#delim ; prog def qcolname,rclass; version 7.0; /* Create list of quoted column names for a matrix. *! Author: Roger Newson *! Date: 13 November 2002 */ gettoken matname 0 : 0 , parse(", "); confirm name `matname'; syntax [ , Noisily ]; /* -noisily- specifies that the quoted lists will be echoed to the log file */ * Create lists *; local ncol=colsof(`matname'); local eq ""; local name ""; local fullname ""; tempname tempmat; forv i1=1(1)`ncol' {; mat def `tempmat'=`matname'[1..1,`i1']; local eqcur:coleq `tempmat'; local namecur:colnames `tempmat'; local fullcur:colfullnames `tempmat'; local eq `"`eq' `"`eqcur'"'"'; local name `"`name' `"`namecur'"'"'; local fullname `"`fullname' `"`fullcur'"'"'; }; * Echo lists *; if "`noisily'"!="" {; disp as text "Column equation names: " as result `"`eq'"' _n as text "Column names: " as result `"`name'"' _n as text "Column full names: " as result `"`fullname'"'; }; * Return results *; retu scalar ncol=`ncol'; retu local eq `"`eq'"'; retu local name `"`name'"'; retu local fullname `"`fullname'"'; end;