*! version 1.0.2 December 16, 2015 @ 11:07:12 *! goes to the directory at the front of $S_DIRSTACK, then pulls it off the list * v1.0.2: added -keep- option to keep invalid directory if pop fails * v1.0.1: changed back to version 9, because nothing needs a newer version program define popd version 9 syntax [, keep] if `"$S_DIRSTACK"'=="" { display as text "Nowhere to pop to" } else { local dirstack `"$S_DIRSTACK"' gettoken newdir dirstack : dirstack capture cd `"`newdir'"' if _rc { display as error "Could not cd to " as text `"`newdir'"' if "`keep'"=="" { display as error " but S_DIRSTACK shortened anyway" global S_DIRSTACK `"`dirstack'"' exit 170 } else { display as error " S_DIRSTACK unchanged" } } pwd global S_DIRSTACK `"`dirstack'"' } end