Trend analysis for proportions ------------------------------
^ptrend^ rvar nrvar xvar
^ptrendi^ r1 nr1 x1 ^\^ r2 nr2 x2 ^\^ r3 nr3 x3 [ ^\^ r4 nr4 x4 ... ]
Description -----------
^ptrend^ calculates a chi-square statistic for the trend (regression) of pvar on xvar, where pvar is the proportion rvar/(rvar+nrvar). A variable called ^_prop^, containing the values of pvar, is left behind by ^ptrend^. ^ptrend^ a > lso gives a chi-square test for departure from the trend line.
^ptrendi^ does the same analysis on user-entered data; the proportions are now p1 = r1/(r1+nr1), p2 = r2/(r2+nr2), etc.
^ptrendi^ is an "immediate" command; see [4] immediate.
Options -------
Examples --------
. ^ptrend r nr x^ . ^ptrend yes no shoesize^
. ^ptrendi 24 1355 1 \ 35 603 2 \ 21 192 3 \ 30 224 4^
Also see --------
Manual: [4] immediate, [5s] tabulate On-line: help for @tabulate@