{smcl} {* Dec 31st 2019} {hline} Help for {hi:outwrite} {hline} {title:Description} {p}{cmd: outwrite} reads multiple regressions saved with {help estimates store}, consolidates them into a single table, and exports the results to a .xlsx, .xls, .csv, or .tex file.{p_end} {break}{break} {p}Alternatively, as a programming command, it will accept a single matrix and print that; it will also look for matrix_STARS and affix that number of stars to each cell.{p_end} {title:Syntax} {p 2 4 4}{cmd: outwrite} {it:estimates_1} {it:estimates_2} [...]{break} {help using} "{it:/path/to/output}.[xlsx|xls|csv|tex]" , {break} [{opt r:eplace} {opt s:tats()} {opth d:rop(varlist)}] {break} [{opt t:stat}|{opt p:value}] [{opth f:ormat(format)}] {break} [{bf:sheet}({it:sheetname} [,replace]) {opt m:odify}] {break} [{opt row:names("list" "of" "names")} {opt col:names("list" "of" "names")}] {break} {synoptline} {synoptset 16 tabbed}{...} {p 4}{bf:Options}{p_end} {synopt:}{p_end} {synopt:{opt r:eplace}}Allows {bf:outwrite} to overwrite the output file.{p_end} {synopt:{opt s:tats()}}Adds statistics from {help ereturn:e()} at the bottom of the table, such as N, r2, or scalars added by {help estadd}.{p_end} {synopt:{opth d:rop(varlist)}}Suppresses reporting of all variables in in {help varlist} from the output. This can be a factor variable list.{p_end} {synopt:{opt t:stat}|{opt p:value}}Reports T-statistics or P-values in regression table, instead of the default standard errors.{p_end} {synopt:{opth f:ormat(format)}}Format the table values. By default this is %9.2f.{p_end} {synopt:{opt sheet()}}Place results in a target sheet if using .xlsx format.{p_end} {synopt:{opt m:odify}}Allows {bf:outwrite} to modify the output file. Often required with {opt sheet()} to work as expected.{p_end} {synopt:{opt row:names()}}Manually renames rows of output. By default, the rows are named to reflect the variables in the estimation command.{p_end} {synopt:{opt col:names()}}Manually renames columns of output. By default, the columns are named to reflect the saved equation names.{p_end} {synoptline} {p 4 4 4}{it:Note: if used to export a matrix, {opt stats()}, {opt drop()}, and {opt t:stat}|{opt p:value} will not be accepted.} {title:Example} {p 2 4 4}sysuse auto.dta, clear {break}reg price i.foreign##c.mpg {break}est sto reg1 {break}reg price i.foreign##c.mpg##i.rep78 {break}est sto reg2 {break}estadd scalar h = 4 {break}reg price i.rep78 {break}est sto reg3 {break}estadd scalar h = 2.5 {break} outwrite reg1 reg2 reg3 using "test.xlsx" /// {break} , stats(N r2 h) replace col("TEST" "(2)") drop(i.rep78) format(%9.3f) {title:Author} Benjamin Daniels bbdaniels@gmail.com {title:Contributing} {p}{bf: outwrite} is open for development on {browse "https://github.com/bbdaniels/outwrite/":GitHub}. Submit bugs and feature requests {browse "https://github.com/bbdaniels/outwrite/issues":here}. If you like {bf:outwrite}, be sure to visit my {browse "http://www.benjaminbdaniels":homepage}.{p_end} {title:Acknowledgments} {p}While the concept of {cmd:outwrite} is original, we borrowed core functionality from {helpb xml_tab} by Zurab Sajaia and Michael Lokshin, and many ideas from such programs as {helpb estout} by Ben Jann, {helpb outreg} by John Luke Gallup, {helpb outreg2} by Roy Wada, {helpb modltbl} by John H. Tyler, {helpb mktab} by Nicholas Winter, {helpb outtex} by Antoine Terracol, and {helpb est2tex} by Marc Muendler.{p_end}