/* pelod2.dlg */ VERSION 12 INCLUDE _std_mlarge POSITION . . 480 540 DIALOG main, tabtitle("Main") /// label("pelod2 - Calculate the PELOD-2 Score") BEGIN GROUPBOX main 20 10 440 80, /// label("PELOD-2") TEXT tx_pelod 40 +20 150 ., /// label("PELOD-2 Score Variable:") EDIT ed_pelod 40 +20 150 ., /// error("PELOD-2 Score Variable") TEXT tx_rawsc 220 30 230 ., /// label("Raw PELOD-2 Score Variable (optional):") EDIT ed_rawsc 220 +20 150 ., /// error("Raw PELOD-2 Score Variable") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_age 20 100 440 80, /// label("Age - Coded Age or both DoB and DoA") TEXT tx_age 40 120 120 ., /// label("Coded Age:") VARNAME vn_age 40 +20 120 ., /// error("Coded Age") TEXT tx_dob 180 120 120 ., /// label("Date of Birth:") VARNAME vn_dob 180 +20 120 ., /// error("Date of Birth") TEXT tx_doa 320 120 120 ., /// label("Date of Admission:") VARNAME vn_doa 320 +20 120 ., /// error("Date of Admission") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_neuro 20 190 290 80, /// label("Neurologic") TEXT tx_pup 40 210 120 ., /// label("Pupils:") VARNAME vn_pup 40 +20 120 ., /// error("Pupils") TEXT tx_gcs 180 210 120 ., /// label("GCS:") VARNAME vn_gcs 180 +20 120 ., /// error("GCS") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_card 20 280 290 80, /// label("Cardiovascular") TEXT tx_map 40 300 120 ., /// label("MAP:") VARNAME vn_map 40 +20 120 ., /// error("MAP") TEXT tx_lactate 180 300 120 ., /// label("Lactate:") VARNAME vn_lactate 180 +20 120 ., /// error("Lactate") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_renal 310 190 150 80, /// label("Renal") TEXT tx_creatinine 330 +20 120 ., /// label("Creatinine:") VARNAME vn_creatinine 330 +20 120 ., /// error("Creatinine") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_respiratory 20 370 290 80, /// label("Respiratory") TEXT tx_pco2 40 390 120 ., /// label("PCO2:") VARNAME vn_pco2 40 +20 120 ., /// error("PCO2") TEXT tx_mv 180 390 120 ., /// label("Mechanical Ventilation") VARNAME vn_mv 180 +20 120 ., /// error("Mechanical Ventilation") GROUPBOX gb_pf 20 450 440 80 TEXT tx_pao2 40 470 120 ., /// label("PaO2:") VARNAME vn_pao2 40 +20 120 ., /// error("PaO2") TEXT tx_fio2 180 470 120 ., /// label("FiO2:") VARNAME vn_fio2 180 +20 120 ., /// error("FiO2") TEXT tx_pfr 320 470 120 ., /// label("P/F Ratio:") VARNAME vn_pfr 320 +20 120 ., /// error("P/F Ratio") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_heme 310 280 150 170, /// label("Hematology") TEXT tx_wbc 330 300 120 ., /// label("WBC Count:") VARNAME vn_wbc 330 +20 120 ., /// error("WBC") TEXT tx_plt 330 390 120 ., /// label("Platelet Count:") VARNAME vn_plt 330 +20 120 ., /// error("Platelet") *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* END ******************************************************************************** DIALOG options, label("pelod2 Options") tabtitle("Options") BEGIN *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_wbc 20 10 140 70, /// label("WBC Units") RADIO rb_wbc_1 30 +20 120 ., /// first label("cells / mm3") RADIO rb_wbc_2 30 +20 120 ., /// last label("1000 cells / mm3") option(wbcunit(1000)) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_plt 170 10 140 70, /// label("Platelet Units") RADIO rb_plt_1 +10 +20 120 ., /// first label("cells / mm3") RADIO rb_plt_2 @ +20 120 ., /// last label("1000 cells / mm3") option(pltunit(1000)) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_si 320 10 140 70, /// label("Chemistry Lab Units") RADIO rb_si_1 +10 +20 120 ., /// first label("Imperial") RADIO rb_si_2 @ +20 120 ., /// last label("SI") option(si) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GROUPBOX gb_opt 20 90 440 200, /// label("Options") CHECKBOX ck_trac 30 +20 120 ., /// label("Trace") option(trace) CHECKBOX ck_imp 30 +30 220 ., /// label("No Imputation") option(noimputation) CHECKBOX ck_val 30 +30 220 ., /// label("No Validation") option(novalidation) *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* END ******************************************************************************** OK ok, label("OK") CANCEL cncel, label("Cancel") SUBMIT sbmit, label("Submit") HELP hlp, view("help pelod2") RESET rest COPY cpy ******************************************************************************** INCLUDE ifin PROGRAM command BEGIN require main.ed_pelod require main.vn_map require main.vn_lactate require main.vn_pup require main.vn_gcs require main.vn_creatinine require main.vn_pco2 require main.vn_mv require main.vn_wbc require main.vn_plt if !main.vn_dob.isvarname() | !main.vn_doa.isvarname() { require main.vn_age } if !main.vn_pao2.isvarname() | !main.vn_fio2.isvarname() { require main.vn_pfr } if !main.vn_pfr.isvarname(){ require main.vn_pao2 require main.vn_fio2 } if !main.vn_age.isvarname(){ require main.vn_dob require main.vn_doa } put "pelod2 " main.ed_pelod INCLUDE _ifin_pr put ", " if !main.vn_age.isdefault(){ put "age(" main.vn_age ") " } if !main.vn_dob.isdefault(){ put "dob(" main.vn_dob ") " } if !main.vn_doa.isdefault(){ put "doa(" main.vn_doa ") " } if !main.ed_rawsc.isdefault(){ put "rawscore(" main.ed_rawsc ") " } put "map(" main.vn_map ") " put "lactate(" main.vn_lactate ") " put "gcs(" main.vn_gcs ") " put "pupils(" main.vn_pup ") " put "creatinine(" main.vn_creatinine ") " put "pco2(" main.vn_pco2 ") " if !main.vn_pao2.isdefault(){ put "pao2(" main.vn_pao2 ") " } if !main.vn_fio2.isdefault(){ put "fio2(" main.vn_fio2 ") " } if !main.vn_pfr.isdefault(){ put "pfratio(" main.vn_pfr ") " } put "wbc(" main.vn_wbc ") " put "plt(" main.vn_plt ") " put " "/on options.rb_wbc_2 put " "/on options.rb_plt_2 put " "/on options.rb_si_2 put " "/on options.ck_trac put " "/on options.ck_imp put " "/on options.ck_val END