*! version 2.10 06June2014 M. Araar Abdelkrim & M. Paolo verme VERSION 9.2 INCLUDE graph_header //INCLUDE header POSITION . . 760 280 DIALOG main, label("SUBSIM| Describe the price schedule(s): pschdes") tabtitle("Main") BEGIN TEXT tx_using 20 20 200 ., /// label("Name(s) of price schedule(s):") EDIT names 220 @ 280 ., /// label ("Names") GROUPBOX gb2 10 140 360 120, /// label("Graph: ") CHECKBOX chk_op3 20 +25 60 ., /// label("Display:") default(0) option(dgra) TEXT txt4 20 +25 40 ., /// label("Save:") /// FILE fnamegs 80 @ 280 ., /// label ("Browse...") save option(sgra) /// filter("Stata Gragh (*.gph)|*.gph|All Files (*.*)|*.*") TEXT chk_op5 20 +25 40 ., /// label("Export:") /// FILE fnamege 80 @ 280 ., /// label ("Browse...") save option(egra) /// filter("MetaFile (*.wmf)|*.wmf|EPS (*.eps)|*.eps") END INCLUDE gr_twoway HELP hlp1, view("help asubini") RESET res1 OK ok1, label("OK") CANCEL can1, label("Cancel") SUBMIT sub1, label("Submit") COPY copy1 PROGRAM command BEGIN require main.names put "pschdes " put `""' main.names `""' beginoptions optionarg main.fnamegs optionarg main.fnamege optionarg main.chk_op3 put " " /program gr_twoway_output END