p p2ci module to calculate confidence limits of a regression coefficient from the p-value p pagetrend module to perform Page's L trend test for ordered alternatives p pairdata module to create paired datasets from individual-per-row data p pairplot module for plots of paired observations p pajek2stata module to import network data in Pajek's .net format p palette_all module to display all the named colours in Stata p palettes module to provide color palettes, symbol palettes, and line pattern palettes p pam Module to Estimate Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) p panelauto module to support tests for autocorrelation on panel data p panelhetero module to examine the degree of heterogeneity across cross-sectional units using panel data p panell module to display panel length for a given set of variables p panels module to count panels and apply a command to panel units p panelthin module to identify observations for possible thinned panel dataset p panelunit module to support unit root tests on panel data p panelview module to visualize panel data p pantest2 module to perform diagnostic tests in fixed effects panel regressions p paragr module for parallel graphing of a coefficient across different equations p parallel module for Parallel Computing p paramed module to perform causal mediation analysis using parametric regression models p paran module to compute Horn's test of principal components/factors p paretofit module to fit a Type 1 Pareto distribution p pariv module to perform nearly-collinear robust instrumental-variables regression p parmest module to create new data set with one observation per parameter of most recent model p parmhet module to produce heterogeneity tests in parmest resultssets p parmparse module to parse a parameter name variable in a parmest resultsset p parplot module for parallel coordinates plots p parseloc module to extract coordinates from a geolocation variable generated by Survey Solutions p parseuas module to extract detailed information from user agent strings p partchart module to automatically output participant characteristics table in a variety of formats p partgam module to calculate partial gamma coefficient p partpred module to generate partial predictions p parttau module to calculate Kendall's partial tau and confidence interval p pascal module to draw Pascal's triangle p path module to support file path manipulation p pathmaker module to set global path variables using subfolder names p pathof module to return the absolute path of any parent directory of the current working directory p pathutil module to support file path manipulation p paverage module to calculate p-period-average series in a panel dataset p payper module to compute the periodic payment and the entire schedule of a loan or annuity p pbeta module to generate probability plot for data compared with fitted beta distribution p pbreg module to fit the Preece and Baines (1978) family of growth curves and age, height, and velocity at peak height velocity p pca2 module to apply Principal Component Analisys (PCA) to standard and GMM-style instrumental variables p pcacoefsave module to save results of PCA to new dataset p pcdid module to perform principal components difference-in-differences p pcdsearch module to extract code lists from primary care databases p pchipolate module for piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation p pciplot module to plot pointwise confidence intervals p pcm module to estimate the parameters of a Partial Credit Model (PCM) or of a Rating Scale Model (RSM) p pcmdif module to for diagnosing and considering a potential differential item functioning (DIF) when analysing patient reported outcomes using partial credit models p pcmodel module to estimate parameters of a Partial Credit Model or a Rating Scale Model by MML p pcmtest module to test the fit of a Partial Credit Model or a Rating Scale Model estimated using pcmodel p pcontract module to make a data set of frequencies and percentages p pcorr2 module to display partial and semipartial correlation coefficients p pcorrmat module to compute partial correlation coefficients controlled for a fixed set of covariates p pcpanel module to perform power calculations for randomized experiments with panel data, allowing for arbitrary serial correlation p pctrim module to trim variables based on percentiles p pdc module for computing the Proportion of Days Covered (of a medication) p pdfplot module to Plot a Distribution's Probability Density Function p pdi module to calculate the polytomous discrimination index (PDI) p pdplot module to produce Pareto dot plot p pdslasso module for post-selection and post-regularization OLS or IV estimation and inference p peermean module to compute mean of Peer firms p peerreview module to randomly assign papers to peers for review p pem Module to Estimate Partial EquiLibrium Model (PEM) p percat module to perform percentile-based categorisation p percentmatch module to calculate the highest percentage match (near duplicates) between observations p percom module to create permutations and combinations p personage module to calculate people's ages or similar daily date differences p persuasio module to estimate the effect of persuasion and conduct inference p perturb module to evaluate collinearity and ill-conditioning p pescadf module to perform Pesaran's CADF panel unit root test in presence of cross section dependence p petpoisson module to estimate an Endogenous Participation Endogenous Treatment Poisson model by MSL p pexp module to produce probability plot for data compared with fitted exponential distribution p pfs module to predict Financial Skill scale scores from CFPB survey instrument p pfwb module to predict Financial Well-Being scale scores from CFPB survey instrument p pgamma module to generate probability plot for data vs fitted gamma distribution p pgmhaz8 module to estimate discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazards models p phack_deround module to deround coefficients and standard errors for meta-analysis p pheatplot module to visualize p-values p phenotype module to simulate disease status and censored age for family data p piaactools module to provide PIAAC tools p pieplot module to plot pie charts of categorical frequencies p pindex module to compute targeted price indices p pinocchio module that randomly generates false econometric statements p pip module to access poverty and inequality data from the World Bank's Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) p pipe module to perform a curve-free dual-agent dose-escalation design p pisareg module to perform linear regression with PISA data and plausible values p pisatools module to facilitate analysis of the data from the PISA OECD study p plausexog module to implement Conley et al's plausibly exogenous bounds p plot3d module to draw colored, scalable, rotatable 3D plots p plot_confidently module to visualize the mean and confidence interval of a specified variable p plotbeta module to plot linear combinations of coefficients p plotmatrix module to plot values of a matrix as different coloured blocks p plotrpys module to plot a spectrogram using CSV export from CRExplorer p plottabs module providing fast graphing commands for large datasets p pls module to calculate composite variables using the partial least squares path modeling (PLS) algorithm p plssas module to execute SAS partial least squares procedure (Windows only) p plssem module to implement Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) p plztowknr module to translate German zip codes into electoral districts p pmanage module to manage large projects p pmcalplot module to produce calibration plot of prediction model performance p pmsampsize module to calculate the minimum sample size required for developing a multivariable prediction model p pmvalsampsize module to calculate the minimum sample size required for external validation of a multivariable prediction model p png2rtf module to include PNG graphics in RTF documents p pnrcheck module to verify the check digit in Swedish personal identification number p pobrezaecu module to predict poverty in Ecuador p poi2hdfe module to estimate a Poisson regression with two high-dimensional fixed effects p poisml module to estimate maximum likelihood Poisson regression models p polar module to plot polar coordinates p polarspike module for polar spike graphs p polyspline module to generate sensible bases for polynomials and other splines p pooledsd module to calculate pooled standard deviation for a continuous variable by a factor variable p poparms module for potential outcome parameter estimation p popsim module to simulate completed fertility and birth intervals for two generations p postrcspline module containing post-estimation commands for models using a restricted cubic spline p postrri module to calculate posterior relative risks p posw_posis module to implement the partialling-out estimator based on iterative sure independence screening p povcalnet module to access World Bank Global Poverty and Inequality measures p povdeco module to calculate poverty indices with decomposition by subgroup p poverty module to calculate poverty measures p povguide module to generate the U.S. Poverty Guideline value for a given family size and year p povguide2 module to compute Federal Poverty Guidelines by family size and year, 1973-2024 p povimp module to provide poverty estimates in the absence of actual consumption data p povtime module to compute aggregate intertemporal poverty measures (poverty in a panel accounting for time) p power_concord module to compute power and sample size for Lin's concordance correlation coefficient p power_diagnostic module to compute power and sample size for sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test p power_icc module to compute power and sample size for one-way random-effects intraclass correlation p power_kappa module to compute power and sample size for the two-rater kappa statistic with two or more categories p power_loa module to compute power and sample size for limits of agreement (LOA) analysis p power_oneroc module to compute power and sample size for a one-sample ROC test p power_roc module to compute power and sample-size analysis for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis p power_swgee module to compute power (under both a Z and t distribution) for cluster randomized stepped wedge designs p power_tworates_zhu module to calculate sample size or power for a two-sample test of rates p power_tworoc module to compute power and sample size for a two-sample (independent or paired) ROC test p powercal module to perform general power and sample size calculations p powerclus module to calculate sample size and/or cluster size for cluster designed studies p powermap module to create power heat maps for experimental design using multiple periods p powerq module to calculates posterior probabilities for heterogeneity in a meta-analysis p powersim module for simulation-based power analysis for linear and generalized linear models p ppml module to perform Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation p ppml_fe_bias module to provide bias corrections for Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) gravity models with two-way and three-way fixed effects p ppml_panel_sg module to estimate "structural gravity" models via Poisson PML p ppmlhdfe module for Poisson pseudo-likelihood regression with multiple levels of fixed effects p ppplot module for P-P plots p ppschromy module to draw sample with probability proportionate to size, using Chromy's method of sequential random sampling p ppssampford module to draw sample with probability proportionate to size, without replacement, using Sampford's method p pre module to calculate the proportional reduction in errors accomplished by an estimated model p predcalc module to calculate out-of-sample predictions for regression, logistic p predsurv module to compute predicted survival to a specified time after streg p predxcat module to calculate predicted means, medians, or proportions for nominal X's p predxcon module to calculate predicted means, medians, or proportions for a continuous X variable p prepar module to write code and data file needed to process variables in PARSCALE p preparation module to facilitate a one-by-one observation of varlist to make it easier to control data and labels p preserve_globals module to preserve global macros p pretrends module to produce power calculations for pre-trends tests p pretty_baseline module to make a commonly encountered table of baseline characteristics p pretty_suite module with programs to aid with routine reporting for clinical trials p prevent module for computing AHA 10-year and 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease--atherosclerotic and heart failure p primes module to generate prime numbers p printgph module to execute command for each matching file p prismscore module to calculate PRISM III and PRISM IV pediatric risk of mortality scores p probcalc module to calculate probabilities for Binomial, Poisson, and Normal Distributions p probexog-tobexog modules to test exogeneity in probit/tobit p probgenextval module to Estimate Binary Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) Models p probitfe module to compute analytical and jackknife bias corrections for fixed effects estimators of panel probit models with individual and time effects p probitiv module to perform instrumental variables probit p probitmiss module for Efficient Probit Estimation with Partially missing Covariates p prodest module for production function estimation based on the control function approach p prodvars module to create product variables for two lists of input variables p prody module to calculate factor intensity and sophistication indicators p profhap module to construct profile likelihood confidence intervals for haplotype analysis p progres module to measure distributive effects of an income tax p project module providing a set of tools to build and manage a Stata project p prolist module to list programs, help files, dialogs p propcnsreg module fitting a measurement model with causal indicators p proprcspline module for restricted cubic spline smoothing of proportions p prosperity module to compute Shared Prosperity Convergence Index p prtab module to compute Precision-recall curves p prwe module to calculate the PRWE scores from your records p psacalc module to calculate treatment effects and relative degree of selection under proportional selection of observables and unobservables p psbayes module to perform pseudo-Bayes smoothing of cell estimates p psemail module to send email from within Stata for Windows environment p psestimate module to estimate the propensity score proposed by Imbens and Rubin p pshare module to compute and graph percentile shares p psidtools module to facilitate access to Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) p psiduse module providing easy PSID access p psmatch2 module to perform full Mahalanobis and propensity score matching, common support graphing, and covariate imbalance testing p pspline module providing a penalized spline scatterplot smoother based on linear mixed model technology p psreg module for blocking with regression adjustments p pstrata module for optimal propensity score stratification p psweight module to perform IPW- and CBPS-type propensity score reweighting, with various extensions p ptrend module for trend analysis for proportions p ptvtools module contining various tools for PTV analysis p pullin module to run a many-to-one merge with a specific set of options p punaf module to compute population attributable fractions for cohort studies p punafcc module to compute population attributable fractions for case-control and survival studies p putdocxcrosstab module to produce crosstabulations with putdocx p putdocxfreqtable module to produce frequency oneway tables with putdocx p putwrap module to simplify creation of putdocx and putpdf documents p pv module to perform estimation with plausible values p pvenn module to create proportional Venn diagram p pvfix module to compute the present value of a series of equal payments (cash flows) p pvvar module to compute the present value of a series of payments (cash flows) p pvw module to perform predictive value weighting for covariate misclassification in logistic regression p pwcorr2 module to compute pairwise correlations and return results p pwcorrf module to compute pairwise correlations efficiently, with builtin reshape functionality p pwcorrs module for enhanced correlation matrix p pwcorrw module to print wide correlation matrix with significance indicators p pwcov module to compute pairwise covariances p pweibull module to generate probability plot for data vs fitted Weibull distribution p pwexp module to fit piecewise exponential model p pwlaw module to test for power-law behavior p pwmc module to compute pairwise multiple comparisons (unequal variances) p pwploti module to plot power curve for sample size and power calculation p pyconvertu module to convert a string variable into a classification from the default or user-provided JSON file with the help of Python 3 p pyramid tutorial for population pyramids p pyramid_chart module to generate a population pyramid chart p pystacked module for stacking generalization and machine learning in Stata p python module for using the Python language within Stata p pzms module to implement the Placebo Zone optimal Model Selection algorithm for regression discontinuity and kink designs