{smcl} {hline} {cmd:help parmest_ci_opts}{right:(Roger Newson)} {hline} {title:Confidemce-interval options for {helpb parmest} and {helpb parmby}} {title:Syntax} {synoptset 24} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {synopt:{opt ef:orm}}Exponentiate estimates and confidence limits{p_end} {synopt:{opt d:of(#)}}Degrees of freedom for calculating confidence limits{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:le:vel}{cmd:(}{help numlist:{it:numlist}}{cmd:)}}Confidence level(s) for calculating confidence limits{p_end} {synopt:{opt cln:umber(numbering_rule)}}Numbering rule for naming confidence limit variables{p_end} {synoptline} {pstd} where {it:numbering_rule} is {pstd} {cmd:level} | {cmd:rank} {title:Description} {pstd} These options allow the user to change the selection of confidence limits and {it:P}-values in the output dataset (or resultsset) created by {helpb parmest} or {helpb parmby}. {title:Options} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:eform} specifies that the estimates and confidence limits in the output dataset are to be exponentiated, and the standard errors multiplied by the exponentiated estimates. This option is usually used if the estimated parameters were calculated on a log scale, as is done by {helpb logit} and {helpb logistic} with odds ratios, by {helpb glm} and {helpb binreg} with risk ratios, by {helpb stcox} with hazard ratios, or by {helpb regress} with geometric mean ratios. Note that, if the user wants exponentiated confidence intervals in the output dataset, then the {cmd:eform} option must be specified for {helpb parmby} or {helpb parmest}, whether or not the {cmd:eform} or equivalent option was specified for the {help estcom:estimation command}. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dof(}{it:#}{cmd:)} specifies the degrees of freedom for {it:t}-distribution-based confidence limits and {it:P}-values. If {cmd:dof()} is positive, then confidence limits and {it:P}-values for all parameters are calculated using the {it:t}-distribution with {cmd:dof()} degrees of freedom. If {cmd:dof()} is zero, then confidence limits are calculated using the standard normal distribution. If {cmd:dof()} is absent (or negative), then confidence limits are calculated from the most recent {help return:estimation results}, as follows. If the most recent {help est:estimation command} is one of the superseded Stata 8 survey commands {helpb svymean}, {helpb svyratio} or {helpb svytotal}, and the command was specified with the {cmd:available} option instead of the {cmd:complete} option, then the degrees of freedom used for each parameter is extracted from the corresponding row of the column vector {hi:(e(_N_psu)-e(_N_str))'}, where {hi:e(_N_psu)} contains the numbers of primary sampling units (clusters) for each parameter and {hi:e(_N_str)} contains the numbers of strata for each parameter. (See the Stata 8 manual entry {hi:[SVY] svymean} for formulas.) Otherwise, if there is a non-missing result {hi:e(df_r)}, containing the residual degrees of freedom, then the degrees of freedom for all parameters is set to the value of {hi:e(df_r)}. Otherwise, the confidence limits and {it:P}-values are calculated using the standard normal distribution. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:level(}{it:numlist}{cmd:)} specifies the confidence levels, in percent, for the confidence limit variables created in the output dataset. These levels do not have to be integers, but must be at least 0 and strictly less than 100. For each level {it:xx}, {helpb parmest} and {helpb parmby} calculate a lower {it:xx} percent confidence limit variable with a default name of form {hi:min}{it:xx} and an upper {it:xx} percent confidence level with a default name of form {hi:max}{it:xx}. The numbering of the confidence limit variable names can be changed using the {cmd:clnumber} option (see below), and the names of the confidence limits can be changed using the {cmd:rename} option (see {help parmest_varmod_opts:{it:parmest_varmod_opts}}). The default is {cmd:level(95)}, or another single number set by {helpb set level}. Note that the {cmd:level()} option used by {helpb parmby} or {helpb parmest} is not affected by any {cmd:level()} option specified for the {help estcom:estimation command}. (See {hi:[U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands}.) {p 4 8 2} {cmd:clnumber(}{it:numbering_rule}{cmd:)} specifies the rule used to number the names of the confidence limit variables created in the output dataset. The {it:numbering_rule} may be {cmd:level} or {cmd:rank}, and is set in default to {cmd:level} if the {cmd:clnumber()} option is not specified. For each confidence level {it:xx} specified by the {cmd:levels()} option, {helpb parmest} and {helpb parmby} calculate a lower {it:xx} percent confidence limit with the default name {hi:min}{it:yy}, and an upper {it:xx} percent confidence limit with the default name {hi:max}{it:yy}, where the number {it:yy} depends on the confidence level {it:xx} according to a rule specified by the {it:numbering_rule} of the {cmd:clnumber()} option. If the {it:numbering_rule} is {cmd:rank}, then the number {it:yy} is the rank, in ascending order, of the confidence level {it:xx} in the set of confidence levels specified by the {cmd:levels()} option. For instance, if the user specifies {cmd:levels(90 95 99) clnumber(rank)}, then the 90 percent confidence limits are named {hi:min1} and {hi:max1}, the 95 percent confidence limits are named {hi:min2} and {hi:max2}, and the 99 percent confidence limits are named {hi:min3} and {hi:max3}. If the numbering rule is {cmd:level} (the default), then the number {it:yy} is equal to the confidence level {it:xx}. For instance, if the user specifies {cmd:levels(90 95 99) clnumber(lewel)}, then the 90 percent confidence limits are named {hi:min90} and {hi:max90}, the 95 percent confidence limits are {hi:min95} and {hi:max95}, and the 99 percent confidence limits are {hi:min99} and {hi:max99}. If the confidence level {it:xx} contains a decimal point, then the decimal point is replaced with "_" in the variable names {hi:min}{it:xx} and {hi:max}{it:xx}. If the confidence level {it:xx} contains "e-" (because of very small e-format confidence levels), then the "e-" is replaced with "em" in the variable names {hi:min}{it:xx} and {hi:max}{it:xx}. Therefore, if the user specifies {cmd:level(95 99.99) clnumber(level)}, then the output dataset contains 95% lower and upper confidence limits in variables {hi:min95} and {hi:max95}, and 99.99% lower and upper confidence limits in variables {hi:min99_99} and {hi:max99_99}. The option {cmd:clnumber(rank)} is useful if the confidence levels contain many numbers after the decimal point, which may be the case if the user specifies Bonferroni-corrected or Sidak-corrected confidence limits. {title:Author} {pstd} Roger Newson, Imperial College London, UK. Email: {browse "mailto:r.newson@imperial.ac.uk":r.newson@imperial.ac.uk} {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2} {bind: }Manual: {hi:[U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands} {p_end} {p 4 13 2} On-line: help for {help estcom:estimation and postestimation commands} {break} help for {helpb parmest}, {helpb parmby}, {help parmest_outdest_opts:{it:parmest_outdest_opts}}, {help parmest_varadd_opts:{it:parmest_varadd_opts}}, {help parmest_varmod_opts:{it:parmest_varmod_opts}}, {help parmby_only_opts:{it:parmby_only_opts}}, {help parmest_resultssets:{it:parmest_resultssets}} {p_end}