{smcl} {* 22Jun12}{...} {cmd:help plotbeta} {hline} {title:Title} {hi:Plots the estimates from a series of lincom commands} {title: Syntax} {p 8 27 2} {cmdab:plotbeta} {it:exp} [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {synoptset 20 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {syntab:Main} {synopt:{opt p:osition(numlist)} } specifies the position of the confidence intervals. {p_end} {synopt:{opt eform} } specifies that the exponentiated form the parameters be plotted. {p_end} {synopt:{opt ver:tical} } specifies that the confidence intervals are plotted vertically. {p_end} {synopt:{opt l:evel(#)} } specifies the confidence level. {p_end} {synopt:{opt labels} } specifies that variable labels are used in the plot. {p_end} {synopt:{opt savedata(filename)} } specifies that the data in the final plot should be saved. {p_end} {synopt:{opt addplot(graph)} } specifies that an additional twoway graph is added to the plot. {p_end} {synopt:{help twoway_options } } {p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {p} where {it:exp} is defined {it:lincom_exp} [|] {p} and where {it:lincom_exp} may be any linear combination of coefficients that is valid syntax for {help test}. Note, however, that {it:exp} may not contain an equal sign. {title:Description} {p 0 0} This command will plot the parameter estimates and confidence intervals from a series of lincom commands. {title:Updating this command using SSC} {p 0 0} To obtain the latest version click the following to install the new version {stata ssc install plotbeta,replace} {title:Options} {phang} {cmdab:p:osition}{cmd:(}{it:numlist}{cmd:)} specifies the position of the confidence intervals. The default is that the point estimate and confidence intervals are plotted at points 1 2 3 ... It is possible to group confidence intervals in different parts of the plots e.g. 1 2 3 3.1 3.2, here the last three confidence intervals will be much closer to each other. {phang} {cmdab:eform} specifies that the exponentiated form the parameters be plotted. {phang} {cmdab:labels} specifies that if the lincom expression is a variable then that variable's label is used instead of the variable name. This option is particularly useful if the linear predictor is made up entirely of main effects. {phang} {cmdab:ver:tical} specifies that the confidence intervals are plotted vertically rather than the default of horizontally. {phang} {cmdab:l:evel}{cmd:(}{it:#}{cmd:)} specifies the confidence level, in percent, for confidence intervals; see {help level}. {phang} {opt savedata(filename)} specifies that the data in the final plot should be saved. {phang} {opt addplot(graph)} specifies that an additional twoway graph is added to the plot. This is particularly useful for adding additional datapoints using {help twoway_scatteri}. {title:Examples} {p 0 0} A linear regression using the auto data, click the highlighted text in order {stata sysuse auto, clear} {stata reg price mpg turn length} {stata plotbeta mpg | turn | length} {stata plotbeta mpg | turn | length, labels} {stata plotbeta mpg | turn | length, addplot((scatteri 2.5 2.5, ms(S) msize(*2))) labels} {p 0 0} To remove the green text on the right hand side of the plot you need to add in the following two options {p 2 2} {stata plotbeta mpg | turn | length, addplot((scatteri 2.5 2.5, ms(S) msize(*2))) labels ylab(none, axis(2)) ytitle("", axis(2))} {p 0 0} This is the most basic graphic and using twoway options the look can be improved. The following command puts the confidence intervals {p 2 2} {stata plotbeta mpg | turn | length | mpg-length , xtitle(Parameters) yscale(range(0.7 4.3) axis(1)) yscale(range(0.7 4.3) axis(2)) title(Coefficients and Confidence Intervals) subtitle(from a Simple Linear Regression) xline(0, lp(dash)) } An example using Survival data, click the highlighted text in order {stata sysuse cancer} {stata stset studytime, f(died)} {stata "xi:stcox i.drug age"} {stata plotbeta _Idrug_2 | _Idrug_3} {stata plotbeta _Idrug_2 | _Idrug_3, labels eform savedata(temp,replace)} Using the twoway options to solve a problem with labelling {stata "plotbeta age | _Idrug_2 | _Idrug_3, eform labels xline(1, lp(dash)) "} {p 0 0} {bf: Note} that by adding {hi:age} into the estimates the ylabels are off the graph. This is due to the single quote in the variable label. Either change the label or alter the graphregion size {p 2 2} {stata "plotbeta age | _Idrug_2 | _Idrug_3, eform labels xline(1, lp(dash)) graphregion(margin(l+40 r+15)) "} {title:Author} {p} Adrian Mander, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK. Email {browse "mailto:adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk":adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk} {title:Also see} Related commands HELP FILES {help lincom}