*! -ralloc- version 3.7.6 Philip Ryan January 28 2018 *! random allocation in blocks * since STB-50: * optionally stratify; * optionally use 2x2, 2x3, ...., 3x4, 4x3 factorial designs; * specify 1:2 ratio in 2, 1 or neither axis of a 2x2 factorial trial; * 2x2 crossover design with or without switchback or last Rx carried forward * since STB-54: * fixed delimiting errors in lines 150 (3.2.4) * allows 5 treatments (3.2.4) * allows current date to be specified as the seed (3.2.5) * automatically writes ralloc version number to notes (3.2.5) * optionally create unique study ID (3.3) * save full command syntax as a note (3.3) * tolerate extra spaces between numeric arguments (3.3) * extra error traps (3.3) * smcl help file (3.3) * fix minor treatment labelling bugs (3.3) * fix treatment label output in notes after Stata Release 10 (3.3.1) * allow 6 treatments (3.3.2) * allow 10 treatments (3.3.3) * allow 2*2*2 factorial design (3.4.0) * allow 2*2*3 factorial design and extra examples in help file(3.4.1) * allow 2*3*3 and 3*3*3 factorial designs and extra examples in help file(3.4.2) * allow 4*4 factorial design and new error traps for labels (3.4.3) * syntax changes: use of args; exit with error code; drop -clear- with exit; use inlist/inrange (3.5.0) * auto detect Stata flavour; delete matsiz option (3.5.0) * allow treatment labels to have 12 (was 8) characters (3.5.1) * bug fix for flavor detection (3.5.2) * fix saving() and using() filename specs by adding compound double quotes (3.6.1) * unabbreviate var names in case a user has -set varabbrev off- as part of their usual Stata environment (3.6.2) * correct irritating feral punctuation chars in certain of the notes (3.6.2) * add option for stratum labels; trap strata with 0 counts specified (3.7.4) * fix filename suffix when using() option is specified (3.7.6) * update old display directives [in } to modern [as