program define outdat_rats *! Rats-Programm for outdat.ado * builds on torats.ado from cfb v1.2.1 1314 * Change Log * ---------- * 1.1: New Output version 7.0 syntax [varlist] using/ local nobs = _N quietly { file open ratfile using `using'.rat, replace text write * RAT-Program * ------------ file write ratfile `"* RAT-Program to read and label `using'.dat"' file write ratfile /* */ _n _n `"alloc `nobs'"' /* */ _n `"open data `using'.dat"' /* */ _n `"data(unit=data,org=obs) / $"' _n local j 1 foreach var of varlist `varlist' { local type : type `var' if substr("`type'",1,3) == "str" { local note 1 } local l = 9-length("`var'")+(mod(`j',7)!=0) file write ratfile `"`var'"' _skip(`l') local j=`j'+1 if (mod(`j'-1,7)==0) { file write ratfile `" $ "' _n } } file close ratfile } di "{res}RATS{txt} commands written to {view `using'.rat:`using'.rat}" if "`note'" == "1" { di "{txt}Note: Data contains strings." di "RATS cannot handle strings. Consider nostring option" } end exit