*! 1.1.0 Ariel Linden 15Apr2019 || Changed the "credit" option to shift the next refill to start the day after the last refill is exhausted *! 1.0.0 Ariel Linden 17Oct2018 program define pdc version 11.0 syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [if] [in] , /// [ID (string) /// for multiple panels in data DRug(string) /// for multiple drug types in data STArt(string) /// study start-date must be in DMY format (e.g. 01jan2013) LENgth(numlist int max=1 >0) /// END(string) /// study end-date must be in DMY format (e.g. 12dec2013) CREDit /// shift filldates to avoid overlap NOCOLL /// no collapse - undocumented ] quietly { // Get filldate and days_supply variables gettoken filldate daysup : varlist marksample touse count if `touse' if r(N) == 0 error 2000 keep if `touse' keep `id' `drug' `filldate' `daysup' /* Generate the date when the current Rx runs out */ gen fill_end_dt = `filldate' + `daysup' - 1 format fill_end_dt %td /* Case types (base-case is single ID, single drug) */ * Single ID, multiple drugs * if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" != "" { local bydrug "bys `drug' (`filldate') : " } * Multiple IDs, single drug * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" == "" { local byid "bys `id' (`filldate') : " } * Multiple IDs and multiple drugs * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" != "" { local byiddrug "bys `id' `drug' (`filldate') : " } ******************************* /* Generate study start date */ ******************************* if "`start'" !="" { if length("`start'") < 9 { di as err "start() requires 9 characters, e.g. 01jan2013" exit 198 } local start1 = lower(substr("`start'", 3, 1)) if !index("jfmasond", "`start1'") { di as err "Start() must contain a valid 3-letter month" exit 198 } gen study_start_dt = td("`start'") } // end if start != "" * If start is not specified, use first filldate else if "`start'" =="" { * Single ID, single drug if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" == "" { sum `filldate' , meanonly gen study_start_dt = r(min) } * Single ID, multiple drugs else if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" != "" { `bydrug' gen study_start_dt = `filldate'[1] } * Multiple IDs, single drug * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" == "" { `byid' gen study_start_dt = `filldate'[1] } * Multiple IDs and multiple drugs * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" != "" { `byiddrug' gen study_start_dt = `filldate'[1] } } // end if start == "" format study_start_dt %td ***************************** /* Generate study end date */ ***************************** * If end and length are specified, generate error if "`end'" !="" & "`length'" != "" { di as err "either end() or length() may be specified, but not both" exit 198 } * Verify date is correctly specified if "`end'" !="" { if length("`end'") < 9 { di as err " end() requires 9 characters, e.g. 31dec2013" exit 198 } local end1 = lower(substr("`end'", 3, 1)) if !index("jfmasond", "`end1'") { di as err "`end' must contain a valid 3-letter month" exit 198 } gen study_end_dt = td("`end'") } // end if end != "" * If end and length are not specified, use fill_end_dt (filldate + days supply) if "`end'" =="" & "`length'" == "" { * Single ID, single drug * if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" == "" { sum fill_end_dt , meanonly gen study_end_dt = r(max) } * Single ID, multiple drugs * else if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" != "" { `bydrug' gen study_end_dt = fill_end_dt[_N] } * Multiple IDs, single drug * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" == "" { `byid' gen study_end_dt = fill_end_dt[_N] } * Multiple IDs and multiple drugs * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" != "" { `byiddrug' gen study_end_dt = fill_end_dt[_N] } } // end if end == "" & "`length'" == "" * If only length is specified, compute end date using start date and length if "`end'" == "" & "`length'" != "" { gen study_end_dt = (study_start_dt + `length') -1 } format study_end_dt %td ******************************* /* Reshape from long to wide */ ******************************* * Single ID, single drug if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" == "" { tempvar i n gen `i' = 1 gen `n' = _n sum `n', meanonly local fillmax = r(max) reshape wide `filldate' `daysup' fill_end_dt , i( `i' ) j( `n') } * Single ID, multiple drug if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" != "" { tempvar n `bydrug' gen `n' = _n sum `n', meanonly local fillmax = r(max) reshape wide `filldate' `daysup' fill_end_dt , i(`drug') j(`n') } * Multiple IDs, single drug * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" == "" { tempvar n `byid' gen `n' = _n sum `n', meanonly local fillmax = r(max) reshape wide `filldate' `daysup' fill_end_dt , i(`id') j( `n') } * Multiple IDs, multiple drugs * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" != "" { tempvar n `byiddrug' gen `n' = _n sum `n', meanonly local fillmax = r(max) reshape wide `filldate' `daysup' fill_end_dt, i( `id' `drug' ) j(`n') } *********************************************** /* Generate daily tallies of drug possession */ *********************************************** gen study_days = (study_end_dt - study_start_dt) + 1 sum study_days, meanonly local obsmax = r(max) * Shift filldate to avoid overlapping days if "`credit'" != "" { forval u = 2/`fillmax' { local v = `u' - 1 replace `filldate'`u' = fill_end_dt`v' + 1 if `filldate'`u' <= fill_end_dt`v' replace fill_end_dt`u' = (`filldate'`u' + `daysup'`u' - 1) } } * Generate day dummies = 0 to represent observation days forval i = 1/`obsmax' { gen Day`i' = 0 } * Replace the day dummies = 1 if they correspond to days with medication on hand forval i = 1/`obsmax' { forval ii = 1/`fillmax' { replace Day`i' = 1 if (study_start_dt + `i' - 1) >= `filldate'`ii' & (study_start_dt + `i' - 1) <= min((fill_end_dt`ii'), study_end_dt) } } egen supply = rowtotal(Day*) if "`nocoll'" != "" { exit } else if "`nocoll'" == "" { * Single ID, single drug * if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" == "" { keep study_start_dt study_end_dt supply study_days } * Single ID, multiple drugs * else if "`id'" == "" & "`drug'" != "" { keep `drug' study_start_dt study_end_dt supply study_days } * Multiple IDs, single drug * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" == "" { keep `id' study_start_dt study_end_dt supply study_days } * Multiple IDs and multiple drugs * else if "`id'" != "" & "`drug'" != "" { keep `id' `drug' study_start_dt study_end_dt supply study_days } gen pdc = supply/ study_days label var study_start_dt "Start of observation period" label var study_end_dt "End of observation period" label var study_days "Number of days in observation period" label var supply "Total supply on hand" if "`credit'" != "" { label var pdc "Proportion of days covered - with credit" } else { label var pdc "Proportion of days covered" } } // end "nocoll == "" } // quietly end