{smcl} {hline} help for {hi:qcount} {hline} {title:Quantile Regression for Count Data} {p 8 13}{cmd:qcount}{space 2}{it:depvar} [{it:varlist}] [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] {cmd:,} {cmdab:q:uantile(}{it:number}{cmdab:)} [ {cmdab:rep:etition(}{it:integer}{cmdab:)}]{p_end} {p 15 15}Note: the number in {it:quantile} should be in the interval (0,1).{p_end} {p}After estimation, marginal effects (at the mean of the explanatory variables) are obtained as:{p_end} {p 8 16}{cmd:qcount_mfx} [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] {title:Description} {p}{cmd:qcount} estimates quantile regression models for count data using the jittering method suggested by Machando and Santos Silva (2005). {title:Options} {p 0 4}{cmdab:Q:uantile(}{it:number}{cmdab:)} specifies the quantile to be estimated. This is a required option.{p_end} {p} {cmdab:rep:etition(}{it:integer}{cmdab:)} specifies the number of jittered samples to be used to calculate the parameters of the model. If no specified, 1000 repetitions is the default.{p_end} {title:Examples} {p 8 12}{inp:. qcount y x1 x2, q(0.5) rep(5000)}{p_end} {p 8 12}{inp:. qcount_mfx}{p_end} {title:Author} {p 4 13 2} {bf: Alfonso Miranda} (A.Miranda@econ.keele.ac.uk) Centre for Economic Research, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK. {title:References} (available from the author) {p 4 13 2} Machado, J., Santos Silva, J.M.C. (2005) Quantiles for Counts. Journal of the American Statistical Association 100, 1226--1237. {p 4 13 2} Miranda, A. Planned Fertility and Family Background: A Quantile Regression for Counts Analysis. Journal of Population Economics (forthcoming). {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2} Manual: {hi:[U] 23 Estimation and post-estimation commands},{break} {hi:[U] 29 Overview of Stata estimation commands},{break} {p 4 13 2} Online: help for {help qreg}.{p_end}