*! version 1.5.1 09sep2012 by alexis dot dinno at pdx dot edu *! perform horn's parallel analysis of principle components/factors * Copyright Notice * paran and paran.ado are Copyright (c) 2001, 2012 alexis dinno * * This file is part of paran. * * Paran is of free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) at any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (paran.copying); if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * Syntax: paran varlist [weight] [if exp] [in range] [, iterations(#) centile(#) quietly nostatus nostatus status factor(factor_type) citerate(#) protect(#) pnf all graph color lcolors(# # # # # # # # #) saving(file) replace seed(#) anything(name=mat id="correlation matrix") n(numlist max=1 >=0 integer 0) copyleft] program define paran if int(_caller())<8 { di in r "paran- does not support this version of Stata." _newline di as txt "Requests for a v7 compatible version will be relatively easy to honor." di as txt "Requests for a v6 compatible version may be less easy." di as txt "Requests for a version compatible with versions of STATA earlier than v6 are " di as txt "untenable since I do not have access to the software." _newline di as txt "All requests are welcome and will be considered." exit } else paran8 `0' end program define paran8, rclass version 8.0 syntax [varlist(numeric default=none)] [aweight fweight] [if] [in] [, ITErations(integer 0) CENTile(numlist min=1 max=1 >0 <100) Quietly NOSTatus STatus factor(string) CITerate(passthru) PRotect(passthru) pnf all GRaph color lcolors(numlist integer missingok min=9 max=9 >=0 <=255) saving(string) replace seed(integer 0) mat(string) n(integer 0) copyleft] preserve quietly { * display the copyleft information if requested if "`copyleft'" == "copyleft" { noisily { di _newline "Copyright Notice" di "paran and paran.ado are Copyright (c) 2001, 2012 alexis dinno" _newline di "This file is part of paran." _newline di "Paran is of free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify" di "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" di "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or" di "(at your option) at any later version." _newline di "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," di "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" di "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the" di "GNU General Public License for more details." _newline di "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License" di "along with this program (paran.copying); if not, write to the Free Software" di "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA" _newline } } * Confirm that EITHER x OR mat were provided if ( "`mat'"=="" & "`varlist'"=="" ) { di as err "you must provide either x or mat" exit 100 } * Confirm that x and mat were NOT both provided if ( "`mat'"~="" & (`:list sizeof mat' > 1) ) { di as err "you must provide the name of only one correlation matrix" exit 103 } if ( ("`mat'"~="") & !("`varlist'"=="") ) { di as err "you must supply either x or mat but not both" exit 198 } * Set number of variables if ( "`mat'"=="" & "`varlist'" ~= "" ) { local P: word count `varlist' } if ( "`mat'"~="" & "`varlist'" == "" ) { local P = rowsof(`mat') } * Confirm correlation matrix, and not covariance matrix if ("`mat'"~="") { if (colsof(`mat') ~= rowsof(`mat')) { di as err "the matrix provided with the mat argument is not a correlation matrix" exit 505 } forvalues i = 1/`P' { if (el(`mat',`i',`i') ~= 1) { di as err "the matrix provided with the mat argument is not a correlation matrix" _newline "parallel analysis is not compatible with the eigendecomposition of a covariance matrix" exit 505 } } } * quick validation of factor() option which is used to indicate the type of * factor estimation used, and of citerate and protect. if "`factor'" ~= "" & ~("`factor'" == "pf" | "`factor'" == "pcf" | "`factor'" == "ipf" | "`factor'" == "ml") { noisily { di _newline as red "Invalid factor type specified!" di as txt "You must specify " as white "factor()" as txt " as pf, pcf, ipf or ml." exit } } if "`factor'" == "ipf" & "`citerate'" ~= "" & "`protect'" ~= "" { noisily { di _newline as yellow "iterated principal factors specified, " as white "`protect'" as res " ignored." _newline local protect = "" } } if "`factor'" == "ml" & "`citerate'" ~= "" & "`protect'" ~= "" { noisily { di _newline as yellow "maximum likelihood factors specified, " as white "`citerate'" as res " ignored." _newline local citerate = "" } } * quick validation of centile as an integer value if "`pnf'" == "pnf" { local centile = 95 } if "`centile'" ~= "" { local centile = round(`centile') } * quick check if the undocumented status option is used if "`status'" == "status" { local nostatus = "" } ******************************************************************************* * Program start. Identify P (number of variables in component analysis) and * * use _N for the number of observations (modified by any if conditioning * * within the pca command). Then generate the data-set of this size with the * * uniform() function. * ******************************************************************************* if ("`mat'"=="") { di as red "A" noisily{ pca `varlist' } noisily { ereturn list return list sreturn list } matrix Ev = e(Ev) noisily{ matrix list e(Ev) } * di colsof(Ev) } if ("`mat'"~="") { pcamat `mat', n(`n') matrix Ev = e(Ev) di as red "B" } local P = colsof(Ev) noisily{ di as red "P: `P'" } count local N = r(N) *Perform user's pca command. if "`quietly'"=="" { if "`factor'" ~= "" { noisily { factor `varlist' `if' `in' [`weight' `exp'], `factor' `citerate' `protect' } } else { noisily { pca `varlist' `if' `in' [`weight' `exp'] } } } else { if "`factor'" ~= "" { factor `varlist' `if' `in' [`weight' `exp'], `factor' `citerate' `protect' } else { pca `varlist' `if' `in' [`weight' `exp'] } } *Grab what is useful from the factor results... matrix Ev = get(Ev) * clean up iteration and determine value if `iterations'<0 { local iterations = 30*(`P') noisily { di _newline as err "Invalid number of iterations! Using default value of `iterations'." } } if `iterations' == 0 { local iterations = 30*(`P') } * Let the user know the program is working. if "`nostatus'"~="nostatus" { if `iterations' >= 10 { noisily { di _newline as res "Computing: " _continue } } } forval k = 1/`iterations' { * Yet _more_ letting the user know the program is working! if "`nostatus'" ~= "nostatus" { if mod(`k',(`iterations'/10)) == 1 & `iterations' >= 10 & `k' > 1 { local pct = int(`k'/(`iterations'/10))*10 noisily { di "`pct'% " _continue } } if `k' == `iterations' { noisily { di as res "100%" _newline } } } * prepare to save the results of each pca if `k' > 1 { forvalues p = 1/`P' { drop `C`p'' `_val`p'' } } if `N' < `iterations' { set obs `iterations' } forvalues p = 1/`P' { tempvar C`p' gen `C`p'' = . } * Create the random dataset. * but first set seed for the random number generator if requested if `seed' ~= 0 { local Seed = `seed'*`k' set seed `Seed' } forval x = 1/`P' { tempvar _val`x' gen `_val`x'' = invnorm(uniform()) replace `_val`x'' = . if _n > `N' } * Run a principal components analysis on the random dataset (which is the same * size and dimension as the user dataset.) if "`factor'" ~= "" { factor `_val1'-`_val`P'' `if' `in' [`weight' `exp'], `factor' `citerate' `protect' } else { pca `_val1'-`_val`P'' `if' `in' [`weight' `exp'] } * Save eigenvalues matrix Evs = get(Ev) forvalues p = 1/`P' { replace `C`p'' = Evs[1,`p'] if _n == `k' } *End the multiple iteration loop } ******************************************************************************* * Make assertions to the user about the results of this analysis. * ******************************************************************************* * set the name of the analysis run local model = "" if "`factor'" == "" { local model = "principal components" } if "`factor'" == "pf" { local model = "principal factors" } if "`factor'" == "pcf" { local model = "principal components factors" } if "`factor'" == "ipf" { local model = "iterated principal factors" } if "`factor'" == "ml" { local model = "maximum likelihood factors" } *end the quiet execution of commands } di _newline _newline as txt "Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for `model'" if `iterations' == 1 { if "`centile'" == "" { di as res "1" as txt " iteration, using the " as res "mean" as txt " estimate" _newline } if "`centile'" ~= "" { di as res "1" as txt " iteration, using the " as res "p`centile'" as txt " estimate" _newline } } else { if "`centile'" == "" { di as res "`iterations'" as txt " iterations, using the " as res "mean" as txt " estimate" _newline } if "`centile'" ~= "" & "`centile'" ~= "50" { di as res "`iterations'" as txt " iterations, using the " as res "p`centile'" as txt " estimate" _newline } if "`centile'" == "50" { di as res "`iterations'" as txt " iterations, using the " as res "p`centile'" as txt " (median) estimate" _newline } } di as txt "--------------------------------------------------" di as txt "Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated" di as txt "or Factor Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias" di as txt "--------------------------------------------------" quietly { matrix RndEv = J(1,`P',.) if "`centile'" ~= "" { forvalues p = 1/`P' { centile `C`p'', centile(`centile') matrix RndEv[1,`p'] = r(c_1) } } if "`centile'" == "" { forvalues p = 1/`P' { sum `C`p'' matrix RndEv[1,`p'] = r(mean) } } } local est = 1 if el(Ev,1,1) < 1 { di as res "No components passed." di as txt "--------------------------------------------------" exit } if "`factor'" == "" { local criterion = 1 } if "`factor'" ~= "" { local criterion = 0 } forval x=1/`P' { local y = `x' if el(Ev,1,`x') < `criterion' | el(RndEv,`est',`x') < `criterion' { local y = `x' continue, break } } if "`all'" == "all" { local y = `P' } matrix AdjEv = RndEv forvalues p = 1/`P' { matrix AdjEv[1,`p'] = Ev[1,`p'] - (RndEv[1,`p'] - `criterion') } forval x=1/`P' { local retained = `x' if AdjEv[1,`x'] <= `criterion' { local retained = `x' - 1 continue, break } } matrix Bias = RndEv forvalues p = 1/`P' { matrix Bias[1,`p'] = RndEv[1,`p'] - `criterion' } local noretain = 0 forval x=1/`y' { local sigcolor = "res" if AdjEv[1,`x'] <= `criterion' | `noretain' == 1 { local noretain = 1 local sigcolor = "red" } if "`all'" == "all" { di as res " " `x' as `sigcolor' _col(13) AdjEv[1,`x'] as res _col(25) el(Ev,1,`x') as res _col(39) el(Bias,`est',`x') } else { if el(Ev,1,`x') >= `criterion' { di as res " " `x' as `sigcolor' _col(13) AdjEv[1,`x'] as res _col(25) el(Ev,1,`x') as res _col(39) el(Bias,`est',`x') } } } di as txt "--------------------------------------------------" if "`factor'" == "" { di as txt "Criterion: retain adjusted components > 1" } if "`factor'" ~= "" { di as txt "Criterion: retain adjusted factors > 0" } if "`graph'" == "graph" { if "`lcolors'" == "" { local EvCol = "red" local RndEvCol = "blue" local AdjEvCol ="black" } if "`lcolors'" ~= "" { tokenize `lcolors' local EvCol = "`1' `2' `3'" local RndEvCol = "`4' `5' `6'" local AdjEvCol = "`7' `8' `9'" } local EvLpat = "solid" local RndEvLpat = "solid" if "`color'" == "" & "`lcolors'" == ""{ local EvCol = "black" local RndEvCol = "black" local EvLpat = "dash" local RndEvLpat = "dot" } matrix P = Ev',AdjEv',RndEv' local N = colsof(Ev) svmat P gen n = _n label var P1 "Observed" label var P2 "Adjusted" label var P3 "Random" label var n "Component" if "`factor'" ~= "" { label var n "Factor" } if "`save'" == "" { graph twoway connect P1 n if _n <= `N', yline(`criterion' ,lcolor(gs10) lwidth(vthin)) aspectratio(1) legend(cols(1) order(1 3 2)) mcolor("`EvCol'") msymbol(O) msize(tiny) lwidth(vthin) lcolor("`EvCol'") lpattern(`EvLpat') ytitle("Eigenvalue") || connect P3 n if _n <= `N', msize(tiny) msymbol(O) mcolor("`RndEvCol'") lwidth(vthin) lcolor("`RndEvCol'") lpattern(`RndEvLpat') || connect P2 n if _n <= `N', mcolor("`AdjEvCol'") msize(vsmall) msymbol(O) lwidth(thin) lcolor("`AdjEvCol'") lpattern(solid) || scatter P2 n if _n > `retained' & _n <= `N', mcolor(white) msize(tiny) msymbol(O) } if "`save'" ~= "" { graph twoway connect P1 n if _n <= `N', yline(`criterion' ,lcolor(gs10) lwidth(vthin)) aspectratio(1) legend(cols(1) order(1 3 2)) mcolor("`EvCol'") msymbol(O) msize(tiny) lwidth(vthin) lcolor("`EvCol'") lpattern(`EvLpat') ytitle("Eigenvalue") || connect P3 n if _n <= `N', msize(tiny) msymbol(O) mcolor("`RndEvCol'") lwidth(vthin) lcolor("`RndEvCol'") lpattern(`RndEvLpat') || connect P2 n if _n <= `N', mcolor("`AdjEvCol'") msize(vsmall) msymbol(O) lwidth(thin) lcolor("`AdjEvCol'") lpattern(solid) || scatter P2 n if _n > `retained' & _n <= `N', mcolor(white) msize(tiny) msymbol(O) saving("`save'", "`replace'") } } ******************************************************************************* *Clean up and produce the appropriate return stuff. * ******************************************************************************* return matrix HornEv = Bias restore end