// This file demonstrates the capabilities of the rosssekh Stata command, which is based on the // Rossi-Sekhposyan (2016, Journal of Applied Econometrics) forecast rationality test set more off * change path according to the location of the file test_data1_new.csv insheet using rosssekh_test_data.csv, clear generate year = int(pdate) generate quarter = (pdate - int(pdate))*4 + 1 generate tq = yq(year, quarter) format tq %tq tsset tq * window size is 60 observations long, significance level is 0.05, lag length set to 3 * Test applied to Greenbook forecasts rosssekh realiz forc, window(60) alpha(0.05) nw(3) dis "The value of the test statistic is " r(tstat_sup) dis "The critical value is " r(cv) " at significance level " r(level) graph save RS_demo_1, asis replace * automatic lag length selection, integer part of window^0.25 rosssekh realiz forc, window(60) alpha(0.05) nw(0) dis "The value of the test statistic is " r(tstat_sup) dis "The critical value is " r(cv) " at significance level " r(level) graph save RS_demo_2, asis replace