#delim ; prog def qrisk2import; version 13.0; /* Import a qrisk2 input or output dataset. *!Author: Roger Newson *!Date: 14 September 2016 */ syntax using [, CLEAR noKEY ]; /* clear specifies that any existing dataset in memory will be cleared. nokey specifies that the new dataset will not be keyed by prodcode. */ * Input dataset into memory and drop empty lines and comment lines (beginning with "#"); *; qui {; import delimited S_1 `using', `clear' delim(tab) varnames(nonames); drop if trim(S_1)==""; drop if substr(trim(S_1),1,1)=="#"; }; * Save temporary version *; qui {; tempfile csvf1; outfile S_1 using `"`csvf1'"', runtogether replace; }; * Import temporary version *; qui import delimited using `"`csvf1'"', varnames(1) clear delim(","); * Value and variable labels *; lab def sex 0 "Female" 1 "Male"; lab def ethnicity 0 "Not recorded" 1 "British" 2 "Irish" 3 "Other White Background" 4 "White & Black Caribbean" 5 "White & Black African" 6 "White & Asian" 7 "Other mixed" 8 "Indian" 9 "Pakistani" 10 "Bangladeshi" 11 "Other Asian" 12 "Caribbean" 13 "Black African" 14 "Other Black" 15 "Chinese" 16 "Other ethnic group" 17 "Not stated" ; lab def noyes 0 "No" 1 "Yes"; lab def diabetes_category 0 "None" 1 "Type 1" 2 "Type 2"; lab def smoke_cat 0 "Non smoker" 1 "Ex-smoker" 2 "Light smoker" 3 "Moderate smoker" 4 "Heavy smoker" ; cap lab val sex sex; cap lab val ethnicity ethnicity; cap lab val diabetes_category "Diabetes category"; cap lab val smoke_cat smoke_cat; foreach X in rheumatoid_arthritis atrial_fibrillation chronic_renal_disease history_of_cvd family_history_of_chd treated_hypertension {; cap lab val `X' noyes; }; cap lab var row_id "Patient ID"; cap lab var age "Age (years)"; cap lab var sex "Sex"; cap lab var ethnicity "Ethnicity"; cap lab var rheumatoid_arthritis "Rheumatoid arthritis"; cap lab var atrial_fibrillation "Atrial fibrillation"; cap lab var chronic_renal_disease "Chronic renal disease"; cap lab var diabetes_category "Diabetes category"; cap lab var history_of_cvd "History of CVD"; cap lab var smoke_cat "Smoking category"; cap lab var family_history_of_chd "Family history of CVD"; cap lab var townsend_score "Townsend score"; cap lab var postcode "Post code"; cap lab var body_mass_index "Body mass index (kilos/square metre)"; cap lab var cholesterol_hdl_ratio "Cholesterol/HDL ratio"; cap lab var systolic_blood_pressure "Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)"; cap lab var treated_hypertension "Treated hypertension"; cap lab var patientscore "Patient score"; * Key dataset if requested *; if "`key'"!="nokey" {; keyby row_id; }; end;