*! version 1.0.1 15Sep2016 *! version 1.0.2 22Sep2016 *! version 1.0.3 30Sep2016 Fixed a major bug, add first stage residuals options, seeds option, evaluator option and postestimation *! version 1.0.4 10Feb2017 Fixed a major bugs in winitial() matrix in MrEst, fixed minor bug on Wrdg control and names, *! added translog production function, added starting points option for estimation, add check for multiple state and proxy *! version 1.0.5 06Jun2017 Fixed minor bugs in control variable management, error management of translog production function, added a new feature *! in table reporting (prod function CB / Tranlsog), fixed major bugs in predict *| version 1.0.6 15Oct2017 SJ review: Added the Wald test for constant return to scale, added the overidentification option for both ACF and WRDG *! version 1.1.1 13Feb2018 SJ review: Fixed an issue with var names that prevented more than 10 state variable to be used at once, added the "Robinson/ACF" model, *! added the "gmm" option for Wrdg models, fixed the linear version of Wrdg model *! version 1.1.2 14Mar2018 Added the eret loc FSres in case of first stage residuals, in order to ensure that predict, omega can be launched *! version 1.2.1 26Jun2018 Made several minor fixes on helpfile and dofile suggested by Sven-Kristjan Bormann. Added his dialog box file to the package *! version 1.2.2 30Jul2018 Added the controls to the Wooldridge - plain - method. *! authors Gabriele Rovigatti, Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy. mailto: gabriele.rovigatti@gmail.com | gabriele.rovigatti@esterni.bancaditalia.it *! Vincenzo Mollisi, Bolzano University, Bolzano, Italy & Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. mailto: vincenzo.mollisi@gmail.com /*************************************************************************** ** Stata program for Production Function Estimation using the control function approach. ** ** Programmed by: Gabriele Rovigatti ** Parts of the code are based on the xsmle module by Belotti, F., Hughes, G. and Piano Mortari, A. ** and on the levpet module by Petrin, A., Poi, B. and Levinsohn, J. **************************************************************************/ capture program drop prodest program define prodest, sortpreserve eclass version 10.0 syntax varlist(numeric min=1 max=1) [if] [in], free(varlist numeric min=1) /* */ proxy(varlist numeric min=1 max=2) state(varlist numeric min=1) /* */ [control(varlist min=1) ENDOgenous(varlist min=1) id(varlist min=1 max=1) t(varlist min=1 max=1) reps(integer 5) /* */ VAlueadded Level(int ${S_level}) OPTimizer(namelist min=1 max=3) MAXiter(integer 10000) /* OPTIMIZER: THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY TO WRITE technique(nr 100 nm 1000) with different optimizers after the number of iterations. */ poly(integer 3) METhod(name min=1 max=1) lags(integer 999) TOLerance(real 0.00001) gmm /* */ ATTrition ACF INIT(string) FSRESiduals(name min=1 max=1) EVALuator(string) TRANSlog OVERidentification] loc vv: di "version " string(min(max(10,c(stata_version)),14.0)) ", missing:" // we want a version 10 min, while a version 14.0 max (no version 14.2) loc depvar `varlist' marksample touse markout `touse' `free' `proxy' `state' `control' `endogenous' `id' `t' /// checks for same variables in state - free - proxy - controls loc chk1: list free & state loc chk2: list free & control loc chk3: list free & proxy loc chk4: list state & control loc chk5: list state & proxy loc chk6: list control & proxy forval i = 1/6{ if "`chk`i''" != ""{ di as error "Same variables in free, state, control or proxy." exit 198 } } /// check whether there are more than one state AND more than one proxy loc pnum: word count `proxy' loc snum: word count `state' if `pnum' > 1 & `snum' > 1{ di as error "Cannot specify multiple state AND multiple proxy variables" exit 198 } /// check for unavailable choice of models if (!inlist("`method'","op","lp","wrdg","mr","rob") & !mi("`method'")){ di as error "Allowed methods are op, lp, wrdg, mr or rob. Default is lp" exit 198 } else if ("`method'" == "mr" & c(stata_version) < 14.2){ di as error "MrEst only available with Stata version 14.2 or higher" exit 198 } else if mi("`method'"){ loc method "lp" } /// Check for unpractical value of polynomial approximation if (`poly' >= 7 | `poly' < 2){ di as error "Polynomial degree must lie between 2 and 6" exit 198 } /// Syntax check: is data xtset? if (mi("`id'") | mi("`t'")) { capture xtset if (_rc != 0) { di as error "You must either xtset your data or specify both id() and t()" error _rc } else { loc id = r(panelvar) loc t = r(timevar) } } else { qui xtset `id' `t' } /// Check for a valid confidence level if (`level' < 10 | `level' > 99) { di as error "confidence level must be between 10 and 99" error 198 } /// Value added or gross output? if mi("`valueadded'"){ loc model "grossoutput" loc proxyGO `proxy' loc lproxyGO l_gen`proxy' } else { loc model "valueadded" } /// Number of repetitions reasonable? if (`reps' < 2) & ("`method'" != "wrdg" & "`method'" != "mr"){ di as error "reps() must be at least 2" exit 198 } /// optimizer choice if (!mi("`optimizer'") & !inlist("`optimizer'", "nm", "nr", "dfp", "bfgs", "bhhh", "gn")){ di as error "Allowed optimizers are nm, nr, dfp, bfgs and bhhh or gn for wrdg and mr. Default is nm or gn for wrdg and mr" exit 198 } else if inlist("`method'", "wrdg", "mr") & inlist("`optimizer'", "nm", "bhhh"){ di as error "`optimizer' is not allowed with `method' method. Optimizer switched to gn (default)" loc optimizer "gn" } else if mi("`optimizer'") & !inlist("`method'", "wrdg", "mr"){ loc optimizer "nm" } else if mi("`optimizer'"){ loc optimizer "gn" } /// number of lags in MR metodology if ("`method'" == "mr" & mi("`lags'")){ di as error "Method 'mr' requires a specification for lags. Switched to 'all possible lags' (default)" loc lags = . } else if ("`method'" == "mr" & (`lags' < 1)) { di as error "Minimum lag is 1" exit 198 } else if ("`method'" == "mr" & (`lags' == 999)) { loc lags = . } /// check ACF correction in woolridge and mr cases if ("`method'" == "wrdg" | "`method'" == "mr") & !mi("`acf'"){ di as error "`method' does not support ACF correction. Estimation run on baseline model" loc acf "" } /// feasible values of tolerance if mi(`tolerance') | `tolerance' > 0.01{ di as error "maximum value of tolerance is 0.01. Changed to default of value of e-5" loc tolerance = 0.00001 } if ("`method'" == "op") { loc proxyGO "" loc lproxyGO "" } /// define conv_nrtol for wooldridge and mr - NOT in case of GN if ("`method'" == "wrdg" | "`method'" == "mr") & "`optimizer'" != "gn"{ loc conv_nrtol "conv_nrtol(`tolerance')" } if ("`method'" == "wrdg" | "`method'" == "mr") & !mi("`init'"){ loc init = subinstr("`init'",","," ",.) foreach var in `free' `state'{ gettoken val init: init loc init_gmm `init_gmm' xb_`var' `val' } loc init_gmm from(`init_gmm') } if !mi("`fsresiduals'") & inlist("`method'", "wrdg", "mr", "rob"){ di as error "fsresiduals is available with OP and LP methods only." exit 198 } cap confirm var `fsresiduals' if !_rc{ di as error "`fsresiduals' already exists" exit 198 } /// define the evaluator type if mi("`evaluator'") & "`optimizer'" == "bhhh"{ loc evaluator = "gf0" } else if mi("`evaluator'"){ loc evaluator = "d0" } /// check the translog - only meaningful for ACF and Wooldridge methods if !mi("`translog'") & mi("`acf'") & "`method'" != "wrdg"{ di as error "translog is available with Wooldridge or ACF-corrected models only" exit 198 } else if !mi("`translog'") & !mi("`acf'"){ loc transVars `free' `state' `proxyGO' } /// change the production function type if !mi("`translog'"){ loc PFtype "translog" } else{ loc PFtype "Cobb-Douglas" } if !mi("`overidentification'") & mi("`acf'") & "`method'" != "wrdg"{ di as error "overidentification is meaningful for ACF or WRDG methods only. Ignoring the option." } if !mi("`gmm'") & "`method'" != "wrdg"{ di as error "gmm works for wrdg only. Ignoring the option." loc gmm "" } if !mi("`acf'") & "`model'" == "grossoutput"{ di as error "Using ACF correction with GO output does not ensure a correct parameter identification. See ACF (2015)." } if "`method'" == "op" loc strMethod "Olley-Pakes" if "`method'" == "lp" loc strMethod "Levinsohn-Petrin" if "`method'" == "wrdg" loc strMethod "Wooldridge" if "`method'" == "rob" loc strMethod "Wooldridge/Robinson" if "`method'" == "mr" loc strMethod "Mollisi-Rovigatti" loc colnum: word count `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' /// initialize results matrices tempname firstb __b __V robV mat `__b' = J(`reps',`colnum',.) /// preserve the data before generating tons of variables preserve /// generate some locals to be used in order to display results qui xtdes if `touse' == 1, i(`id') t(`t') loc nObs = `r(sum)' loc nGroups = `r(N)' loc minGroup = `r(min)' loc meanGroup = `r(mean)' loc maxGroup = `r(max)' qui su `t' if `touse' == 1 loc maxDate = `r(max)' /// directly keep only observations in IF and IN --> SAVE A TEMPORARY FILE tempfile temp qui keep if `touse' == 1 keep `depvar' `free' `state' `proxy' `control' `id' `t' `touse' `endogenous' /// generate an "exit" dummy variable equal to one for all firms not present in the last period of panel tempvar exit qui bys `id' (`t'): g `exit' = (_n == _N & `t' < `maxDate') qui save `temp', replace /// here we start with bootstrap repetitions forv b = 1/`reps'{ /// print the number of reps each 10 of them if mod(`b'/10,1) == 0 & !inlist("`method'","wrdg","mr"){ noi di "`b'" _continue } else if mod(`b'/10,1) != 0 & !inlist("`method'","wrdg","mr"){ noi di "." _continue } if `b' > 1{ use `temp', clear tempvar new_id qui bsample, cluster(`id') idcluster(`new_id') qui xtset `new_id' `t' } /// define all locals to run the command loc toLagVars `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' foreach var of local toLagVars{ qui g l_gen`var' = l.`var' loc laggedVars `laggedVars' l_gen`var' } foreach local in free state proxy control{ loc `local'num: word count ``local'' foreach var of local `local'{ loc lag`local'Vars `lag`local'Vars' l_gen`var' } } loc instrumentVars `state' `lagfreeVars' `control' `lproxyGO' /// OP LP polyvars loc polyvars `state' `proxy' /// ACF requires free variables to be among the polynomial if !mi("`acf'"){ loc polyvars `free' `polyvars' } loc varnum: word count `polyvars' loc controlnum: word count `control' loc tolagnum: word count `toLagVars' // poly-th degree polynomial loc n = 1 foreach x of local polyvars{ qui g var_`n' = `x' loc interactionvars `interactionvars' var_`n' loc ++n } forv i=1/`varnum'{ forv j=`i'/`varnum'{ qui g var_`i'_`j' = var_`i'*var_`j' loc interactionvars `interactionvars' var_`i'_`j' if `poly' > 2{ forv z=`j'/`varnum'{ qui g var_`i'_`j'_`z' = var_`i'*var_`j'*var_`z' loc interactionvars `interactionvars' var_`i'_`j'_`z' if `poly' > 3{ forv g = `z'/`varnum'{ qui g var_`i'_`j'_`z'_`g' = var_`i'*var_`j'*var_`z'*var_`g' loc interactionvars `interactionvars' var_`i'_`j'_`z'_`g' if `poly' > 4{ forv v = `g'/`varnum'{ qui g var_`i'_`j'_`z'_`g'_`v' = var_`i'*var_`j'*var_`z'*var_`g'*var_`v' loc interactionvars `interactionvars' var_`i'_`j'_`z'_`g'_`v' if `poly' > 5{ forv s = `v'/`varnum'{ qui g var_`i'_`j'_`z'_`g'_`v'_`s' = var_`i'*var_`j'*var_`z'*var_`g'*var_`v'*var_`s' loc interactionvars `interactionvars' var_`i'_`j'_`z'_`g'_`v'_`s' } } } } } } } } } } if /*("`method'" == "wrdg" | "`method'" == "mr")*/ inlist("`method'","wrdg","mr","rob"){ /// generate GMM fit - for each state and free variables need to initiate the GMM foreach element in `free' `state' `proxyGO'{ local gmmfit `gmmfit'-{`element'}*`element' } /// generate lag interactionvars foreach var of local interactionvars{ cap g l_gen`var' = l.`var' loc lagInteractionvars `lagInteractionvars' l_gen`var' } if !mi("`translog'"){ /* generate the interactions + the square of free and state vars */ foreach fvar in `free'{ loc ++colnum qui g translog_var`fvar' = `fvar' * `fvar' /* generate squared free */ loc translogFit `translogFit'-{translog_var`fvar'}*translog_var`fvar' loc transNames `transNames' "`fvar'*`fvar'" foreach svar in `state'{ qui g translog_var`fvar'`svar' = `fvar' * `svar' cap g translog_var`svar'`svar' = `svar' * `svar' loc translogFit `translogFit'-{translog_var`fvar'`svar'}*translog_var`fvar'`svar' loc transNames `transNames' "`fvar'*`svar'" qui g translog_inst`fvar'`svar' = l_gen`fvar' * `svar' loc ++colnum } } loc translogVars translog_var* /* list of interaction + squares variables */ loc translogInst translog_inst* /* list of interaction between lagged free and state var */ loc wrdg_transVars1 "-{xp: translog_var*}" loc wrdg_transVars2 "-{xq: translog_var*}" di "`translogFit'" di "`translogVars'" } if "`method'" == "wrdg"{ /* WRDG */ /* `vv' gmm (eq1: `depvar' `gmmfit' /*`translogFit'*/ -{xc: `interactionvars'} /*`wrdg_transVars1'*/ `wrdg_contr1' - {a0}) /* y - a0 - witB - xitJ - citL */ (eq2: `depvar' `gmmfit' /*`translogFit'*/ -{xd: `lagInteractionvars'} /*`wrdg_transVars2'*/ `wrdg_contr2' - {a0} - {e0}), /* y - e0 - witB - xitJ - p(cit-1L) - ... - pg(cit-1L)^g */ instruments(eq1: `free' `interactionvars' `control' `translogVars' `overidentification') /* Zit1 = (1,wit,xit,c0it) */ instruments(eq2: `state' `lagfreeVars' `lagInteractionvars' `control' `translogVars' /*`translogInst'*/) /* Zit2 = (1,xit,wit-1,cit-1) */ /*winitial(identity, independent) onestep*/ winitial(unadjusted, independent) nocommonesample technique(`optimizer') conv_maxiter(`maxiter') `conv_nrtol' `init_gmm' */ /* mat W = e(W) mat S = e(S) mat V = e(V) mat mV = e(V_modelbased) noi di "final weight matrix" mat list W noi di "S estimator is" mat list S noi di "var-covar matrix" mat list V di "modelbased varcovar matrix" mat list mV */ if !mi("`overidentification'") | !mi("`gmm'") { // in case of overidentification, or in case the user specifies a preference for GMM, estimate a system GMM model, else go with the linear IV model if !mi("`overidentification'"){ loc overidentification `lagfreeVars' `lagInteractionvars' } loc eq1counter = 0 foreach var of varlist `interactionvars'{ loc ++eq1counter loc eq1vars `eq1vars' -{xb`eq1counter'}*`var' } loc eq2counter = 0 foreach var of varlist `lagInteractionvars'{ loc ++eq2counter loc eq2vars `eq2vars' -{xb`eq2counter'}*`var' } `vv' qui gmm (eq1: `depvar' `gmmfit' /*`translogFit'*/ `eq1vars' /*-{xc: `interactionvars'} `wrdg_transVars1'*/ `wrdg_contr1' - {a0}) /* y - a0 - witB - xitJ - citL */ (eq2: `depvar' `gmmfit' /*`translogFit'*/ `eq2vars' /*-{xd: `lagInteractionvars'} `wrdg_transVars2'*/ `wrdg_contr2' - {a0} -{e0}), /* y - e0 - witB - xitJ - p(cit-1L) - ... - pg(cit-1L)^g */ instruments(eq1: `free' /*`lagfreeVars'*/ `interactionvars' `control' `translogVars' /*`lagInteractionvars'*/ `overidentification') /* Zit1 = (1,wit,xit,c0it,cit-1) */ instruments(eq2: `state' `lagfreeVars' `lagInteractionvars' `control' `translogVars' /*`translogInst'*/) /* Zit2 = (1,xit,wit-1,cit-1) */ /*winitial(identity, independent) onestep*/ winitial(unadjusted, independent) /*nocommonesample*/ technique(`optimizer') conv_maxiter(`maxiter') `conv_nrtol' `init_gmm' /// save locals for Hanses's J and p-value qui estat overid loc hans_j: di %3.2f `r(J)' loc hans_p: di %3.2f `r(J_p)' } else{ /* WRDG - plain */ tempfile wrdg qui save `wrdg' qui reg `depvar' `state' `proxyGO' `interactionvars' `free' `lagfreeVars' `control' // just to take the number of observations used in the estimation loc realObs = `e(N)' qui expand 2, gen(cons2) // double the dataset in order to stack dependent and regressors foreach var of local interactionvars{ qui replace `var' = l_gen`var' if cons2 == 1 // change interactionvars to lagged values } qui ivregress gmm `depvar' `state' `proxyGO' `interactionvars' `control' (`free' = `lagfreeVars') cons2, wmatrix(unadjusted) c // run the IV regression /// save locals for Hanses's J and its p-value loc hans_j: di %3.2f `e(J)' mat cV = colsof(e(V)) // find the number of instruments scalar cV = cV[1,1] loc jdf = cV - `e(rank)' + 1 loc hans_p: di %3.2f chi2tail(`jdf', `hans_j') // this is the chi2 p-value of Hansen statistics qui use `wrdg', clear eret loc N `realObs' // post the real number of obseravtions used in estimation } } else if "`method'" == "mr"{ /* MrEst */ if !mi("`overidentification'"){ // interactions are valid instruments, too loc overidentification `lagInteractionvars' } /// god forgive me: in order to overcome the difference equation in system GMM we launch both equations in level and take the initial weighting matrix loc instnum = (`freenum' + `statenum') forv i = 1/`instnum'{ loc intVars `intVars' var_`i' } loc interinstr: list local interactionvars - intVars qui gmm (`depvar' `gmmfit' - {xh: `interactionvars'} `wrdg_contr1' - {a0}), quickd instruments(1: `interinstr') /* */ xtinstruments(`free' `state', l(0/`lags')) winitial(xt L) onestep conv_maxiter(1) qui mat W1 = e(W) qui gmm (`depvar' `gmmfit' - {xj: `lagInteractionvars'} `wrdg_contr2' - {a0} - {e0}), quickd /* */ instruments(`state' `lagInteractionvars') xtinstruments(`free' `state', l(2/`lags'))/* */ /*xtinstruments(`state', l(0/`lags'))*/ winitial(xt L) onestep conv_maxiter(1) qui mat W2 = e(W) mata W_hat = st_matrix("W1"),J(rows(st_matrix("W1")),cols(st_matrix("W2")),0) \ J(rows(st_matrix("W2")),cols(st_matrix("W1")),0), st_matrix("W2") mata st_matrix("W_hat", W_hat) /* generate the model for both equations - same parameter for c_{i,t} and c_{i,t-1} in WRDG terms */ loc eq1counter = 0 foreach var of varlist `interactionvars' `control'{ loc ++eq1counter loc eq1vars `eq1vars' "-{xb`eq1counter'}*`var'" } loc eq2counter = 0 foreach var of varlist `lagInteractionvars' `control'{ loc ++eq2counter loc eq2vars `eq2vars' "-{xb`eq2counter'}*`var'" } /// launch the gmm with the winitial built above `vv' qui gmm (1: `depvar' `gmmfit' `eq1vars' /*`wrdg_contr1'*/ - {a0}) /* y - a0 - witB - xitJ - citL */ (2: `depvar' `gmmfit' `eq2vars' /*`wrdg_contr2'*/ - {a0} - {e0}),/* y - e0 - witB - xitJ - p(cit-1L) - ... - pg(cit-1L)^g, where p = g = 1 */ instruments(1: `interinstr' `overidentification' `control') xtinstruments(1: `free' `state', l(0/`lags')) /* */ xtinstruments(2: `free' `state', l(2/`lags')) instruments(2: `state' `lagInteractionvars' `control') /* */ onestep winitial("W_hat") nocommonesample quickd technique(`optimizer') conv_maxiter(`maxiter') `conv_nrtol' `init_gmm' /// save locals for Hanses's J and p-value qui estat overid loc hans_j: di %3.2f `r(J)' loc hans_p: di %3.2f `r(J_p)' } else{ /* Robinson / ACF */ *qui gmm (`depvar' `gmmfit' - {xb: `lagInteractionvars'} - {a0}), instruments(`state' `lagfreeVars' `lagInteractionvars') onestep vce(cluster `id') *ivreg2 `depvar' `state' `proxyGO' `lagInteractionvars' ( `free' = `lagfreeVars' `overidentification'), gmm2s cluster(`id') /* this is working! */ *ivregress gmm `depvar' `state' `proxyGO' `control' `lagInteractionvars' ( `free' = `lagfreeVars' `overidentification'), vce(cluster `id') /* this is working! */ qui ivregress gmm `depvar' `state' `proxyGO' `control' `lagInteractionvars' (`free' = `lagfreeVars'), vce(cluster `id') /* this is working! */ /// save locals for Hanses's J and its p-value loc hans_j: di %3.2f `e(J)' mat cV = colsof(e(V)) // find the number of instruments scalar cV = cV[1,1] loc jdf = cV - `e(rank)' + 1 loc hans_p: di %3.2f chi2tail(`jdf', `hans_j') // this is the chi2 p-value of Hansen statistics } /// save elements for result posting loc nObs = `e(N)' loc numInstr1: word count `e(inst_1)' loc numInstr2: word count `e(inst_2)' mat `__b' = e(b) mat `__b' = `__b'[1...,1..`colnum'] mat `__V' = e(V) mat `__V' = `__V'[1..`colnum',1..`colnum'] /// save locals for Hanses's J and its p-value loc hans_j: di %3.2f `e(J)' mat cV = colsof(e(V)) // find the number of instruments scalar cV = cV[1,1] loc jdf = cV - `e(rank)' + 1 loc hans_p: di %3.2f chi2tail(`jdf', `hans_j') // this is the chi2 p-value of Hansen statistics continue, break } else{ /* if it's not WRDG or MrEst */ if !mi("`attrition'"){ foreach var in `interactionvars'{ qui g l_gen`var' = l.`var' loc lagInterVars `lagInterVars' l_gen`var' } qui cap logit `exit' `lagInterVars' if _rc == 0{ qui predict Pr_hat if e(sample), pr } else{ di as error "No ID exits the sample. Running the estimation with no attrition" loc attrition "" qui g Pr_hat = . } } else{ qui g Pr_hat = . } /// in case of ACF we don't want free variables to appear twice in the regression if !mi("`acf'"){ forv i = 1/`freenum'{ loc freeVars `freeVars' var_`i' } loc interactionvars: list local interactionvars - freeVars /// generate the needed variables for translog: a local with all power of 2 + interactions and instruments - lag of free/proxy interacted with state if !mi("`translog'"){ loc transNum: word count `transVars' forv i=1/`transNum'{ forv j=`i'/`transNum'{ loc interactionTransVars `interactionTransVars' var_`i'_`j' qui g lagTrans_`i'_`j' = l.var_`i'_`j' loc lagInteractionTransVars `lagInteractionTransVars' lagTrans_`i'_`j' } } foreach fvar in `free' `proxyGO'{ tempvar d`fvar' qui g `d`fvar'' = `fvar'^2 qui g lagInstr`fvar' = l.`d`fvar'' loc instrumentTransVars `instrumentTransVars' lagInstr`fvar' foreach svar in `state'{ qui g instr_`fvar'`svar' = lagInstr`fvar'*`svar' loc instrumentTransVars `instrumentTransVars' instr_`fvar'`svar' } } foreach svar in `state'{ tempvar d`svar' qui g `d`svar'' = `svar'^2 qui g lagInstr`svar' = l.`d`svar'' loc instrumentTransVars `instrumentTransVars' lagInstr`svar' } if `b' == 1{ loc colnum: word count `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' `interactionTransVars' mat `__b' = J(`reps',`colnum',.) } } } loc regvars `free' `control' `interactionvars' loc firstRegNum: word count `regvars' loc regNum: word count `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' `transVars' /// first stage qui _xt, trequired qui reg `depvar' `regvars' /// generating "freeFit" as the fit of free variables to be subtracted to Y tempvar freeFit qui g `freeFit' = 0 foreach var in `free'{ scalar b_`var' = _b[`var'] qui replace `freeFit' = `freeFit' + (b_`var'*`var') } mat `firstb' = e(b) mat `robV' = e(V) qui predict phihat if e(sample), xb qui g phihat_lag = l.phihat /// retrieve starting points through an OLS estimation --> first round only, not during bootstrap if `b' == 1{ qui reg `depvar' `toLagVars' `interactionTransVars' if `touse' == 1 if !mi("`init'"){ mat ols_s = `init' // THIS PART IS JUST A TRYOUT IN ORDER TO MAKE THE COMMAND WORK FOR OUR PURPOSES } else{ mat tmp = e(b) mata: st_matrix("ols_s",st_matrix("tmp"):+ rnormal(1,1,0,.01)) // we add some "noise" to OLS results in order not to block the optimizer *mat ols_s = e(b) } /// save the first stage results if !mi("`fsresiduals'"){ tempfile fsres tempvar FSfit mat score `FSfit' = `firstb' qui g `fsresiduals' = `depvar' - `FSfit' qui save `fsres' } } qui g res = 0 if mi("`acf'"){ /* OP and LP (non-corrected) second stage */ /// here we generate a tempvar with the fitted value of all the free variables qui replace phihat = phihat - `freeFit' qui replace res = `depvar' - `freeFit' qui replace phihat_lag = l.phihat mat init = ols_s[1...,(`freenum'+1)..`regNum']' loc toLagVars `state' `control' `proxyGO' loc laggedVars: list local laggedVars - lagfreeVars loc instrumentVars `state' `control' `lproxyGO' /// here we launch the mata routine for OP or LP foreach var of varlist `toLagVars' `laggedVars' /*`lagfreeVars'*/ phihat_lag phihat{ qui drop if mi(`var') } /// the routine cannot fail the first estimation - otherwise it would fail with the point estimates. We capture the boot repetitions if `b' == 1{ qui mata: opt_mata(st_matrix("init"),&foplp(),"`optimizer'","phihat","phihat_lag",/* */"`toLagVars'","`laggedVars'","`touse'",`maxiter',`tolerance',"`evaluator'","Pr_hat","res","`instrumentVars'","`endogenous'") } else{ cap qui mata: opt_mata(st_matrix("init"),&foplp(),"`optimizer'","phihat","phihat_lag",/* */"`toLagVars'","`laggedVars'","`touse'",`maxiter',`tolerance',"`evaluator'","Pr_hat","res","`instrumentVars'","`endogenous'") if _rc != 0{ noi di "x" _continue loc laggedVars "" loc lagfreeVars "" loc lagstateVars "" loc interactionvars "" loc lagcontrolVars "" continue } } *mat `__b'[`b',1] = `firstb'[1...,1..(`freenum'+`controlnum')],r(betas) mat `__b'[`b',1] = `firstb'[1...,1..(`freenum')],r(betas) } else{ /* ACF second stage */ if !mi("`overidentification'"){ // lag intereactions are valid instruments for the first equation, too loc overidentification `lagInteractionvars' } loc toLagVars `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' `interactionTransVars' loc laggedVars `lagfreeVars' `lagstateVars' `lagcontrolVars' `lproxyGO' `lagInteractionTransVars' loc instrumentVars `lagfreeVars' `state' `control' `lproxyGO' `instrumentTransVars' `overidentification' /// here we launch the mata routine for ACF foreach var of varlist `laggedVars' `lagfreeVars' phihat_lag{ qui drop if mi(`var') } loc betaNum: word count `free' `state' `proxyGO' `control' `interactionTransVars' mat init = ols_s[1...,1..(`betaNum')]' if `b' == 1{ qui mata: opt_mata(st_matrix("init"),&facf(),"`optimizer'","phihat","phihat_lag",/* */ "`toLagVars'","`laggedVars'","`touse'",`maxiter',`tolerance',"`evaluator'","Pr_hat","res","`instrumentVars'","`endogenous'") } else{ cap qui mata: opt_mata(st_matrix("init"),&facf(),"`optimizer'","phihat","phihat_lag",/* */ "`toLagVars'","`laggedVars'","`touse'",`maxiter',`tolerance',"`evaluator'","Pr_hat","res","`instrumentVars'","`endogenous'") if _rc != 0{ noi di "x" _continue loc lagInteractionTransVars "" loc interactionTransVars "" loc instrumentTransVars "" loc laggedVars "" loc lagfreeVars "" loc lagstateVars "" loc interactionvars "" loc lagcontrolVars "" continue } } mat `__b'[`b',1] = r(betas) } } loc lagInteractionTransVars "" loc transNames `interactionTransVars' loc interactionTransVars "" loc instrumentTransVars "" loc laggedVars "" loc lagfreeVars "" loc lagstateVars "" loc interactionvars "" loc lagcontrolVars "" } if !inlist("`method'","wrdg","mr","rob")/*("`method'" != "wrdg" & "`method'" != "mr")*/{ clear /// generate the varCovar matrix for the bootstrapped estimates qui svmat `__b' qui mat accum `__V' = * in 2/`reps', deviations noconstant *mat `__V' = `__V' / (`reps' - 1) mat `__V' = `__V' / (`reps') mat `__b' = `__b'[1,1...] } restore /// merge the first stage residuals if !mi("`fsresiduals'"){ qui merge 1:1 `id' `t' using `fsres', nogen keepusing(`fsresiduals') } mat coleq `__b' = "" mat coleq `__V' = "" mat roweq `__V' = "" mat colnames `__b' = `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' `transNames' mat colnames `__V' = `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' `transNames' mat rownames `__V' = `free' `state' `control' `proxyGO' `transNames' /* compute Wald estimator of constant returns to scale */ /* taken from levpet */ tempname capr diff rvri junk mat `capr' = J(1, colsof(`__b'), 1) mat `rvri' = syminv(`capr'*`__V'*`capr'') mat `diff' = `__b'*`capr'' - 1 mat `junk' = `diff'*`rvri'*`diff' loc waldT: di %3.2f trace(`junk') loc waldP: di %3.2f chi2tail(1, `waldT') /// Display results - ereturn eret clear eret post `__b' `__V', e(`touse') obs(`nObs') if !mi("`acf'"){ loc correction "ACF corrected" } if !mi("`fsresiduals'"){ eret loc FSres "`fsresiduals'" } eret loc cmd "prodest" eret loc depvar "`depvar'" eret loc free "`free'" eret loc state "`state'" eret loc proxy "`proxy'" eret loc controls "`control'" eret loc endogenous "`endogenous'" eret loc method "`strMethod'" eret loc model "`model'" eret loc technique "`optimizer'" eret loc idvar "`id'" eret loc timevar "`t'" eret loc correction "`correction'" eret loc predict "prodest_p" eret loc PFtype "`PFtype'" eret loc waldT "`waldT'" eret loc waldP "`waldP'" eret loc gmm "`gmm'" eret scalar N_g = `nGroups' eret scalar tmin = `minGroup' eret scalar tmean = `meanGroup' eret scalar tmax = `maxGroup' di _n _n di as text "`method' productivity estimator `gmm'" _continue di _col(49) "`PFtype' PF" di as text "`correction'" if ("`model'" == "grossoutput") { di as text "Dependent variable: revenue" _continue } else { di as text "Dependent variable: value added" _continue } di _col(49) as text "Number of obs = " as result %9.0f `nObs' di as text "Group variable (id): `id'" _continue di _col(49) as text "Number of groups = " as result %9.0f `nGroups' di as text "Time variable (t): `t'" di _col(49) as text "Obs per group: min = " as result %9.0f `minGroup' di _col(49) as text " avg = " as result %9.1f `meanGroup' di _col(49) as text " max = " as result %9.0f `maxGroup' di _coef_table, level(`level') di "Wald test on Constant returns to scale: Chi2 = `e(waldT)'" di " p = (`e(waldP)')" if ("`method'" == "wrdg" | "`method'" == "mr") & !mi("`overidentification'"){ eret loc hans_j "`hans_j'" eret loc hans_p "`hans_p'" di "Hansen's J statistic for overidentification = `hans_j'" di " p = (`hans_p')" } else if !mi("`translog'"){ di as text "Estimated parameters displayed. To see estimated input elasticities, type{stata predict, parameters: predict, parameters}" } end program //*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /// defining mata routines for optimization capture mata mata drop opt_mata() capture mata mata drop facf() capture mata mata drop foplp() *version 7 mata: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void foplp(todo,betas,X,lX,PHI,LPHI,RES,Z,PR_HAT,ENDO,crit,g,H) { OMEGA = PHI-X*betas' OMEGA_lag = LPHI-lX*betas' OMEGA_lag2 = OMEGA_lag:*OMEGA_lag OMEGA_lag3 = OMEGA_lag2:*OMEGA_lag /* IF clause in order to see whether we have to use the "exit" variable */ if (!missing(PR_HAT)){ PR_HAT2 = PR_HAT:*PR_HAT PR_HAT3 = PR_HAT2:*PR_HAT OMEGA_lag_pol = (J(rows(PHI),1,1),OMEGA_lag,OMEGA_lag2,OMEGA_lag3,PR_HAT,PR_HAT2,PR_HAT3,PR_HAT:*OMEGA_lag,PR_HAT2:*OMEGA_lag,PR_HAT:*OMEGA_lag2,ENDO) } else{ OMEGA_lag_pol = (J(rows(PHI),1,1),OMEGA_lag,OMEGA_lag2,OMEGA_lag3,ENDO) } g_b = invsym(OMEGA_lag_pol'OMEGA_lag_pol)*OMEGA_lag_pol'OMEGA XI = RES-X*betas'-OMEGA_lag_pol*g_b crit = (XI)'*(XI) } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void facf(todo,betas,X,lX,PHI,LPHI,RES,Z,PR_HAT,ENDO,crit,g,H) { W = invsym(Z'Z)/(rows(Z)) OMEGA = PHI-X*betas' OMEGA_lag = LPHI-lX*betas' OMEGA_lag2 = OMEGA_lag:*OMEGA_lag OMEGA_lag3 = OMEGA_lag2:*OMEGA_lag /* IF clause in order to see whether we have to use the "exit" variable */ if (!missing(PR_HAT)){ PR_HAT2 = PR_HAT:*PR_HAT PR_HAT3 = PR_HAT2:*PR_HAT OMEGA_lag_pol = (J(rows(PHI),1,1),OMEGA_lag,OMEGA_lag2,OMEGA_lag3,PR_HAT,PR_HAT2,PR_HAT3,PR_HAT:*OMEGA_lag,PR_HAT2:*OMEGA_lag,PR_HAT:*OMEGA_lag2,ENDO) } else{ OMEGA_lag_pol = (J(rows(PHI),1,1),OMEGA_lag,OMEGA_lag2,OMEGA_lag3,ENDO) } g_b = invsym(OMEGA_lag_pol'OMEGA_lag_pol)*OMEGA_lag_pol'OMEGA XI = OMEGA-OMEGA_lag_pol*g_b crit = (Z'XI)'*W*(Z'XI) } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void opt_mata(init, f, opt, phi, lphi, tolag, lagged, touse, maxiter, tol, eval, | Pr_hat, res, instr, endogenous) { st_view(RES=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(res)), touse) st_view(PHI=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(phi)), touse) st_view(LPHI=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(lphi)), touse) st_view(Z=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(instr)), touse) st_view(X=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(tolag)), touse) st_view(lX=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(lagged)), touse) st_view(PR_HAT=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(Pr_hat)), touse) st_view(ENDO=.,.,st_tsrevar(tokens(endogenous)), touse) S = optimize_init() optimize_init_argument(S, 1, X) optimize_init_argument(S, 2, lX) optimize_init_argument(S, 3, PHI) optimize_init_argument(S, 4, LPHI) optimize_init_argument(S, 5, RES) optimize_init_argument(S, 6, Z) optimize_init_argument(S, 7, PR_HAT) optimize_init_argument(S, 8, ENDO) optimize_init_evaluator(S, f) /*optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d0")*/ optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, eval) optimize_init_conv_maxiter(S, maxiter) optimize_init_conv_nrtol(S, tol) /*optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "gf0")*/ optimize_init_technique(S, opt) optimize_init_nmsimplexdeltas(S, 0.00001) optimize_init_which(S,"min") optimize_init_params(S,init') p = optimize(S) st_matrix("r(betas)", p) /* tryout to find Newey-type Cov estimator st_matrix("r(gradient)", optimize_result_gradient(S)) st_matrix("r(score)", optimize_result_scores(S)) Hl = optimize_result_gradient(S) V = optimize_result_V(S) Vhh = invsym(Hl)*V*invsym(Hl)' st_matrix("r(Vhh)", Vhh)*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ end /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /// SAVE MATA LIBRARIES /// *global matadir "C:\Users\gabriele\Dropbox (Personale)\ACF_routine\dofile" *cd "${matadir}" *mata: mata mlib create l_prodest, replace *mata: mata mlib add l_prodest *()