference","overall:difference"]] matrix `v0'=[`v0',[0,0,0,0,0]'] \ /// [[0,0,0,0,0],`vb'["overall:difference","overall:difference"]] local x2=colsof(`v0') local x1=colsof(`vx') matrix `V'=[`v0',J(`x2',`x1'*2,0)] \ /// [J(`x1',`x2',0),`vx',J(`x1',`x1',0)]\ /// [ J(`x1',`x1'+`x2',0),`vb'] matrix colname `V'=`cb' matrix coleq `V'=`ceqb' matrix rowname `V'=`cb' matrix roweq `V'=`ceqb' } ** retoring results restore ************************************************************* } *display "is it not doing this" if "`se'"=="" ereturn post `b' `V', esample(`touse') depname(`y') else ereturn post `b' , esample(`touse') depname(`y') eret loc title "Blinder-Oaxaca RIF-decomposition" eret loc model "Blinder-Oaxaca RIF-decomposition" eret loc cmd "oaxaca_rif" eret loc cmdline "oaxaca_rif `0'" eret loc depvar "`y'" eret loc by "`by'" eret loc rifvarp "`rif'" eret scalar scale=`scale' eret loc dtype "`type'" eret loc weights "`erweight'" eret loc g1 `g1' eret loc g2 `g2' eret loc gc `gc' eret loc N1 `N1' eret loc N2 `N2' eret loc NC `NC' if "`e(dtype)'"=="Reweighted" { if "`rwlogit'"!="" { eret loc rwmodel "logit" ereturn matrix b_logit=`b_rw' ereturn matrix V_logit=`v_rw' } else { eret loc rwmodel "probit" ereturn matrix b_probit=`b_rw' ereturn matrix V_probit=`v_rw' } if "`noisily'"!="" { ereturn matrix b_g1=`bf1' ereturn matrix V_g1=`Vf1' ereturn matrix b_gc=`bf2' ereturn matrix V_gc=`Vf2' ereturn matrix b_g2=`bf3' ereturn matrix V_g2=`Vf3' } } else if "`noisily'"!="" { ereturn matrix b_g1=`bf1' ereturn matrix V_g1=`Vf1' ereturn matrix b_g2=`bf2' ereturn matrix V_g2=`Vf2' } *capture matrix drop v0 vb vx b0 bb bx vc bc xs bs xcx bcx xc xm bm ereturn local lgd `lgd' if "`robust'`cluster'"!="" { ereturn local vcetype "Robust" if "`cluster'"!="" { ereturn local vce "cluster" ereturn local clustvar "`cluster'" ereturn scalar N_clust =`N_clust' } } display_ob end *capture program drop display_ob program display_ob if "`e(cmd)'"!="oaxaca_rif" { display "Previous results for oaxaca_rif not found" exit } di as txt "Model : " as res e(model) di as txt "Type : " as res e(dtype) di as txt "RIF : " as res e(rifvarp) di as txt "Scale : " as res e(scale) di as txt "Group 1: `e(by)' = " as res e(g1) as text _col(10) " x1*b1 " /// as txt _col(50) "N of obs 1 `space'= " as res %10.0g e(N1) di as txt "Group c:" _col(10) "`e(gc)' " /// as txt _col(50) "N of obs C `space'= " as res %10.0g e(NC) di as txt "Group 2: `e(by)' = " as res e(g2) as text _col(10) " x2*b2 " /// as txt _col(50) "N of obs 2 `space'= " as res %10.0g e(N2) di "" ereturn display Display_legend end *capture program drop Display_legend prog Display_legend foreach line in `e(lgd)' { local i 0 local piece: piece `++i' 80 of `"`line'"' di as txt `"`line'"' while (1) { local piece: piece `++i' 76 of `"`line'"' if `"`piece'"'=="" continue, break di as txt `" `piece'"' } } end *** This part of the code was extracted from -Oaxaca- Jan(2008) program ParseVar, rclass capt ParseVarCheckNormalize, `0' if c(version)>=16 local fv fv if _rc==0 { gettoken dummies hash: normalize, parse("#") gettoken hash cons: hash, parse("#") if `"`hash'"'!="" { `fv'unab cons: `cons', max(1) name(#) } else local cons "_cons" foreach v of local dummies { if substr(`"`v'"',1,2)=="b." { if `"`base'"'!="" { di as err `"`v' not allowed"' exit 198 } local v = substr(`"`v'"',3,.) `fv'unab v: `v' gettoken base: v } else { `fv'unab v: `v' } local vars `vars' `v' } if `"`base'"'=="" gettoken base: vars // pick first local xvars: list vars - base ret local normalize `" "`cons' `vars'" "' } else { Unab vars: `0' local xvars `vars' } ret local vars `vars' ret local xvars `xvars' end program ParseVarCheckNormalize syntax, Normalize(str) c_local normalize `"`normalize'"' end prog Unab // returns unabreviated variable names or text as typed if no variable gettoken lname 0 : 0, parse(":") gettoken junk 0 : 0, parse(":") if c(stata_version)>=16 local fv fv capt `fv'unab res: `0' if _rc { local res foreach v of local 0 { capt `fv'unab res_i: `v' if _rc { capt confirm name `v' if _rc `fv'unab res_i: `v' //=> error local res `res' `v' } else { local res `res' `res_i' } } } c_local `lname' `res' end program final_parsing , rclass syntax anything local rest `anything' while (1) { if `"`rest'"'=="" continue, break gettoken group rest: rest, match(paren) bind if `"`paren'"'=="" { ParseVar `group' local xvars `xvars' `r(xvars)' local vars `vars' `r(vars)' local normalize `"`normalize'`r(normalize)'"' } else { gettoken gname gvars: group, parse(":") if `"`gvars'"'!="" { local gname `gname' gettoken colon gvars: gvars, parse(":") } else { local gvars `"`gname'"' local gname } local xvarsi local varsi gettoken var gvars : gvars, bind while (`"`var'"'!="") { ParseVar `var' local xvarsi `xvarsi' `r(xvars)' local varsi `varsi' `r(vars)' local normalize `"`normalize'`r(normalize)'"' gettoken var gvars : gvars, bind } if `"`gname'"'=="" { gettoken gname: varsi // first var gives name } local xvars `xvars' `xvarsi' local vars `vars' `varsi' local vgroups `"`vgroups'`space'"`gname': `varsi'""' local space " " } } return local xvars="`xvars'" end