overlay several graphs

^overlay^ , ^by(^varlist^)^ ^xlab(^numlist^)^ ^ylab(^numlist^)^ ^function(^str > ing^)^ ^saving(^filename^)^ ^graph_options^

Description -----------

This function draws several graphs in one area of the graphics window. As a res > ult this function is very versatile and will work well with any graph function that allo > ws the user to specify the axes. The function will, by default, try and calculate an axes that remains unchanged for each graph, this may fail > and the user then has to specify the axes using ^xlab^ and ^ylab^.

Any options for the graphing function can be added to the end of the command li > ne. This can be options like the plotting symbol and connecting points.

WARNING: to get the same scales make sure you specify the xlab and ylab options and hence this should fix the axes.

Options -------

^by(^varlist^)^ specifies the strata for the multiple graphs.

^saving(^filename^)^ saves the graph as filename.gph.

^function(^string^)^ specifies the command that draws the graph. If this is not specified then the {\tt graph} function is used.

^xlab(^numlist^)^ specifies axes labels.

^ylab(^numlist^)^ specifies axes labels.

Examples --------

.overlay pef day0, by(patient) c(l) s(.) sort saving(graph1)

.overlay pef if patient<5028, by(patient) function(kdensity) xlab(150,350,680) ylab(0,0.02, 0.045) s(.) saving(graph3)

.overlay pef if patient<5028, by(patient) xlab(150,350,680) bin(8) ylab(0,1.1)

If the user wants to have fitted lines from a regression with confidence intera > vals for several subgroups

.overlay yhat yhatupper yhatlower x, by(subgroups) c(ll[-]l[-].) s(iiio)

Author ------ Adrian Mander GSK, Harlow UK. adrian.p.mander@gsk.com

Also see --------

Manual: ^[R] kdensity^ On-line: help for @kdensity@, @graph@