Using Quality of Government (QoG) Data
qoguse [varlist] [if] [in] , version() format() [years() clear]
qoguse loades the most recent release of the Quality of Government (QoG) datasets from the internet into memory. If you don`t need the complete dataset, you can opt for specific variables with [varlist] and/or years with the option years.
version() defines which version of the QoG-data you want to use. The alternatives are Basic (bas), Standard (std), Social Policy (soc) and the Expert Survey (exp) dataset. Each version has different formats which you have to specify:
format() defines the different datasets. For the Basic and Standard version you can choose between Cross-Section Data (cs) and Time-Series Data (ts). For the Social Policy dataset you can choose cross-Section Data(cs) or Time-Series Data in a long (tsl) or in a wide format (tsw). The Expert Survey is available as Individual-Level (ind) or Country-Level (ctry) data.
other Options
years(numlist) specifies the different years to be kept in the data. You can use a numlist to specify the years, which must be in 4-digit-format (e.g. years(1990 1995/1997 2002)). This option is only available with the following format()-options: ts, tsl and ind.
clear specifies that it is okay to replace the data in memory, even though the current data have not been saved to disk.
The QoG-data is provided by University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government > Institute.
. qoguse, version(bas) format(cs) clear
. qoguse ccode year bdm_* ar_cbi, version(std) format(ts) clear
. qoguse, version(soc) format(tsl) y(1990 1995/1997 2002) clear
. qoguse, version(exp) format(ctry) clear
Christoph Thewes, University of Potsdam, thewes@uni-potsdam.de
Also see
Help: use, qogmerge (if installed)
Source: http://www.qog.pol.gu.se
Data: http://www.qog.pol.gu.se/data/