{smcl} {* *! 24oct2006}{...} {hline} {cmd:help outsum} {hline} {title:Write formatted descriptive statistics to a text file} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:outsum} {varlist} {ifin} {weight} {helpb using} {it:filename} [{cmd:,} {opt ap:pend} {opt nol:abel} {opt nopa:ren} {opt br:acket} {opt nonob:s} {opt nonot:es} {opt replace} {opt com:ma} {opt quo:te} {opt ti:tle(textlist)} {opt ct:itle(textlist)} {opt addn:ote(textlist)}] {p 4 6 2} {opt aweight}s, {opt fweight}s and {opt iweight}s are allowed; see {help weight}. {title:Description} {pstd} {opt outsum} writes means and standard deviations to an external text file, in much the same way {helpb outreg} produces formatted regression output, i.e. it creates an ASCII text file with columns separated with tab characters and standard deviations displayed in parentheses below the means. The major difference is that the user must specify a {varlist} (using wildcards or hyphenated syntax) directly. As in {helpb outreg}, the {helpb using} clause specifies the name of the new or existing ASCII file that will contain the means and standard deviations. {pstd} The options are largely the same as for {helpb outreg}. {title:Options} {phang} {opt append} specifies that new descriptive statistic output be appended to an existing output file. In general, the same {opt outsum} options should be used in the original output and each appended column. The notes at the bottom of the table explaining the standard deviations are correct for the first column of descriptive statistics in the output file. If subsequently appended results change the use of parentheses or brackets, the notes will not be appropriate for all the columns. This problem can be addressed with a combination of {opt nonotes} and {opt addnote}. {phang} {opt nolabel} specifies that variable names rather than variable labels be used to identify coefficients. {phang} {opt noparen} specifies that no parentheses be placed around standard deviations. {phang} {opt bracket} specifies that square brackets [] be used rather than parentheses () around standard deviations. {phang} {opt nonobs} specifies that the number of observations in the dataset not be reported. {phang} {opt nonotes} specifies that notes explaining the standard deviations not be included. {phang} {opt replace} specifies that it is okay to replace filename if it already exists. {phang} {opt comma} specifies that the ASCII file output be separated by commas rather than by tabs. This can cause problems if any of the user-defined text has commas in it (such as variable labels, {opt title}, {opt ctitle}, {opt addstat}, or {opt addnote}). If that is the case, consider using {opt quote} as well. {phang} {opt quote} specifies that string variables be enclosed in double quotes. {phang} {opt title(textlist)} specifies a title or titles at the top of the regression table. The maximum title length is 80 characters. Additional characters will be cut off. When descriptive statistics are appended together, the table title must be specified in the first outsum call; titles specified in subsequent {opt outsum} {opt ... append} calls will be ignored. Note that when converting the {opt outsum} text output to a table in a word processor or a spreadsheet, it is easier to leave out the title row out of the text selected for conversion. {phang} {opt ctitle(textlist)} specifies the title above the column of means and standard deviations. By default if no column title is specified, the label or name of the variable is displayed. {phang} {opt addnote(textlist)} specifies user-added notes to be displayed in new lines at the bottom of the {opt outsum} table. When descriptive statistics are appended together, {opt addnote} must be specified in the first {opt outsum} call; addnotes specified in subsequent {opt outsum ... append} calls will be ignored. {opt addnote} is consistent with {opt nonotes}. A blank line can be inserted by including "" as a note. {title:Examples} {phang}{cmd:. use http://stata-press.com/data/r9/auto.dta, clear} {phang}(1978 Automobile Data) {phang}{cmd:. outsum mpg foreign weight using auto1, ctitle("Full sample")} {phang}{cmd:. type auto1.out} {txt: Variable Full sample} {txt: Mileage (mpg) 21.2973} {txt: (5.7855)} {txt: Car type .2973} {txt: (.4602)} {txt: Weight (lbs.) 3019.459} {txt: (777.1936)} {txt: Observations 74} {txt: Standard deviations in parentheses } {phang}{cmd:. outsum mpg weight using auto1 if foreign==0, append ctitle("Domestic")} {phang}{cmd:. type auto1.out} {txt: Variable Full sample Domestic} {txt: Mileage (mpg) 21.2973 19.8269} {txt: (5.7855) (4.7433)} {txt: Car type .2973 } {txt: (.4602) } {txt: Weight (lbs.) 3019.459 3317.115} {txt: (777.1936) (695.3637)} {txt: Observations 74 52} {txt: Standard deviations in parentheses } {title:Author} {psee} Kerry L. Papps, Cornell University, USA {pstd} klp27@cornell.edu {title:Also see} {psee} On-line: {helpb outreg}, {helpb outsheet}