*! version 1.3.2 28aug2010 by adinno at post dot harvard dot edu *! transform a person-time data set into a person-period data set for *! discrete-time survival analyses * Copyright Notice * dthaz, prsnperd and prsnperd.ado are Copryright (c) 2001, 2010 Alexis Dinno * * This file is part of dthaz. * * Dthaz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) at any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (dthaz.copying); if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * Check for version compatibility and notify user of version incompatibility * and let them know I am ammennable to making back-compatible revisions. program define prsnperd if int(_caller())<7 { di in r "prsnperd- does not support this version of Stata." _newline di as txt "Requests for a v6 compatible version may be less easy." di as txt "Requests for a version compatible with versions of STATA earlier than v6 are " di as txt "untenable since I do not have access to the software." _newline di as txt "All requests are welcome and will be considered." exit } if int(_caller())==7 { prsnperd7 `0' } if int(_caller())>=8 { prsnperd8 `0' } end ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* * prsnperd for STATA Version 7 * ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* program define prsnperd7 version 7.0 syntax varlist(numeric min=1 max=3) [, Truncate(integer 0) /* */ Pretrunc(integer 0) CSwitch tvp(namelist) /* */ fev(namelist(min=1 max=1)) copyleft] tokenize `varlist' quietly { ******************************************************************************* * Notify the user that CSwitch has been set, and display copyleft if asked. * ******************************************************************************* if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { noisily { di _newline as yellow "CSwitch option ON. Assuming 0 = censored; 1 = event/failure for censor variable." _newline } } if "`copyleft'" == "copyleft" { noisily { di _newline "Copyright Notice" di "dthaz, prsnperd and prsnperd.ado are Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 alexis dinno" _newline di "This file is part of dthaz." _newline di "Dthaz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify" di "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" di "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or" di "(at your option) at any later version." _newline di "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," di "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" di "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the" di "GNU General Public License for more details." _newline di "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License" di "along with this program (dthaz.copying); if not, write to the Free Software" di "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA" _newline } } ******************************************************************************* * Check if time-to-event is in time-varying format, and generate * * length-to-event * ******************************************************************************* if ("`fev'" ~= "") { order `1' `fev'* gen length_to_event = . gen censored = 0 local count = 0 foreach variable of varlist `fev'* { if (`count' == 0 & `variable' == .) { drop length_to_event censored di as red "ERROR: Some observations missing observed event/no event at first time period!" error 1 } local count = `count' + 1 replace length_to_event = `count' if (`variable' == 1 & length_to_event == .) replace censored = 1 if (`variable' == .) replace length_to_event = `count' if (censored == 1) } replace censored = 1 if length_to_event == . replace length_to_event = `count' if length_to_event == . local 2 = length_to_event local 3 = censored } local varlist = "`1' `2' `3'" local drop count ******************************************************************************* * Idiot check the compatibility of truncate and pretrunc values * ******************************************************************************* sum `2' if (`truncate' ~= 0 & `pretrunc' ~=0) { if ( (`truncate'-`pretrunc') <= 2 ) { noisily { di as white "truncate" as err " and " as white "pretrunc" as err " values are incompatible." di as err "(Not enough periods would be left to analyze)" } error ( (`truncate'-`pretrunc') <= 2 ) } } ******************************************************************************* * Validate the truncate value, set to 0 if no truncate value less than zero * ******************************************************************************* local count=0 foreach parameter of varlist `varlist' { local count=`count'+1 } if `truncate'<0 { local truncate=0 } if `2'>`truncate' & `truncate'>0 { replace `2'=`truncate' if `count'==3 { if "`cswitch'" == "" { replace `3'=1 } if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { replace `3'=0 } } } ******************************************************************************* * Expand the dataset and create period variable * ******************************************************************************* expand `2' sort `1' by `1': generate _period=_n if `count'==2 { exit } ******************************************************************************* * Prepare to create `maxl' number of period indicator variables * ******************************************************************************* sum `2' if `truncate'==0 | `truncate'>r(max){ local maxl=r(max) } else { local maxl=`truncate' } local mxm1 = `maxl'-1 ******************************************************************************* * Create d1-dX where X = `maxl' * ******************************************************************************* if `count'==3 { for num 1/`maxl': generate _dX=0\replace _dX = 1 if _period==X } ******************************************************************************* * Create Y and status variables for survival analysis applications * ******************************************************************************* if `count' == 3 { generate _Y = 0 if "`cswitch'" == "" { replace _Y = 1 if (_period == `2' & `3' == 0) } if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { replace _Y = 1 if (_period == `2' & `3' == 1) } label var _Y "0: Event did not happen; 1: Event happened" generate _status = 1 + (1 - _Y) if "`cswitch'" == "" { replace _status = 3 if (_status == 2 & _period == `2' & `3' == 1) } if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { replace _status = 3 if (_status == 2 & _period == `2' & `3' == 0) } label var _status "1: Left; 2: Stayed; 3: Censored" } ******************************************************************************* * Diagnose potential problems with lack of variation in a single period * ******************************************************************************* *Evaluate whether any of the time periods are missing event occurrence. forvalues x=1/`maxl' { count if _period==`x' & _Y==1 local events=r(N) count if _period==`x' & _Y==0 local noevents=r(N) if `events'==0 | `noevents'==0 { noisily { di as result "No variation in event occurrence for period " `x' "!" } } } ******************************************************************************* * Engage in pre-truncation madness! * ******************************************************************************* *Make sure that pretrunc is greater than or equal to zero AND less than maxl-l *or do pre-truncation. if (`pretrunc'<0 | `pretrunc'>=`mxm1') { noisily { di as err "Pre-truncation value out of range." di as white "No pre-truncation used." _newline } } else { if (`pretrunc' ~= 0) { * Dropping the first `pretrunc' number of period indicator variables forvalues x=1/`pretrunc' { drop _d`x' } * Sequentially renaming the remaining period indicators. local maxl = `maxl'-`pretrunc' forvalues x=1/`maxl' { local curper = `pretrunc'+`x' rename _d`curper' _d`x' } * Dropping observations in the pre-truncated periods drop if _period<=`pretrunc' * Revaluing _period so that the earliest time value is 1 (i.e. * subtracting the pre-truncation number from _period. replace _period = _period-`pretrunc' } } ******************************************************************************* * Deal with Time-Varying Predictors * ******************************************************************************* if "`tvp'" ~= "" { foreach variable in `tvp' { gen `variable' = . forvalues n = 1/`maxl' { replace `variable' = `variable'`n' if _period == `n' } } } ******************************************************************************* * Clean up * ******************************************************************************* macro drop truncate maxl } end ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* * prsnperd for STATA Versions 8+ * ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* program define prsnperd8 version 8.0 syntax varlist(numeric min=1 max=3) [, Truncate(integer 0) /* */ Pretrunc(integer 0) CSwitch tvp(namelist) /* */ fev(name) copyleft] tokenize `varlist' quietly { ******************************************************************************* * Notify the user that CSwitch has been set, and display copyleft if asked. * ******************************************************************************* if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { noisily { di _newline as yellow "CSwitch option ON. Assuming 0 = censored; 1 = event/failure for censor variable." _newline } } if "`copyleft'" == "copyleft" { noisily { di _newline "Copyright Notice" di "dthaz, prsnperd and prsnperd.ado are Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 alexis dinno" _newline di "This file is part of dthaz." _newline di "Dthaz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify" di "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" di "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or" di "(at your option) at any later version." _newline di "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," di "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" di "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the" di "GNU General Public License for more details." _newline di "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License" di "along with this program (dthaz.copying); if not, write to the Free Software" di "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA" _newline } } ******************************************************************************* * Check if time-to-event is in time-varying format, and generate * * length-to-event * ******************************************************************************* if ("`fev'" ~= "") { order `1' `fev'* gen length_to_event = . gen censored = 0 local count = 0 foreach variable of varlist `fev'* { if (`count' == 0 & `variable' == .) { drop length_to_event censored di as red "ERROR: Some observations missing observed event/no event at first time period!" error 1 } local count = `count' + 1 replace length_to_event = `count' if (`variable' == 1 & length_to_event == .) replace censored = 1 if (`variable' == .) replace length_to_event = `count' if (censored == 1) } replace censored = 1 if length_to_event == . replace length_to_event = `count' if length_to_event == . local 2 = length_to_event local 3 = censored } local varlist = "`1' `2' `3'" local drop count ******************************************************************************* * Idiot check the compatibility of truncate and pretrunc values * ******************************************************************************* sum `2' if (`truncate' ~= 0 & `pretrunc' ~=0) { if ( (`truncate'-`pretrunc') <= 2 ) { noisily { di as white "truncate" as err " and " as white "pretrunc" as err " values are incompatible." di as err "(Not enough periods would be left to analyze)" } error ( (`truncate'-`pretrunc') <= 2 ) } } ******************************************************************************* * Validate the truncate value, set to 0 if no truncate value less than zero * ******************************************************************************* local count=0 foreach parameter of varlist `varlist' { local count=`count'+1 } if `truncate'<0 { local truncate=0 } if `2'>`truncate' & `truncate'>0 { replace `2'=`truncate' if `count'==3 { if "`cswitch'" == "" { replace `3'=1 } if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { replace `3'=0 } } } ******************************************************************************* * Expand the dataset and create period variable * ******************************************************************************* expand `2' sort `1' by `1': generate _period=_n if `count'==2 { exit } ******************************************************************************* * Prepare to create `maxl' number of period indicator variables * ******************************************************************************* sum `2' if `truncate'==0 | `truncate'>r(max){ local maxl=r(max) } else { local maxl=`truncate' } local mxm1 = `maxl'-1 ******************************************************************************* * Create d1-dX where X = `maxl' * ******************************************************************************* if `count'==3 { for num 1/`maxl': generate _dX=0\replace _dX = 1 if _period==X } ******************************************************************************* * Create Y and status variables for survival analysis applications * ******************************************************************************* if `count' == 3 { generate _Y = 0 if "`cswitch'" == "" { replace _Y = 1 if (_period == `2' & `3' == 0) } if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { replace _Y = 1 if (_period == `2' & `3' == 1) } label var _Y "0: Event did not happen; 1: Event happened" generate _status = 1 + (1 - _Y) if "`cswitch'" == "" { replace _status = 3 if (_status == 2 & _period == `2' & `3' == 1) } if "`cswitch'" ~= "" { replace _status = 3 if (_status == 2 & _period == `2' & `3' == 0) } label var _status "1: Left; 2: Stayed; 3: Censored" } ******************************************************************************* * Diagnose potential problems with lack of variation in a single period * ******************************************************************************* *Evaluate whether any of the time periods are missing event occurrence. forvalues x=1/`maxl' { count if _period==`x' & _Y==1 local events=r(N) count if _period==`x' & _Y==0 local noevents=r(N) if `events'==0 | `noevents'==0 { noisily { di as result "No variation in event occurrence for period " `x' "!" } } } ******************************************************************************* * Engage in pre-truncation madness! * ******************************************************************************* *Make sure that pretrunc is greater than or equal to zero AND less than maxl-l *or do pre-truncation. if (`pretrunc'<0 | `pretrunc'>=`mxm1') { noisily { di as err "Pre-truncation value out of range." di as white "No pre-truncation used." _newline } } else { if (`pretrunc' ~= 0) { * Dropping the first `pretrunc' number of period indicator variables forvalues x=1/`pretrunc' { drop _d`x' } * Sequentially renaming the remaining period indicators. local maxl = `maxl'-`pretrunc' forvalues x=1/`maxl' { local curper = `pretrunc'+`x' rename _d`curper' _d`x' } * Dropping observations in the pre-truncated periods drop if _period<=`pretrunc' * Revaluing _period so that the earliest time value is 1 (i.e. * subtracting the pre-truncation number from _period. replace _period = _period-`pretrunc' } } ******************************************************************************* * Deal with Time-Varying Predictors * ******************************************************************************* if "`tvp'" ~= "" { foreach variable in `tvp' { gen `variable' = . forvalues n = 1/`maxl' { replace `variable' = `variable'`n' if _period == `n' } } } ******************************************************************************* * Clean up * ******************************************************************************* macro drop truncate maxl } end