*! rcl 1.01 Szabolcs Lorincz 23Aug2016 * estimation and simulation of random coefficient logit models * author: Szabolcs Lorincz * disclaimer: the views expressed are those of the author and cannot be regarded * as stating an official position of the European Commission, or as an indication * on what methodologies the European Commission would use or how it would assess * them in any of its proceedings. capture program drop rcl program rcl, eclass sortpreserve syntax [anything] [if] [in],/* General */ Market(varname) [MSIZE(varname)] [TSLS] [GMM2s] [IGMM] [CUE] [OPTimal] [CF] [Robust] [cluster(varname)] [NOCONStant] [NOCOLLIN] [partial(varlist)] [NODISPlay] /* BLP */ [RC(varlist)] [DEMOG(namelist)] [INTegrationmethod(name)] [ACCuracy(integer 6)] [draws(integer 500)] [itol(real 0.000000000001)] [imaxiter(integer 2500)] [STARTParams(name)] [pgroups(varname)] [rc_pgroups(varname)] /* Logit, nested logit */ [NESTS(varlist)] /* Equilibrium (system) estimation */ [EQESTimation] [XP(varlist)] [PInstruments(varlist)] [EQSTARTParams(name)] /* Elasticities, merger simulation, marginal costs, SSNIP test */ [ELASticities(name)] [MSIMULation(varlist)] [VAT(varname)] [MC(varname)] [ONLYMC] [CMCE] [SSNIP(varlist)] /* Simulation without estimation */ [NOESTimation] [ALPHA(numlist)] [SIGMAS(numlist)] [RCSIGMAS(numlist)] [AELAST(numlist)] [XB0(varname)] [KSI(varname)] * lowest version of Stata to use for interpreting the command version 11.0, missing * seed, work sample, constant, index of variables set seed 1 marksample touse tempvar obs cns0 quietly generate `cns0'=1 if `touse' quietly generate `obs'=sum(`cns0') if `touse' * ensuring consistency of model types if ("`rc'"=="") { local model nlogit } if ("`rc'"!="" & "`nests'"=="") { local model blp } if ("`rc'"!="" & "`nests'"!="") { local model nlogit } * check whether Mata function libraries lrcl and lnwspgr are available (indexed) capture quietly mata: mata which replace_matrix() local _rc_lrc=_rc local _rc=`_rc_lrc' local _rc_nwspgr=0 if ("`model'"=="blp") { capture quietly mata: mata which nwspgr() local _rc_nwspgr=_rc local _rc=`_rc'+`_rc_nwspgr' } if (`_rc'!=0) { quietly mata: mata mlib index capture quietly mata: mata which replace_matrix() local _rc_lrc=_rc if ("`model'"=="blp") { capture quietly mata: mata which nwspgr() local _rc_nwspgr=_rc } if (`_rc_lrc'!=0 & `_rc_nwspgr'==0) { noisily di as err "Mata function library lrcl.mlib not available" noisily di as err "Either, download it by reinstalling the rcl command: " _c noisily di in smcl "{stata ssc install rcl, all replace :ssc install rcl, all replace}" noisily di as err "or run Block I. of the rcl_mlib_and_test_data_generation.do file: " _c noisily di in smcl `"doedit `c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_mlib_and_test_data_generation.do"' exit 601 } if (`_rc_lrc'==0 & `_rc_nwspgr'!=0) { noisily di as err "Mata function library lnwspgr.mlib not available" noisily di as err "Download it by reinstalling the rcl command: " _c noisily di in smcl "{stata ssc install rcl, all replace :ssc install rcl, all replace}" exit 601 } if (`_rc_lrc'!=0 & `_rc_nwspgr'!=0) { noisily di as err "Mata function libraries lrcl.mlib and lnwspgr.mlib not available" noisily di as err "Download them by reinstalling the rcl command: " _c noisily di in smcl "{stata ssc install rcl, all replace :ssc install rcl, all replace}" exit 601 } } * ensuring consistency for the simulation-without-estimation mode (option noestimation specified) if ("`alpha'"=="") { local alpha=. } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { local alpha=abs(`alpha') if (wordcount("`nests'")>wordcount("`sigmas'")) { local nests0 if (wordcount("`sigmas'")>0) { local ns=wordcount("`sigmas'") forvalues s=1/`ns' { local ss=word("`nests'",`s') local nests0 "`nests0' `ss'" } } local nests=trim("`nests0'") } if (wordcount("`nests'")0) { local ns=wordcount("`nests'") forvalues s=1/`ns' { local ss=word("`sigmas'",`s') local sigmas0 "`sigmas0' `ss'" } } local sigmas=trim("`sigmas0'") } if (wordcount("`nests'")==wordcount("`sigmas'")) { local nests0 local sigmas0 if (wordcount("`nests'")>0) { local ns=wordcount("`nests'") forvalues s=1/`ns' { local ss=word("`sigmas'",`s') local ns=word("`nests'",`s') if (`ss'!=0) { local nests0 "`nests0' `ns'" local sigmas0 "`sigmas0' `ss'" } } } local nests=trim("`nests0'") local sigmas=trim("`sigmas0'") } if (wordcount("`nests'")==3 & wordcount("`sigmas'")==3) { if (word("`sigmas'",3)==word("`sigmas'",2)) { local s3=word("`sigmas'",3) local n3=word("`nests'",3) local sigmas: list sigmas - s3 local nests: list nests - n3 } } if (wordcount("`nests'")==2 & wordcount("`sigmas'")==2) { if (word("`sigmas'",2)==word("`sigmas'",1)) { local s2=word("`sigmas'",2) local n2=word("`nests'",2) local sigmas: list sigmas - s2 local nests: list nests - n2 } } if (wordcount("`nests'")==1 & wordcount("`sigmas'")==1) { if (word("`sigmas'",1)=="0") { local sigmas local nests } } if (wordcount("`rc'")>wordcount("`rcsigmas'")) { local rc0 if (wordcount("`rcsigmas'")>0) { local ns=wordcount("`rcsigmas'") forvalues s=1/`ns' { local ss=word("`rc'",`s') local rc0 "`rc0' `ss'" } } local rc=trim("`rc0'") } if (wordcount("`rc'")0) { local ns=wordcount("`rc'") forvalues s=1/`ns' { local ss=word("`rcsigmas'",`s') local rcsigmas0 "`rcsigmas0' `ss'" } } local rcsigmas=trim("`rcsigmas0'") } if (wordcount("`rc'")==wordcount("`rcsigmas'")) { local rc0 local rcsigmas0 if (wordcount("`rc'")>0) { local ns=wordcount("`rc'") forvalues s=1/`ns' { local ss=word("`rcsigmas'",`s') local ns=word("`rc'",`s') if (`ss'!=0) { local rc0 "`rc0' `ns'" local rcsigmas0 "`rcsigmas0' `ss'" } } } local rc=trim("`rc0'") local rcsigmas=trim("`rcsigmas0'") } if ("`rc'"=="") { local model nlogit } if ("`rc'"!="" & "`nests'"=="") { local model blp } if ("`rc'"!="" & "`nests'"!="") { local model nlogit } } * setting default integration method (sparse grid) if necessary if ("`integrationmethod'"=="") { local integrationmethod sparsegrid } /*display "`integrationmethod'" display "`accuracy'"*/ /* BLP model */ if ("`model'"=="blp") { ******************** * COLLECTING INPUTS ******************** * varlists * creating locals with varlists from the main command line (i.e., the user specified content after the rcl command and before the sample if condition or option comma) * locals created: * share share variable * iexog list of included right hand side exogenous variables * exexog list of excluded right hand side exogenous variables ("instruments") * endog list of endogenous right hand side variables local length: list sizeof anything local iexog local exexog local endog local n=0 local inbracket=0 local aftereq=0 local iiendog=0 local iiexexog=0 forvalues i=1/`length' { *display "``i''" if (`i'==1) { local share "``i''" } if (`i'>1) { local name="``i''" local cpos=strpos("`name'",",") if (`cpos'!=0) { local name=substr("`name'",1,`cpos'-1) } if (substr("`name'",1,1)=="(") { local inbracket=1 local name=substr("`name'",2,.) } if (`inbracket'==1) { local eqpos=strpos("`name'","=") if (`eqpos'!=0) { local aftereq=1 local name_preeq=substr("`name'",1,`eqpos'-1) local name_posteq=substr("`name'",`eqpos'+1,.) local endog `endog' `name_preeq' local exexog `exexog' `name_posteq' } if (`aftereq'==0 & `eqpos'==0) { local endog `endog' `name' } if (`aftereq'==1 & `eqpos'==0) { if (substr("`name'",-1,.)==")") { local inbracket=0 local name=substr("`name'",1,length("`name'")-1) } local exexog `exexog' `name' } if (substr("`endog'",-1,.)==")") { local es=substr("`endog'",-1,.) local endog: list endog - es } } if (`inbracket'==0) { local iexog `iexog' `name' local iexog: list iexog - exexog } } } /*display "`share'" display "`iexog'" display "`endog'" display "`exexog'"*/ * expanding wildcards, removing duplicates if ("`iexog'"!="") { local iexog0 foreach v of varlist `iexog' { local iexog0 `iexog0' `v' } local iexog `iexog0' local dupsiexog : list dups iexog local iexog : list uniq iexog } if ("`endog'"!="") { local endog0 foreach v of varlist `endog' { local endog0 `endog0' `v' } local endog `endog0' local dupsendog : list dups endog local endog : list uniq endog } if ("`exexog'"!="") { local exexog0 foreach v of varlist `exexog' { local exexog0 `exexog0' `v' } local exexog `exexog0' local dupsexexog : list dups exexog local exexog : list uniq exexog } if ("`pinstruments'"!="") { local pinstruments0 foreach v of varlist `pinstruments' { local pinstruments0 `pinstruments0' `v' } local pinstruments `pinstruments0' local dupspinstruments : list dups pinstruments local pinstruments : list uniq pinstruments } * remove iexog from endog local dupsen2 : list endog & iexog local endog : list endog - iexog * remove iexog from exexog local dupsex2 : list exexog & iexog local exexog : list exexog - iexog * remove endog from exexog local dupsex3 : list exexog & endog local exexog : list exexog - endog local dups "`dupsendog' `dupsexexog' `dupsiexog' `dupsen2' `dupsex2' `dupsex3'" local dups : list uniq dups /*display "`share'" display "`iexog'" display "`endog'" display "`exexog'"*/ * duplicates warning message, if necessary if ("`noestimation'"=="") { if ("`dups'"!="") { di in gr "Warning - duplicate variables detected" di in gr "Duplicates: " _c disp "`dups'", _col(21) } } * excluding observations with non-positive share from work sample quietly replace `touse'=0 if `share'<=0 | `share'==. * constant variable as a linear regressor (if noconstant option is not specified) if ("`noestimation'"=="") { if ("`noconstant'"=="") { local _cns _cns capture drop `_cns' qui gen byte `_cns' = 1 if `touse' local iexog `iexog' `_cns' *display "`iexog'" } } * checking collinearities (from ivreg2) if ("`noestimation'"=="") { if ("`nocollin'"=="") { collincheck , lhs(`share') endog(`endog') iexog(`iexog') exexog(`exexog') weight(`weight') wtexp(`wtexp') touse(`touse') local endog `r(endog)' local iexog `r(iexog)' local exexog `r(exexog)' local collin `r(collin)' local lists endog iexog exexog collin foreach list of local lists { if ("``list''"==".") { local `list'="" } } /*display "`endog'" display "`iexog'" display "`exexog'" display "`collin'"*/ } } * check whether there is random coefficient on price; if there is price is ordered as the first in the rc varlist if ("`endog'"!="") { local price=word("`endog'",1) } if ("`endog'"=="") { local price=word("`iexog'",1) } local _is_rc_on_p=0 foreach r of local rc { if ("`r'"=="`price'") { local _is_rc_on_p=1 } } if (`_is_rc_on_p'==1) { local rc0: list rc - price local rc `price' `rc0' } local title="Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes (BLP) random coefficient logit model" * price variable * it is assumed that price is the first endogenous variable or, if no endogenous variables specified, the first incldued exogenous variable if ("`endog'"!="") { local price=word("`endog'",1) } if ("`endog'"=="") { local price=word("`iexog'",1) } * number of variables local iexog_ct=0 if ("`exexog'"=="") { local iexog `endog' `iexog' local endog } if ("`iexog'"!="") { foreach v of varlist `iexog' { local iexog_ct=`iexog_ct'+1 } } local endog_ct=0 if ("`endog'"!="") { foreach v of varlist `endog' { local endog_ct=`endog_ct'+1 } } local exexog_ct=0 if ("`exexog'"!="") { foreach v of varlist `exexog' { local exexog_ct=`exexog_ct'+1 } } local iv_ct=`iexog_ct'+`exexog_ct' local rhs_ct=`iexog_ct'+`endog_ct' /*display "`dups'" display "`dropped'" display "`iexog'" display "`endog'" display "`exexog'"*/ * variance-covariance matrix estimator local vcetype if ("`cluster'"!="") { local robust robust quietly tab `cluster' local N_clust=r(r) } if ("`robust'"!="") { local vcetype=proper("`robust'") } * estimator local estimator 2sls if ("`gmm2s'"!="") { local estimator `gmm2s' } if ("`igmm'"!="") { local estimator `igmm' } * demographic variables if ("`demog'"!="") { tempname demog_mean demog_cov local dm=word("`demog'",1) local dc=word("`demog'",2) matrix `demog_mean'=`dm' matrix `demog_cov'=`dc' local demog_matrices `dm' `dc' local demog_xvars: list demog - demog_matrices local lhs `endog' `iexog' local demog_xvars: list demog_xvars & lhs if ("`demog_xvars'"=="") { local demog } } * starting parameter vector (if not specified) *display "`market'" *display "`rc'" local nrc: list sizeof rc if ("`startparams'"=="") { if ("`demog'"!="") { local ndemog_xvars: list sizeof demog_xvars local ndemogs=rowsof(`demog_mean') *display `nrc' *display `ndemogs' *display `ndemog_xvars' local nrc=`nrc' + `ndemogs'*`ndemog_xvars' } *display `nrc' matrix params0=J(1,`nrc',0.12050982667055227) local startparams params0 } *display "`startparams'" *matlist `startparams' * market size (if not specified) if ("`msize'"=="") { tempvar msize generate `msize'=1 } * generate labelled numeric variable with elasticity groups (if elasticity option specified) if ("`elasticities'"!="") { tempname _isnumvar el_num el_str mata: st_numscalar("`_isnumvar'",st_isnumvar("`elasticities'")) if (`_isnumvar'==0) { quietly generate `el_str'=`elasticities' quietly encode `elasticities', generate(`el_num') } if (`_isnumvar'==1) { quietly generate `el_num'=`elasticities' quietly capture decode `elasticities', generate(`el_str') if (_rc==182) { capture tostring `elasticities', generate(`el_str') } } } * additional input management for optimal instrumenting if ("`noestimation'"=="" & ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="")) { * prexexog: list of additional variables in the reduced form price equation (excluded exogenous variables and their polinomials) * the other variables in the reduced form price equation are the demand side's included exogenous variables (list "iexog") local prexexog `prexexog' foreach z of local exexog { tempvar __`z'2 __`z'3 __ln`z' quietly generate `__`z'2'=`z'^2 quietly generate `__`z'3'=`z'^3 quietly generate `__ln`z''=ln(`z') local prexexog `prexexog' `z' `__`z'2' /*`__`z'3' `__ln`z''*/ } quietly ivreg2 `price' `prexexog' `iexog' if `touse' if ("`e(collin)'"!="") { local zpcollin `e(collin)' local prexexog: list prexexog - zpcollin } } * additional input management for equilibrium estimation if ("`noestimation'"=="" & ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="")) { if ("`msimulation'"!="") { local firm=word("`msimulation'",1) } if ("`msimulation'"=="") { tempvar __firm __sort quietly generate `__sort'=_n sort `market', stable quietly by `market': generate `__firm'=_n local firm `__firm' sort `__sort', stable } * xp: list of linear regressors in the price equation (treated as included exogenous) * if xp is not user specified it includes the demand side included exogenous variables (iexog) and polinomials of the excluded exogenous variables (exexog) if ("`xp'"=="") { local xp `iexog' foreach z of local exexog { tempvar __`z'2 __`z'3 __ln`z' quietly generate `__`z'2'=`z'^2 quietly generate `__`z'3'=`z'^3 quietly generate `__ln`z''=ln(`z') local xp `xp' `__`z'2' /*`__`z'3' `__ln`z''*/ } } * constant variable as a linear regressor (if noconstant option is not specified) if ("`noconstant'"=="") { local xp `xp' `_cns' } quietly ivreg2 `price' `xp' if `touse', nocons if ("`e(collin)'"!="") { local xpcollin `e(collin)' local xp: list xp - xpcollin } * pexexog: list of excluded exogenous variables (instruments) of the price equation * if pexexog is not user specified it is the same as the demand side excluded exogenous variables (exexog) local pexexog `pinstruments' if ("`pinstruments'"=="") { local pexexog `exexog' } if ("`vat'"=="") { tempvar vat generate `vat'=0 } local estimator 2sls if ("`tsls'"!="") { local estimator 3sls } if ("`gmm2s'"!="") { local estimator `gmm2s' } if ("`igmm'"!="" | "`cue'"!="") { local estimator `igmm' } local title="Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes (BLP) random coefficient logit model with pricing equation" local _iseqstartparams=1 if ("`eqstartparams'"=="") { matrix eqparams0=params0 local eqstartparams eqparams0 local _iseqstartparams=0 } if (colsof(`eqstartparams')!=`nrc'+1) { matrix `eqstartparams'=J(1,`nrc',0.12349523055327649),J(1,1,-0.2433882629897722) } } * sigma parameters (noestimation option) if ("`noestimation'"!="") { local nrc: list sizeof rcsigmas matrix params0=J(1,`nrc',0) forvalues r=1/`nrc' { local rr=word("`rcsigmas'",`r') matrix params0[1,`r']=`rr' } local startparams params0 } * sort varlists foreach l in exexog prexexog demog_xvars pexexog { if ("``l''"!="") { local `l': list sort `l' } } ************* * ESTIMATION ************* timer clear 1 timer on 1 set seed 1 sort `market', stable if ("`noestimation'"!="" | ("`eqestimation'"=="" & "`xp'"=="")) { /* demand estimation only */ mata: estimation_blp("`share'","`iexog'","`endog'","`exexog'","`prexexog'","`rc'","`market'","`demog_mean'","`demog_cov'","`demog_xvars'","`msize'","`estimator'","`optimal'","`integrationmethod'","`accuracy'","`draws'","`itol'","`imaxiter'","`startparams'",`alpha',"`aelast'","`xb0'","`ksi'","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'","`el_num'","`prices'","`rc_prices'",`_is_rc_on_p',"`noestimation'","`nodisplay'") if ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="") { matrix b_nonoptimal=b matrix V_nonoptimal=V local j=j local jp=jp local jdf=jdf local exexog foreach v of varlist __optik* __optip { local exexog `exexog' `v' } sort `market' `firm', stable matrix params0=b[1,1..`nrc'] forvalues i=1/`nrc' { /* set (near) zero starting parameter values to non-zero */ local ii=params0[1,`i'] if (`ii'==0 | abs(`ii')<0.00001) { matrix params0[1,`i']=0.12349523055327649 } } mata: estimation_blp("`share'","`iexog'","`endog'","`exexog'","","`rc'","`market'","`demog_mean'","`demog_cov'","`demog_xvars'","`msize'","2sls","","`integrationmethod'","`accuracy'","`draws'","`itol'","`imaxiter'","`startparams'",`alpha',"`aelast'","`xb0'","`ksi'","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'","`el_num'","`prices'","`rc_prices'",`_is_rc_on_p',"`noestimation'","`nodisplay'") scalar j_firststep=`j' scalar jp_firststep=`jp' scalar jdf_firststep=`jdf' } } if ("`noestimation'"=="" & ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="")) { /* equilibrium system estimation (demand + pricing equations) */ sort `market' `firm', stable mata: estimation_blp("`share'","`iexog'","`endog'","`exexog'","`prexexog'","`rc'","`market'","`demog_mean'","`demog_cov'","`demog_xvars'","`msize'","gmm2s","`optimal'","`integrationmethod'","`accuracy'","`draws'","`itol'","`imaxiter'","`startparams'",`alpha',"`aelast'","`xb0'","`ksi'","robust","`cluster'","`touse'","","`prices'","`rc_prices'",`_is_rc_on_p',"`noestimation'","`nodisplay'") if (`_iseqstartparams'==0) { matrix params0=b[1,1..`nrc'+1] matrix eqparams0=params0 } forvalues i=1/`nrc' { /* set (near) zero starting parameter values to non-zero */ local ii=eqparams0[1,`i'] if (`ii'==0 | abs(`ii')<0.00001) { matrix eqparams0[1,`i']=0.12349523055327649 } } mata: estimation_blp_eq("`share'","`iexog'","`xp'","`endog'","`exexog'","`pexexog'","`prexexog'","`rc'","`market'","`demog_mean'","`demog_cov'","`demog_xvars'","`msize'","`firm'","`vat'","`estimator'","`optimal'","`integrationmethod'","`accuracy'","`draws'","`itol'","`imaxiter'","`eqstartparams'","__delta","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'","`el_num'","`prices'","`rc_prices'",`_is_rc_on_p',"`nodisplay'") if ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="") { matrix b_nonoptimal=b matrix V_nonoptimal=V local exexog foreach v of varlist __optiek* __optiep { local exexog `exexog' `v' } local pexexog foreach v of varlist __optiep __optieo* { local pexexog `pexexog' `v' } sort `market' `firm', stable matrix eqparams0=b[1,1..`nrc'+1] forvalues i=1/`nrc' { /* set (near) zero starting parameter values to non-zero */ local ii=eqparams0[1,`i'] if (`ii'==0 | abs(`ii')<0.00001) { matrix eqparams0[1,`i']=0.12349523055327649 } } mata: estimation_blp_eq("`share'","`iexog'","`xp'","`endog'","`exexog'","`pexexog'","","`rc'","`market'","`demog_mean'","`demog_cov'","`demog_xvars'","`msize'","`firm'","`vat'","`estimator'","","`integrationmethod'","`accuracy'","`draws'","`itol'","`imaxiter'","`eqstartparams'","__delta","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'","`el_num'","`prices'","`rc_prices'",`_is_rc_on_p',"`nodisplay'") } local exexog `exexog' `pexexog' local exexog: list uniq exexog } timer off 1 quietly timer list local estimation_time=r(t1) local estimation_time_ms=msofseconds(r(t1)) ****************** * POSTING INTO e() ****************** if ("`noestimation'"=="") { ereturn post b V, esample(`touse') ereturn scalar estimation_time=`estimation_time' ereturn scalar estimation_time_ms=`estimation_time_ms' quietly count if e(sample) ereturn scalar N=r(N) if ("`cluster'"!="") { ereturn scalar N_clust=`N_clust' ereturn local clustvar="`cluster'" } ereturn scalar j=j ereturn scalar jp=jp ereturn scalar jdf=jdf if ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="") { ereturn scalar j_firststep=j_firststep ereturn scalar jp_firststep=jp_firststep ereturn scalar jdf_firststep=jdf_firststep } ereturn scalar F=F ereturn scalar Fp=Fp ereturn scalar Fdf1=Fdf1 ereturn scalar Fdf2=Fdf2 ereturn scalar r2=r2 ereturn scalar r2_a=r2_a if ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="") { ereturn scalar r2_d=r2_d ereturn scalar r2_p=r2_p ereturn scalar r2_a_d=r2_a_d ereturn scalar r2_a_p=r2_a_p } ereturn local vcetype="`vcetype'" ereturn local endog `endog' ereturn local iexog `iexog' ereturn local exexog `exexog' ereturn local rc `rc' ereturn local market="`market'" ereturn local share="`share'" ereturn local dups="`dups'" ereturn local collin="`collin'" ereturn local estimator="`estimator'" if ("`estimator'"=="2sls") { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear 2SLS estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear OLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="nols" } } if ("`estimator'"=="3sls") { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear 3SLS estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear SUR estimation" ereturn local estimator="nsur" } } if ("`estimator'"=="gmm2s") { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear 2-Step GMM estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear GLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ngls" } } if ("`estimator'"=="igmm") { ereturn local estimator_name="Iterated non-linear GMM estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Iterated non-linear GLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ingls" } } if ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="") { local estimator_name="`e(estimator_name)'" local _minus estimation local estimator_name: list estimator_name - _minus local estimator_name "`estimator_name' with optimal instruments" ereturn local estimator_name="`estimator_name'" ereturn matrix b_nonoptimal=b_nonoptimal ereturn matrix V_nonoptimal=V_nonoptimal } } if ("`noestimation'"!="" & "`aelast'"!="") { // resetting market size and shares consistent with pre-defined aggregate elasticity (only in no-estimation mode with the aelast option is specified) tempvar msize share quietly generate `msize'=__msize quietly generate `share'=__s } ereturn local title="`title'" local dmodel blp ereturn local dmodel="`dmodel'" ************************* * RANKTEST (from ivreg2) ************************* if ("`noestimation'"=="") { rranktest , endog(`endog') iexog(`iexog') exexog(`exexog') exexog_ct(`exexog_ct') endog_ct(`endog_ct') rhs_ct(`rhs_ct') iv_ct(`iv_ct') robust(`robust') cluster(`cluster') noconstant(`noconstant') } ****************** * DISPLAY RESULTS ****************** if ("`noestimation'"=="") { if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display_results , exexog_ct(`exexog_ct') endog_ct(`endog_ct') elasticities(`elasticities') el_str(`el_str') } if ("`nodisplay'"!="") { if ("`elasticities'"!="") { quietly levelsof `el_str' if e(sample), local(elabels) clean matrix colnames el = `elabels' matrix rownames el = `elabels' matrix colnames dr = `elabels' matrix rownames dr = `elabels' ereturn matrix el=el ereturn matrix dr=dr } } } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { if (`alpha'==.) { capture local alpha=alpha } matrix b=params0,J(1,1,-`alpha'),J(1,1,1) ereturn post b, esample(`touse') tempvar touse quietly generate `touse'=(e(sample)) ereturn local title="`title'" ereturn local dmodel="`dmodel'" if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "`title'" } if ("`elasticities'"!="") { quietly levelsof `el_str' if e(sample), local(elabels) clean matrix colnames el = `elabels' matrix rownames el = `elabels' matrix colnames dr = `elabels' matrix rownames dr = `elabels' ereturn matrix el=el ereturn matrix dr=dr if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "" display in gr "Estimated average elasticities (by `elasticities')" matlist e(el), format(%10.1f) display "" display in gr "Estimated average diversion ratios (by `elasticities')" matlist e(dr), format(%10.0f) } } } ******************** * MERGER SIMULATION ******************** if (("`msimulation'"!="" & wordcount("`msimulation'")>1) | ("`msimulation'"!="" & "`onlymc'"!="") | ("`msimulation'"!="" & "`noestimation'"!="") | "`ssnip'"!="") { timer clear 1 timer on 1 set seed 1 if ("`onlymc'"=="" & "`msimulation'"!="") { if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "" display in gr "Merger simulation" } } local iexogm `iexog' local p=word("`endog'",1) if ("`endog'"=="") { local p=word("`iexog'",1) local iexogm: list iexog -p } if (wordcount("`endog'")>1) { local endog_other: list endog - p local iexogm `endog_other' `iexogm' } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { local iexogm __xb0 } if ("`msimulation'"!="") { local firm=word("`msimulation'",1) if (wordcount("`msimulation'")>1) { local firm_post=word("`msimulation'",2) } if (wordcount("`msimulation'")==1) { local firm_post `firm' } } if ("`ssnip'"!="") { local segment=word("`ssnip'",1) tempvar _isnumvar segment_num segment_str mata: st_numscalar("`_isnumvar'",st_isnumvar("`segment'")) if (`_isnumvar'==0) { quietly generate `segment_str'=`segment' quietly encode `segment', generate(`segment_num') } if (`_isnumvar'==1) { quietly generate `segment_num'=`segment' capture quietly decode `segment', generate(`segment_str') if (_rc==182) { capture quietly tostring `segment', generate(`segment_str') } } if ("`msimulation'"=="") { local firm=word("`ssnip'",2) local firm_post `firm' if ("`onlymc'"=="") { local onlymc onlymc } } } local xb0 __xb0 local ksi __ksi local delta __delta local b e(b) tempvar touse quietly generate `touse'=(e(sample)) if ("`vat'"=="") { tempvar vat generate `vat'=0 } mata: mata drop beta simdraws params * call merger simulation function mata: merger_simulation_blp("`b'","`market'","`firm'","`firm_post'","`p'","`share'","`iexogm'","`xb0'","`ksi'","`delta'","`rc'","`demog_mean'","`demog_cov'","`demog_xvars'","`msize'","`mc'","`vat'","`segment_num'","`integrationmethod'","`accuracy'","`draws'","`onlymc'","`nodisplay'","`cmce'","`touse'",`_is_rc_on_p') timer off 1 quietly timer list local computation_time_msimul=r(t1) local time_ms=msofseconds(r(t1)) ereturn scalar computation_time_msimul=`computation_time_msimul' * display results if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { if ("`onlymc'"=="") { display "" tempname _isnumvar firm_num firm_str mata: st_numscalar("`_isnumvar'",st_isnumvar("`firm'")) if (`_isnumvar'==0) { quietly generate `firm_str'=`firm' quietly encode `firm', generate(`firm_num') } if (`_isnumvar'==1) { quietly generate `firm_num'=`firm' capture decode `firm', generate(`firm_str') if (_rc==182) { capture tostring `firm', generate(`firm_str') } } preserve tempvar pmarket __mc quietly bys `market': egen `pmarket'=max(abs(__foc_post)) if e(sample) quietly replace `pmarket'=(`pmarket'>0.027) if ("`mc'"=="") { quietly generate `__mc'=__mc } if ("`mc'"!="") { quietly generate `__mc'=`mc' capture confirm variable __mrkp if (_rc==0) { capture drop __mrkp } quietly generate __mrkp=(`p'/(1+`vat'))-`__mc' if e(sample) } quietly keep if e(sample) & __p_post!=. & __foc_post!=. & __s_post!=. & `pmarket'==0 & `__mc'>0 & `__mc'<=`p' & __mrkp>=0 & __mrkp<=`p' quietly count if (r(N)>0) { tempname q capture drop `q' quietly generate `q'=`share'*`msize' * weighting by "quantity" quietly replace __mrkp=__mrkp*`q' quietly replace `p'=`p'*`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post*`q' local nmce=0 if ("`cmce'"!="") { * compensating marginal cost efficiencies tempname dmc mce capture drop `dmc' quietly generate `mce'=(`__mc'-__mce)*`q' local nmce=1 local cnmce cmp local tmce , compensating marginal cost reduction } * results aggregated to the level of "firms" collapse (sum) `p' __p_post __mrkp `q' `mce', by(`firm_str') quietly replace `p'=`p'/`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post/`q' quietly replace __mrkp=100*__mrkp/(`p'*`q') quietly generate dp=100*(__p_post-`p')/`p' if ("`cmce'"!="") { quietly replace `mce'=100*`mce'/(`p'*`q') } mkmat dp __mrkp `mce' `p', matrix(dp) rownames(`firm_str') local rnames: rowfullnames dp quietly replace `p'=`p'*`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post*`q' quietly replace __mrkp=__mrkp*`p'/100 * results aggregated to overall level collapse (sum) `p' __p_post __mrkp `q' quietly replace `p'=`p'/`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post/`q' quietly replace __mrkp=100*__mrkp/(`p'*`q') quietly generate dp=100*(__p_post-`p')/`p' mkmat dp __mrkp, matrix(dp_overall) matrix dp_overall=dp_overall,J(1,1+`nmce',.) * combining results into one display matrix and displaying matrix dp=dp\dp_overall local rnames `rnames' overall matrix rownames dp = `rnames' matrix colnames dp = dp mrg `cnmce' p display "" display "Predicted price changes, pre-merger implied margin`tmce' (%) and price" matlist dp, format(%6.1f) linesize(100) scalar dp=dp[rowsof(dp),1] ereturn scalar dp=dp } restore } } if ("`ssnip'"!="") { * performing SSNIP tests quietly levelsof `segment_str', local(ssegments) clean local ns: list sizeof ssegments matrix rownames ssnip = `ssegments' matrix colnames ssnip = 1% 5% 10% if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "" display "SSNIP test of groups (% change in group's total profit due to a 1-5-10% price increase)" matlist ssnip, format(%8,1f) } ereturn matrix ssnip=ssnip } if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { di in gr "Computation time: " %1.0f = hh(`time_ms') "h " %1.0f = mm(`time_ms') "m " %4.3f = ss(`time_ms') "s" } } } /* end of BLP model */ /* Nested logit models */ if ("`model'"=="nlogit") { ******************** * COLLECTING INPUTS ******************** * varlists * creating locals with varlists from the main command line (i.e., the user specified content after the rcl command and before the sample if condition or option comma) * locals created: * share share variable * iexog list of included right hand side exogenous variables * exexog list of excluded right hand side exogenous variables ("instruments") * endog list of endogenous right hand side variables local length: list sizeof anything local iexog local exexog local endog local n=0 local inbracket=0 local aftereq=0 local iiendog=0 local iiexexog=0 forvalues i=1/`length' { *display "``i''" if (`i'==1) { local share "``i''" } if (`i'>1) { local name="``i''" local cpos=strpos("`name'",",") if (`cpos'!=0) { local name=substr("`name'",1,`cpos'-1) } if (substr("`name'",1,1)=="(") { local inbracket=1 local name=substr("`name'",2,.) } if (`inbracket'==1) { local eqpos=strpos("`name'","=") if (`eqpos'!=0) { local aftereq=1 local name_preeq=substr("`name'",1,`eqpos'-1) local name_posteq=substr("`name'",`eqpos'+1,.) local endog `endog' `name_preeq' local exexog `exexog' `name_posteq' } if (`aftereq'==0 & `eqpos'==0) { local endog `endog' `name' } if (`aftereq'==1 & `eqpos'==0) { if (substr("`name'",-1,.)==")") { local inbracket=0 local name=substr("`name'",1,length("`name'")-1) } local exexog `exexog' `name' } if (substr("`endog'",-1,.)==")") { local es=substr("`endog'",-1,.) local endog: list endog - es } } if (`inbracket'==0) { local iexog `iexog' `name' local iexog: list iexog - exexog } } } * expanding wildcards, removing duplicates if ("`iexog'"!="") { local iexog0 foreach v of varlist `iexog' { local iexog0 `iexog0' `v' } local iexog `iexog0' } if ("`endog'"!="") { local endog0 foreach v of varlist `endog' { local endog0 `endog0' `v' } local endog `endog0' } if ("`exexog'"!="") { local exexog0 foreach v of varlist `exexog' { local exexog0 `exexog0' `v' } local exexog `exexog0' } local opartial if ("`partial'"!="") { local opartial partial(`partial') local iexog: list iexog - partial local endog: list endog - partial if ("`exexog'"!="") { local exexog: list exexog - partial } } /*display "`share'" display "`iexog'" display "`endog'" display "`exexog'"*/ * excluding observations with non-positive share from work sample quietly replace `touse'=0 if `share'<=0 | `share'==. * market size if ("`msize'"=="") { tempvar msize generate `msize'=1 } * check ivreg2 is installed (for estimation) if ("`noestimation'"=="") { capture ivreg2, version if _rc != 0 { noisily di as err "Error: must have the command ivreg2 installed" noisily di as err "To install, type into the Stata command line " _c noisily di in smcl "{stata ssc install ivreg2 :ssc install ivreg2}" exit 601 } } * setting market size and shares consistent with pre-defined aggregate elasticity (only in no-estimation mode when the aelast option is specified) if ("`noestimation'"!="" & "`aelast'"!="") { if ("`exexog'"=="") { local price=word("`iexog'",1) } if ("`exexog'"!="") { local price=word("`endog'",1) } tempvar q tq __msize __s local aelast=-abs(`aelast') quietly generate `q'=`share'*`msize' if `touse' quietly sum `price' [aweight=`q'] if `touse' local ap=r(mean) quietly bys `market': egen `tq'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly sum `tq' if `touse' local mtq=r(mean) quietly generate `__msize'=`alpha'*`mtq'*`ap'/(`aelast'+`alpha'*`ap') if `touse' quietly generate `__s'=`q'/`__msize' if `touse' capture confirm new variable __msize if (_rc!=0) { capture drop __msize } capture confirm new variable __s if (_rc!=0) { capture drop __s } quietly generate __msize=`__msize' quietly generate __s=`__s' local msize `__msize' local share `__s' } * share of outside good, left hand side variable, quantity tempvar ts s0 q quietly bys `market': egen `ts'=total(`share') if `touse' quietly generate `s0'=1-`ts' if `touse' quietly generate `q'=`share'*`msize' if `touse' capture drop __lnss0 quietly generate __lnss0=ln(`share')-ln(`s0') if `touse' /* left hand side variable (mean utility) */ capture drop __delta quietly generate __delta=ln(`share')-ln(`s0') if `touse' /* mean utility */ local lnss0 __lnss0 * nests, within-nest shares local nnests=wordcount("`nests'") if (`nnests'==0) { local dmodel logit local title="Simple logit model" } if (`nnests'==1) { local dmodel nlogit tempvar qg sjg local g=word("`nests'",1) quietly bys `market' `g': egen `qg'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly generate `sjg'=`q'/`qg' if `touse' capture drop __sigma_g quietly generate __sigma_g=ln(`sjg') if `touse' /* within-nest share */ local lnsjg __sigma_g local endog `endog' `lnsjg' local title="One-level nested logit model, nesting by `g'" } if (`nnests'==2) { local dmodel nlogit`nnests' tempvar qg qhg sjg sjh shg local g=word("`nests'",1) local h=word("`nests'",2) quietly bys `market' `g': egen `qg'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly bys `market' `h' `g': egen `qhg'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly generate `sjh'=`q'/`qhg' if `touse' quietly generate `shg'=`qhg'/`qg' if `touse' capture drop __sigma_hg quietly generate __sigma_hg=ln(`sjh') if `touse' /* within-subnest share */ local lnsjh __sigma_hg capture drop __sigma_g quietly generate __sigma_g=ln(`shg') if `touse' /* within-nest share */ local lnshg __sigma_g local endog `endog' `lnshg' `lnsjh' local title="Two-level nested logit model, nesting by `g' and `h'" } if (`nnests'>=3) { if (`nnests'>3) { local nests=word("`nests'",1)+" "+word("`nests'",2)+" "+word("`nests'",3) local nnests=wordcount("`nests'") } local dmodel nlogit`nnests' tempvar qg qhg qkhg sjg sjh sjk skh shg lnsjk lnskh lnshg local g=word("`nests'",1) local h=word("`nests'",2) local k=word("`nests'",3) quietly bys `market' `g': egen `qg'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly bys `market' `h' `g': egen `qhg'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly bys `market' `k' `h' `g': egen `qkhg'=total(`q') if `touse' quietly generate `sjk'=`q'/`qkhg' if `touse' quietly generate `skh'=`qkhg'/`qhg' if `touse' quietly generate `shg'=`qhg'/`qg' if `touse' capture drop __sigma_khg quietly generate __sigma_khg=ln(`sjk') if `touse' /* within-subsubnest share */ local lnsjk __sigma_khg capture drop __sigma_hg quietly generate __sigma_hg=ln(`skh') if `touse' /* within-subnest share */ local lnskh __sigma_hg capture drop __sigma_g quietly generate __sigma_g=ln(`shg') if `touse' /* within-nest share */ local lnshg __sigma_g local endog `endog' `lnshg' `lnskh' `lnsjk' local title="Three-level nested logit model, nesting by `g', `h' and `k'" } /*display "`nests'" display "`nnests'" display "`dmodel'"*/ * make sure that price is ordered as the first in the regeressor varlist * it is assumed that price is the first endogenous variable or, if no endogenous variables specified, the first incldued exogenous variable if ("`exexog'"=="") { local price=word("`iexog'",1) local iexog: list iexog - price local endog `price' `endog' } /*display "`share'" display "`iexog'" display "`endog'" display "`exexog'"*/ * additional input management for optimal instrumenting, and calculating optimal instruments for single equation estimation if ("`noestimation'"=="" & ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="") & `nnests'!=0) { * prexexog: list of additional variables in the reduced form price equation (excluded exogenous variables and their polinomials) * the other variables in the reduced form price equation are the demand side's included exogenous variables (list "iexog") local prexexog `prexexog' foreach z of local exexog { tempvar __`z'2 __`z'3 __ln`z' quietly generate `__`z'2'=`z'^2 quietly generate `__`z'3'=`z'^3 quietly generate `__ln`z''=ln(`z') local prexexog `prexexog' `__`z'2' /*`__`z'3' `__ln`z''*/ } quietly ivreg2 `price' `prexexog' `iexog' if `touse' if ("`e(collin)'"!="") { local zpcollin `e(collin)' local prexexog: list prexexog - zpcollin } * calculating optimal instruments for single equation estimation if ("`eqestimation'"=="" & "`xp'"=="") { local iexogo `iexog' if ("`noconstant'"=="") { tempvar _cns quietly generate byte `_cns' = 1 if `touse' local iexogo `iexogo' `_cns' } capture drop __optika capture drop __optiks* mata: opti_nlogit("`share'","`iexogo'","`endog'","`exexog'","`prexexog'","`g'","`h'","`k'","`market'","`msize'","`estimator0'","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'") local exexog foreach v of varlist __optiks* __optika { local exexog `exexog' `v' } } } * additional input management for equilibrium estimation if ("`noestimation'"=="" & ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="")) { if ("`msimulation'"!="") { local firm=word("`msimulation'",1) } if ("`msimulation'"=="") { tempvar __firm __sort quietly generate `__sort'=_n sort `market', stable quietly by `market': generate `__firm'=_n local firm `__firm' sort `__sort', stable } * xp: list of linear regressors in the price equation (treated as included exogenous) * if xp is not user specified it includes the demand side included exogenous variables (iexog) and polinomials of the excluded exogenous variables (exexog) if ("`xp'"=="") { local xp `iexog' foreach z of local exexog { tempvar __`z'2 quietly generate `__`z'2'=`z'^2 local xp `xp' `__`z'2' } } local price=word("`iexog'",1) quietly xi: ivreg2 `price' `endog' `xp' if `touse' local dups `e(dups)' local collin `e(collin)' if ("`exexog'"=="") { quietly xi: ivreg2 `lnss0' `endog' `iexog' if `touse', `robust' `ocluster' `noconstant' `opartial' } if ("`exexog'"!="") { quietly xi: ivreg2 `lnss0' `iexog' (`endog' = `exexog') if `touse', `robust' `ocluster' `noconstant' `opartial' } if ("`noconstant'"=="") { tempvar _cns quietly generate byte `_cns' = 1 if `touse' local iexog `iexog' `_cns' local xp `xp' `_cns' } local iexog: list uniq iexog local iexog: list iexog - collin local endog: list uniq endog local endog: list endog - collin local exexog: list uniq exexog local exexog: list exexog - collin local xp: list uniq xp local xp: list xp - collin local dups `dups' `e(dups)' local dups: list uniq dups local collin `collin' `e(collin)' local collin: list uniq collin * pexexog: list of excluded exogenous variables (instruments) of the price equation * if pexexog is not user specified, using the pinstruments() option, it is the same as the demand side excluded exogenous variables (exexog) local pexexog `pinstruments' if ("`pinstruments'"=="") { local pexexog `exexog' } quietly ivreg2 `price' `pexexog' `xp' if `touse', noconstant local pcollin `e(collin)' local pexexog: list pexexog - pcollin local xp: list xp - pcollin local dups `dups' `e(dups)' local dups: list uniq dups local collin `collin' `e(collin)' local collin: list uniq collin if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { if ("`dups'"!="") { di in gr "Warning - duplicate variables detected" di in gr "Duplicates: " _c disp "`dups'", _col(21) } if ("`collin'" != "") { di in gr "Warning - collinearities detected" local mlength=78 local tab=23 local init "Vars dropped: " dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`collin'") mlength(78) tab(23) } } local iexog_ct=0 if ("`iexog'"!="") { foreach v of varlist `iexog' `xp' { local iexog_ct=`iexog_ct'+1 } } local endog_ct=0 if ("`endog'"!="") { foreach v of varlist `endog' { local endog_ct=`endog_ct'+1 } } local exexog_ct=0 if ("`exexog'"!="") { foreach v of varlist `exexog' { local exexog_ct=`exexog_ct'+1 } } local iv_ct=`iexog_ct'+`exexog_ct' local rhs_ct=`iexog_ct'+`endog_ct' local vcetype if ("`cluster'"!="") { local robust robust quietly tab `cluster' local N_clust=r(r) } if ("`robust'"!="") { local vcetype=proper("`robust'") } if ("`vat'"=="") { tempvar vat generate `vat'=0 } local estimator0 2sls if ("`tsls'"!="") { local estimator0 3sls } if ("`gmm2s'"!="") { local estimator0 `gmm2s' } if ("`igmm'"!="" | "`cue'"!="") { local estimator0 `igmm' } quietly xi: ivreg2 `lnss0' `iexog' (`endog' = `exexog' `pexexog') if `touse', `robust' `ocluster' `noconstant' `opartial' local cdf=e(cdf) local cd=e(cd) local idstat=e(idstat) local idp=e(idp) local iddf=e(iddf) local widstat=e(widstat) if (`nnests'==0) { local title="Simple logit model with pricing equation" } if (`nnests'==1) { local title="One-level nested logit model with pricing equation, nesting by `g'" } if (`nnests'==2) { local title="Two-level nested logit model with pricing equation, nesting by `g' and `h'" } if (`nnests'>=3) { local title="Three-level nested logit model with pricing equation, nesting by `g', `h' and `k'" } } * sigma parameters (noestimation option) if ("`noestimation'"!="") { if (wordcount("`sigmas'")!=0) { if (wordcount("`sigmas'")>=1) { local sigmag=word("`sigmas'",1) } if (wordcount("`sigmas'")>=2) { local sigmah=word("`sigmas'",2) } if (wordcount("`sigmas'")>=3) { local sigmak=word("`sigmas'",3) } } } * sort varlists foreach l in exexog prexexog demog_xvars { if ("``l''"!="") { local `l': list sort `l' } } ************* * ESTIMATION ************* if ("`noestimation'"=="") { * estimation options local estimator if ("`gmm2s'"!="") { local estimator `gmm2s' } if ("`cue'"!="" | "`igmm'"!="") { local estimator cue } if ("`exexog'"=="") { local estimator } if ("`cluster'"!="") { local ocluster cluster(`cluster') } local eoptions title("`title'") `estimator' `robust' `ocluster' `nocollin' `noconstant' `opartial' local quiet if ("`nodisplay'"!="") { local quiet quietly } * estimation timer clear 1 timer on 1 sort `obs', stable if ("`eqestimation'"=="" & "`xp'"=="") { /* demand estimation only */ if ("`exexog'"=="") { `quiet' xi: ivreg2 `lnss0' `endog' `iexog' if `touse', `eoptions' } if ("`exexog'"!="") { `quiet' xi: ivreg2 `lnss0' `iexog' (`endog' = `exexog') if `touse', `eoptions' } } if ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="") { /* equilibrium system estimation (demand + pricing equations) */ mata: estimation_nlogit_eq("`share'","`iexog'","`xp'","`endog'","`exexog'","`pexexog'","`prexexog'","`g'","`h'","`k'","`market'","`msize'","`firm'","`vat'","`startparams'","`estimator0'","`optimal'","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'","`nodisplay'") if ("`optimal'"!="" & "`exexog'"!="") { if (`nnests'!=0) { local optieks __optieks* local optieos __optieos* } local exexog foreach v of varlist `optieks' __optiep { local exexog `exexog' `v' } local pexexog foreach v of varlist `optieos' __optiep { local pexexog `pexexog' `v' } matrix params0=b[1,1..`endog_ct'] local startparams params0 sort `market' `firm', stable mata: estimation_nlogit_eq("`share'","`iexog'","`xp'","`endog'","`exexog'","`pexexog'","","`g'","`h'","`k'","`market'","`msize'","`firm'","`vat'","`startparams'","`estimator0'","","`robust'","`cluster'","`touse'","`nodisplay'") quietly xi: ivreg2 `lnss0' `iexog' (`endog' = `exexog' `pexexog') if `touse', `robust' `ocluster' `noconstant' `opartial' local cdf=e(cdf) local cd=e(cd) local idstat=e(idstat) local idp=e(idp) local iddf=e(iddf) local widstat=e(widstat) } local exexog `exexog' `pexexog' local exexog: list uniq exexog } timer off 1 quietly timer list local estimation_time=r(t1) local estimation_time_ms=msofseconds(r(t1)) ereturn scalar estimation_time=`estimation_time' if ("`eqestimation'"=="" & "`xp'"=="") { /* demand estimation only */ ereturn local vcetype="`vcetype'" ereturn local endog `endog' ereturn local iexog `iexog' ereturn local xp `xp' ereturn local exexog `exexog' ereturn local market="`market'" ereturn local share="`share'" ereturn local dups="`dups'" ereturn local collin="`collin'" if ("`estimator'"=="2sls" | "`estimator'"=="") { ereturn local estimator_name="2SLS estimation" if ("`exexog'"=="") { ereturn local estimator_name="OLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ols" } } if ("`estimator'"=="gmm2s") { ereturn local estimator_name="2-Step GMM estimation" if ("`exexog'"=="") { ereturn local estimator_name="OLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ols" } } if ("`estimator'"=="igmm" | "`estimator'"=="cue") { ereturn local estimator_name="CUE GMM estimation" if ("`exexog'"=="") { ereturn local estimator_name="OLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ols" } } capture drop __ksi capture drop __xb0 local p=word("`endog'",1) quietly predict __ksi, res quietly generate __xb0=__lnss0-__ksi quietly replace __xb0=__xb0-_b["`p'"]*`p' if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit") { quietly replace __xb0=__xb0-_b["`lnsjg'"]*`lnsjg' } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit2") { quietly replace __xb0=__xb0-_b["`lnshg'"]*`lnshg'-_b["`lnsjh'"]*`lnsjh' } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit3") { quietly replace __xb0=__xb0-_b["`lnshg'"]*`lnshg'-_b["`lnskh'"]*`lnskh'-_b["`lnsjk'"]*`lnsjk' } if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { di in gr "Estimation time: " %1.0f = hh(`estimation_time_ms') "h " %1.0f = mm(`estimation_time_ms') "m " %1.0f = ss(`estimation_time_ms') "s" } } if ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="") { * posting into e() (if equilibrium system estimation) ereturn post b V, esample(`touse') ereturn scalar estimation_time=`estimation_time' ereturn scalar estimation_time_ms=`estimation_time_ms' quietly count if e(sample) ereturn scalar N=r(N) if ("`cluster'"!="") { ereturn scalar N_clust=`N_clust' ereturn local clustvar="`cluster'" } ereturn scalar j=j ereturn scalar jp=jp ereturn scalar jdf=jdf ereturn scalar F=F ereturn scalar Fp=Fp ereturn scalar Fdf1=Fdf1 ereturn scalar Fdf2=Fdf2 ereturn scalar r2=r2 ereturn scalar r2_d=r2_d ereturn scalar r2_p=r2_p ereturn scalar r2_a=r2_a ereturn scalar r2_a_d=r2_a_d ereturn scalar r2_a_p=r2_a_p ereturn scalar cdf=`cdf' ereturn scalar cd=`cd' ereturn scalar idstat=`idstat' ereturn scalar idp=`idp' ereturn scalar iddf=`iddf' ereturn scalar widstat=`widstat' ereturn local vcetype="`vcetype'" ereturn local endog `endog' ereturn local iexog `iexog' ereturn local xp `xp' ereturn local exexog `exexog' ereturn local market="`market'" ereturn local share="`share'" ereturn local dups="`dups'" ereturn local collin="`collin'" ereturn local estimator="`estimator0'" if ("`estimator0'"=="2sls") { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear 2SLS estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear OLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="nols" } } if ("`estimator0'"=="3sls") { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear 3SLS estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear SUR estimation" ereturn local estimator="nsur" } } if ("`estimator0'"=="gmm2s") { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear 2-Step GMM estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Non-linear GLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ngls" } } if ("`estimator0'"=="igmm") { ereturn local estimator_name="Iterated non-linear GMM estimation" if (`exexog_ct'==0) { ereturn local estimator_name="Iterated non-linear GLS estimation" ereturn local estimator="ingls" } } ereturn local title="`title'" tempvar touse quietly generate `touse'=(e(sample)) if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display_results , exexog_ct(`exexog_ct') endog_ct(`endog_ct') } } } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "`title'" } ereturn post, esample(`touse') ereturn local title="`title'" tempvar touse quietly generate `touse'=(e(sample)) } capture confirm new variable __shat if (_rc!=0) { capture drop __shat } quietly generate __shat=`share' ereturn local dmodel="`dmodel'" *************** * ELASTICITIES *************** if ("`elasticities'"!="") { * generate labelled numeric variable with elasticity groups (if elasticity option specified) tempvar _isnumvar el_num el_str mata: st_numscalar("`_isnumvar'",st_isnumvar("`elasticities'")) if (`_isnumvar'==0) { quietly generate `el_str'=`elasticities' quietly encode `elasticities', generate(`el_num') } if (`_isnumvar'==1) { quietly generate `el_num'=`elasticities' capture quietly decode `elasticities', generate(`el_str') if (_rc==182) { capture quietly tostring `elasticities', generate(`el_str') } } quietly replace `el_str'=subinstr(`el_str'," ","_",.) tempvar _alpha _sigmag _sigmah _sigmak local p=word("`endog'",1) if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_alpha'=-_b["`p'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_alpha'=`alpha' } if ("`dmodel'"=="logit") { mata: elasticities_logit("`market'","`el_num'","`p'","`q'","`share'","`_alpha'","`touse'") } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit") { if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_sigmag'=_b["`lnsjg'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_sigmag'=`sigmag' } mata: elasticities_nlogit("`market'","`el_num'","`g'","`p'","`q'","`share'","`sjg'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`touse'") } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit2") { if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_sigmag'=_b["`lnshg'"] generate `_sigmah'=_b["`lnsjh'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_sigmag'=`sigmag' generate `_sigmah'=`sigmah' } quietly generate `sjg'=`q'/`qg' mata: elasticities_nlogit2("`market'","`el_num'","`g'","`h'","`p'","`q'","`share'","`sjg'","`sjh'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`_sigmah'","`touse'") } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit3") { if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_sigmag'=_b["`lnshg'"] generate `_sigmah'=_b["`lnskh'"] generate `_sigmak'=_b["`lnsjk'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_sigmag'=`sigmag' generate `_sigmah'=`sigmah' generate `_sigmak'=`sigmak' } quietly generate `sjg'=`q'/`qg' quietly generate `sjh'=`q'/`qhg' mata: elasticities_nlogit3("`market'","`el_num'","`g'","`h'","`k'","`p'","`q'","`share'","`sjg'","`sjh'","`sjk'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`_sigmah'","`_sigmak'","`touse'") } quietly levelsof `el_str' if e(sample), clean local(el_names) matrix rownames el = `el_names' matrix colnames el = `el_names' matrix rownames dr = `el_names' matrix colnames dr = `el_names' ereturn matrix el=el ereturn matrix dr=dr if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "" display in gr "Estimated average elasticities (by `elasticities')" matlist e(el), format(%10.1f) display "" display in gr "Estimated average diversion ratios (by `elasticities')" matlist e(dr), format(%10.0f) } } ******************** * MERGER SIMULATION ******************** if (("`msimulation'"!="" & wordcount("`msimulation'")>1) | ("`msimulation'"!="" & "`onlymc'"!="") | ("`msimulation'"!="" & "`noestimation'"!="") | "`ssnip'"!="") { timer clear 1 timer on 1 if ("`onlymc'"=="" & "`msimulation'"!="") { if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "" display in gr "Merger simulation" } } local xksi=0 /* check whether there is user given structural error term, ksi, for non-estimation based simulation (ksi option) */ local xxb0=0 /* check whether there is user given non-price specific mean observed utility component, xb0, for non-estimation based simulation (xb0 option) */ if ("`noestimation'"!="" & "`ksi'"!="") { local xksi=1 tempvar xxksi quietly generate `xxksi'=`ksi' } if ("`noestimation'"!="" & "`xb0'"!="") { local xxb0=1 tempvar xxxb0 quietly generate `xxxb0'=`xb0' } tempvar _alpha _sigmag _sigmah _sigmak obs xb ksi cc capture drop `_alpha' capture drop `_sigmag' capture drop `_sigmah' capture drop `_sigmak' local p=word("`endog'",1) if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_alpha'=-_b["`p'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_alpha'=`alpha' } if ("`msimulation'"!="") { local firm=word("`msimulation'",1) if (wordcount("`msimulation'")>1) { local firm_post=word("`msimulation'",2) } if (wordcount("`msimulation'")==1) { local firm_post `firm' } } if ("`ssnip'"!="") { local segment=word("`ssnip'",1) tempvar _isnumvar segment_num segment_str mata: st_numscalar("`_isnumvar'",st_isnumvar("`segment'")) if (`_isnumvar'==0) { quietly generate `segment_str'=`segment' quietly encode `segment', generate(`segment_num') } if (`_isnumvar'==1) { quietly generate `segment_num'=`segment' capture quietly decode `segment', generate(`segment_str') if (_rc==182) { capture quietly tostring `segment', generate(`segment_str') } } if ("`msimulation'"=="") { local firm=word("`ssnip'",2) local firm_post `firm' if ("`onlymc'"=="") { local onlymc onlymc } } } if ("`vat'"=="") { tempvar vat generate `vat'=0 } if ("`noestimation'"=="") { if ("`eqestimation'"=="" & "`xp'"=="") { quietly predict `ksi', res } if ("`eqestimation'"!="" | "`xp'"!="") { quietly generate `ksi'=__ksi if ("`mc'"=="") { tempvar mc quietly generate `mc'=__mc } } } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { quietly generate `ksi'=0 } quietly generate `xb'=`lnss0'-`ksi' quietly replace `xb'=`xb'+`_alpha'*`p' if ("`noestimation'"!="" & `xksi'==1) { quietly replace `ksi'=`xxksi' if (`xxb0'==0) { quietly replace `xb'=`lnss0'-`ksi' quietly replace `xb'=`xb'+`_alpha'*`p' } } if ("`noestimation'"!="" & `xxb0'==1) { quietly replace `xb'=`xxxb0' if (`xksi'==0) { quietly replace `ksi'=`lnss0'-`xb'+`_alpha'*`p' } } if ("`noestimation'"!="" & `xksi'==1 & `xxb0'==1) { quietly replace `lnss0'=-`_alpha'*`p'+`xb'+`ksi' } sort `market', stable capture drop `cc' generate `cc'=1 tempvar touse quietly generate `touse'=(e(sample) & `p'>=0) capture drop `obs' quietly generate `obs'=sum(`cc') if `touse' * call merger simulation function if ("`dmodel'"=="logit") { mata: merger_simulation_logit("`market'","`firm'","`firm_post'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`_alpha'","`obs'","`mc'","`vat'","`onlymc'","`nodisplay'","`cmce'","`touse'") if ("`ssnip'"!="") { local mc_ssnip `mc' if ("`mc'"=="") { local mc_ssnip __mc } mata: ssnip_logit("`market'","`firm'","`segment_num'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`_alpha'","`obs'","`mc_ssnip'","`vat'","`nodisplay'","`touse'") } } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit") { if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_sigmag'=_b["`lnsjg'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_sigmag'=`sigmag' } if (`xxb0'==0) { quietly replace `xb'=`xb'-`_sigmag'*`lnsjg' } mata: merger_simulation_nlogit("`market'","`firm'","`firm_post'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`g'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`obs'","`mc'","`vat'","`onlymc'","`nodisplay'","`cmce'","`touse'") if ("`ssnip'"!="") { local mc_ssnip `mc' if ("`mc'"=="") { local mc_ssnip __mc } mata: ssnip_nlogit("`market'","`firm'","`segment_num'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`g'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`obs'","`mc_ssnip'","`vat'","`nodisplay'","`touse'") } } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit2") { if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_sigmag'=_b["`lnshg'"] generate `_sigmah'=_b["`lnsjh'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_sigmag'=`sigmag' generate `_sigmah'=`sigmah' } if (`xxb0'==0) { quietly replace `xb'=`xb'-`_sigmag'*`lnshg'-`_sigmah'*`lnsjh' } mata: merger_simulation_nlogit2("`market'","`firm'","`firm_post'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`g'","`h'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`_sigmah'","`obs'","`mc'","`vat'","`onlymc'","`nodisplay'","`cmce'","`touse'") if ("`ssnip'"!="") { local mc_ssnip `mc' if ("`mc'"=="") { local mc_ssnip __mc } mata: ssnip_nlogit2("`market'","`firm'","`segment_num'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`g'","`h'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`_sigmah'","`obs'","`mc_ssnip'","`vat'","`nodisplay'","`touse'") } } if ("`dmodel'"=="nlogit3") { if ("`noestimation'"=="") { generate `_sigmag'=_b["`lnshg'"] generate `_sigmah'=_b["`lnskh'"] generate `_sigmak'=_b["`lnsjk'"] } if ("`noestimation'"!="") { generate `_sigmag'=`sigmag' generate `_sigmah'=`sigmah' generate `_sigmak'=`sigmak' } if (`xxb0'==0) { quietly replace `xb'=`xb'-`_sigmag'*`lnshg'-`_sigmah'*`lnskh'-`_sigmak'*`lnsjk' } mata: merger_simulation_nlogit3("`market'","`firm'","`firm_post'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`g'","`h'","`k'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`_sigmah'","`_sigmak'","`obs'","`mc'","`vat'","`onlymc'","`nodisplay'","`cmce'","`touse'") if ("`ssnip'"!="") { local mc_ssnip `mc' if ("`mc'"=="") { local mc_ssnip __mc } mata: ssnip_nlogit3("`market'","`firm'","`segment_num'","`msize'","`p'","`share'","`xb'","`ksi'","`g'","`h'","`k'","`_alpha'","`_sigmag'","`_sigmah'","`_sigmak'","`obs'","`mc_ssnip'","`vat'","`nodisplay'","`touse'") } } if ("`onlymc'"=="") { capture drop __xb0 capture drop __ksi capture drop __delta quietly generate __xb0=`xb' if `touse' quietly generate __ksi=`ksi' if `touse' quietly generate __delta=`lnss0' if `touse' } timer off 1 quietly timer list local computation_time_msimul=r(t1) local time_ms=msofseconds(r(t1)) ereturn scalar computation_time_msimul=`computation_time_msimul' * display results if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { if ("`onlymc'"=="") { display "" tempname _isnumvar firm_num firm_str mata: st_numscalar("`_isnumvar'",st_isnumvar("`firm'")) if (`_isnumvar'==0) { quietly generate `firm_str'=`firm' quietly encode `firm', generate(`firm_num') } if (`_isnumvar'==1) { quietly generate `firm_num'=`firm' capture decode `firm', generate(`firm_str') if (_rc==182) { capture tostring `firm', generate(`firm_str') } } preserve tempvar pmarket __mc quietly bys `market': egen `pmarket'=max(abs(__foc_post)) if e(sample) quietly replace `pmarket'=(`pmarket'>0.027) if ("`mc'"=="") { quietly generate `__mc'=__mc } if ("`mc'"!="") { quietly generate `__mc'=`mc' capture confirm variable __mrkp if (_rc==0) { capture drop __mrkp } quietly generate __mrkp=(`p'/(1+`vat'))-`__mc' if e(sample) } quietly keep if e(sample) & __p_post!=. & __foc_post!=. & __s_post!=. & `pmarket'==0 & `__mc'>0 & `__mc'<=`p' & __mrkp>=0 & __mrkp<=`p' quietly count if (r(N)>0) { tempname q capture drop `q' quietly generate `q'=`share'*`msize' * weighting by "quantity" quietly replace __mrkp=__mrkp*`q' quietly replace `p'=`p'*`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post*`q' local nmce=0 if ("`cmce'"!="") { * compensating marginal cost efficiencies tempname dmc mce capture drop `dmc' quietly generate `mce'=(`__mc'-__mce)*`q' local nmce=1 local cnmce cmp local tmce , compensating marginal cost reduction } * results aggregated to the level of "firms" collapse (sum) `p' __p_post __mrkp `q' `mce', by(`firm_str') quietly replace `p'=`p'/`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post/`q' quietly replace __mrkp=100*__mrkp/(`p'*`q') quietly generate dp=100*(__p_post-`p')/`p' if ("`cmce'"!="") { quietly replace `mce'=100*`mce'/(`p'*`q') } mkmat dp __mrkp `mce' `p', matrix(dp) rownames(`firm_str') local rnames: rowfullnames dp quietly replace `p'=`p'*`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post*`q' quietly replace __mrkp=__mrkp*`p'/100 * results aggregated to overall level collapse (sum) `p' __p_post __mrkp `q' quietly replace `p'=`p'/`q' quietly replace __p_post=__p_post/`q' quietly replace __mrkp=100*__mrkp/(`p'*`q') quietly generate dp=100*(__p_post-`p')/`p' mkmat dp __mrkp, matrix(dp_overall) matrix dp_overall=dp_overall,J(1,1+`nmce',.) * combining results into one display matrix and displaying matrix dp=dp\dp_overall local rnames `rnames' overall matrix rownames dp = `rnames' matrix colnames dp = dp mrg `cnmce' p display "" display "Predicted price changes, pre-merger implied margin`tmce' (%) and price" matlist dp, format(%6.1f) linesize(100) scalar dp=dp[rowsof(dp),1] ereturn scalar dp=dp } restore } } if ("`ssnip'"!="") { * performing SSNIP tests quietly levelsof `segment_str', local(ssegments) clean local ns: list sizeof ssegments matrix rownames ssnip = `ssegments' matrix colnames ssnip = 1% 5% 10% if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { display "" display "SSNIP test of groups (% change in group's total profit due to a 1-5-10% price increase)" matlist ssnip, format(%8,1f) } ereturn matrix ssnip=ssnip } if ("`nodisplay'"=="") { di in gr "Computation time: " %1.0f = hh(`time_ms') "h " %1.0f = mm(`time_ms') "m " %4.3f = ss(`time_ms') "s" } } } /* end of nested logit model */ end ******************** * Stata subroutines ******************** * Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values (from ivreg2) capture program drop cdsy1 program define cdsy1, rclass version 8.2 syntax , type(string) k2(integer) nendog(integer) * type() can be ivbias5 (k2<=100, nendog<=3) * ivbias10 (ditto) * ivbias20 (ditto) * ivbias30 (ditto) * ivsize10 (k2<=100, nendog<=2) * ivsize15 (ditto) * ivsize20 (ditto) * ivsize25 (ditto) * fullrel5 (ditto) * fullrel10 (ditto) * fullrel20 (ditto) * fullrel30 (ditto) * fullmax5 (ditto) * fullmax10 (ditto) * fullmax20 (ditto) * fullmax30 (ditto) * limlsize10 (ditto) * limlsize15 (ditto) * limlsize20 (ditto) * limlsize25 (ditto) tempname temp cv * Initialize critical value as MV scalar `cv'=. if "`type'"=="ivbias5" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ . , . , . \ /* */ . , . , . \ /* */ 13.91 , . , . \ /* */ 16.85 , 11.04 , . \ /* */ 18.37 , 13.97 , 9.53 \ /* */ 19.28 , 15.72 , 12.20 \ /* */ 19.86 , 16.88 , 13.95 \ /* */ 20.25 , 17.70 , 15.18 \ /* */ 20.53 , 18.30 , 16.10 \ /* */ 20.74 , 18.76 , 16.80 \ /* */ 20.90 , 19.12 , 17.35 \ /* */ 21.01 , 19.40 , 17.80 \ /* */ 21.10 , 19.64 , 18.17 \ /* */ 21.18 , 19.83 , 18.47 \ /* */ 21.23 , 19.98 , 18.73 \ /* */ 21.28 , 20.12 , 18.94 \ /* */ 21.31 , 20.23 , 19.13 \ /* */ 21.34 , 20.33 , 19.29 \ /* */ 21.36 , 20.41 , 19.44 \ /* */ 21.38 , 20.48 , 19.56 \ /* */ 21.39 , 20.54 , 19.67 \ /* */ 21.40 , 20.60 , 19.77 \ /* */ 21.41 , 20.65 , 19.86 \ /* */ 21.41 , 20.69 , 19.94 \ /* */ 21.42 , 20.73 , 20.01 \ /* */ 21.42 , 20.76 , 20.07 \ /* */ 21.42 , 20.79 , 20.13 \ /* */ 21.42 , 20.82 , 20.18 \ /* */ 21.42 , 20.84 , 20.23 \ /* */ 21.42 , 20.86 , 20.27 \ /* */ 21.41 , 20.88 , 20.31 \ /* */ 21.41 , 20.90 , 20.35 \ /* */ 21.41 , 20.91 , 20.38 \ /* */ 21.40 , 20.93 , 20.41 \ /* */ 21.40 , 20.94 , 20.44 \ /* */ 21.39 , 20.95 , 20.47 \ /* */ 21.39 , 20.96 , 20.49 \ /* */ 21.38 , 20.97 , 20.51 \ /* */ 21.38 , 20.98 , 20.54 \ /* */ 21.37 , 20.99 , 20.56 \ /* */ 21.37 , 20.99 , 20.57 \ /* */ 21.36 , 21.00 , 20.59 \ /* */ 21.35 , 21.00 , 20.61 \ /* */ 21.35 , 21.01 , 20.62 \ /* */ 21.34 , 21.01 , 20.64 \ /* */ 21.34 , 21.02 , 20.65 \ /* */ 21.33 , 21.02 , 20.66 \ /* */ 21.32 , 21.02 , 20.67 \ /* */ 21.32 , 21.03 , 20.68 \ /* */ 21.31 , 21.03 , 20.69 \ /* */ 21.31 , 21.03 , 20.70 \ /* */ 21.30 , 21.03 , 20.71 \ /* */ 21.30 , 21.03 , 20.72 \ /* */ 21.29 , 21.03 , 20.73 \ /* */ 21.28 , 21.03 , 20.73 \ /* */ 21.28 , 21.04 , 20.74 \ /* */ 21.27 , 21.04 , 20.75 \ /* */ 21.27 , 21.04 , 20.75 \ /* */ 21.26 , 21.04 , 20.76 \ /* */ 21.26 , 21.04 , 20.76 \ /* */ 21.25 , 21.04 , 20.77 \ /* */ 21.24 , 21.04 , 20.77 \ /* */ 21.24 , 21.04 , 20.78 \ /* */ 21.23 , 21.04 , 20.78 \ /* */ 21.23 , 21.03 , 20.79 \ /* */ 21.22 , 21.03 , 20.79 \ /* */ 21.22 , 21.03 , 20.79 \ /* */ 21.21 , 21.03 , 20.80 \ /* */ 21.21 , 21.03 , 20.80 \ /* */ 21.20 , 21.03 , 20.80 \ /* */ 21.20 , 21.03 , 20.80 \ /* */ 21.19 , 21.03 , 20.81 \ /* */ 21.19 , 21.03 , 20.81 \ /* */ 21.18 , 21.03 , 20.81 \ /* */ 21.18 , 21.02 , 20.81 \ /* */ 21.17 , 21.02 , 20.82 \ /* */ 21.17 , 21.02 , 20.82 \ /* */ 21.16 , 21.02 , 20.82 \ /* */ 21.16 , 21.02 , 20.82 \ /* */ 21.15 , 21.02 , 20.82 \ /* */ 21.15 , 21.02 , 20.82 \ /* */ 21.15 , 21.02 , 20.83 \ /* */ 21.14 , 21.01 , 20.83 \ /* */ 21.14 , 21.01 , 20.83 \ /* */ 21.13 , 21.01 , 20.83 \ /* */ 21.13 , 21.01 , 20.83 \ /* */ 21.12 , 21.01 , 20.84 \ /* */ 21.12 , 21.01 , 20.84 \ /* */ 21.11 , 21.01 , 20.84 \ /* */ 21.11 , 21.01 , 20.84 \ /* */ 21.10 , 21.00 , 20.84 \ /* */ 21.10 , 21.00 , 20.84 \ /* */ 21.09 , 21.00 , 20.85 \ /* */ 21.09 , 21.00 , 20.85 \ /* */ 21.08 , 21.00 , 20.85 \ /* */ 21.08 , 21.00 , 20.85 \ /* */ 21.07 , 21.00 , 20.85 \ /* */ 21.07 , 20.99 , 20.86 \ /* */ 21.06 , 20.99 , 20.86 \ /* */ 21.06 , 20.99 , 20.86 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=3 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivbias10" { matrix input `temp' = /* */ (.,.,. \ /* */ .,.,. \ /* */ 9.08,.,. \ /* */ 10.27,7.56,. \ /* */ 10.83,8.78,6.61 \ /* */ 11.12,9.48,7.77 \ /* */ 11.29,9.92,8.5 \ /* */ 11.39,10.22,9.01 \ /* */ 11.46,10.43,9.37 \ /* */ 11.49,10.58,9.64 \ /* */ 11.51,10.69,9.85 \ /* */ 11.52,10.78,10.01 \ /* */ 11.52,10.84,10.14 \ /* */ 11.52,10.89,10.25 \ /* */ 11.51,10.93,10.33 \ /* */ 11.5,10.96,10.41 \ /* */ 11.49,10.99,10.47 \ /* */ 11.48,11,10.52 \ /* */ 11.46,11.02,10.56 \ /* */ 11.45,11.03,10.6 \ /* */ 11.44,11.04,10.63 \ /* */ 11.42,11.05,10.65 \ /* */ 11.41,11.05,10.68 \ /* */ 11.4,11.05,10.7 \ /* */ 11.38,11.06,10.71 \ /* */ 11.37,11.06,10.73 \ /* */ 11.36,11.06,10.74 \ /* */ 11.34,11.05,10.75 \ /* */ 11.33,11.05,10.76 \ /* */ 11.32,11.05,10.77 \ /* */ 11.3,11.05,10.78 \ /* */ 11.29,11.05,10.79 \ /* */ 11.28,11.04,10.79 \ /* */ 11.27,11.04,10.8 \ /* */ 11.26,11.04,10.8 \ /* */ 11.25,11.03,10.8 \ /* */ 11.24,11.03,10.81 \ /* */ 11.23,11.02,10.81 \ /* */ 11.22,11.02,10.81 \ /* */ 11.21,11.02,10.81 \ /* */ 11.2,11.01,10.81 \ /* */ 11.19,11.01,10.81 \ /* */ 11.18,11,10.81 \ /* */ 11.17,11,10.81 \ /* */ 11.16,10.99,10.81 \ /* */ 11.15,10.99,10.81 \ /* */ 11.14,10.98,10.81 \ /* */ 11.13,10.98,10.81 \ /* */ 11.13,10.98,10.81 \ /* */ 11.12,10.97,10.81 \ /* */ 11.11,10.97,10.81 \ /* */ 11.1,10.96,10.81 \ /* */ 11.1,10.96,10.81 \ /* */ 11.09,10.95,10.81 \ /* */ 11.08,10.95,10.81 \ /* */ 11.07,10.94,10.8 \ /* */ 11.07,10.94,10.8 \ /* */ 11.06,10.94,10.8 \ /* */ 11.05,10.93,10.8 \ /* */ 11.05,10.93,10.8 \ /* */ 11.04,10.92,10.8 \ /* */ 11.03,10.92,10.79 \ /* */ 11.03,10.92,10.79 \ /* */ 11.02,10.91,10.79 \ /* */ 11.02,10.91,10.79 \ /* */ 11.01,10.9,10.79 \ /* */ 11,10.9,10.79 \ /* */ 11,10.9,10.78 \ /* */ 10.99,10.89,10.78 \ /* */ 10.99,10.89,10.78 \ /* */ 10.98,10.89,10.78 \ /* */ 10.98,10.88,10.78 \ /* */ 10.97,10.88,10.77 \ /* */ 10.97,10.88,10.77 \ /* */ 10.96,10.87,10.77 \ /* */ 10.96,10.87,10.77 \ /* */ 10.95,10.86,10.77 \ /* */ 10.95,10.86,10.76 \ /* */ 10.94,10.86,10.76 \ /* */ 10.94,10.85,10.76 \ /* */ 10.93,10.85,10.76 \ /* */ 10.93,10.85,10.76 \ /* */ 10.92,10.84,10.75 \ /* */ 10.92,10.84,10.75 \ /* */ 10.91,10.84,10.75 \ /* */ 10.91,10.84,10.75 \ /* */ 10.91,10.83,10.75 \ /* */ 10.9,10.83,10.74 \ /* */ 10.9,10.83,10.74 \ /* */ 10.89,10.82,10.74 \ /* */ 10.89,10.82,10.74 \ /* */ 10.89,10.82,10.74 \ /* */ 10.88,10.81,10.74 \ /* */ 10.88,10.81,10.73 \ /* */ 10.87,10.81,10.73 \ /* */ 10.87,10.81,10.73 \ /* */ 10.87,10.8,10.73 \ /* */ 10.86,10.8,10.73 \ /* */ 10.86,10.8,10.72 \ /* */ 10.86,10.8,10.72) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=3 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivbias20" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ . , . , . \ /* */ . , . , . \ /* */ 6.46 , . , . \ /* */ 6.71 , 5.57 , . \ /* */ 6.77 , 5.91 , 4.99 \ /* */ 6.76 , 6.08 , 5.35 \ /* */ 6.73 , 6.16 , 5.56 \ /* */ 6.69 , 6.20 , 5.69 \ /* */ 6.65 , 6.22 , 5.78 \ /* */ 6.61 , 6.23 , 5.83 \ /* */ 6.56 , 6.23 , 5.87 \ /* */ 6.53 , 6.22 , 5.90 \ /* */ 6.49 , 6.21 , 5.92 \ /* */ 6.45 , 6.20 , 5.93 \ /* */ 6.42 , 6.19 , 5.94 \ /* */ 6.39 , 6.17 , 5.94 \ /* */ 6.36 , 6.16 , 5.94 \ /* */ 6.33 , 6.14 , 5.94 \ /* */ 6.31 , 6.13 , 5.94 \ /* */ 6.28 , 6.11 , 5.93 \ /* */ 6.26 , 6.10 , 5.93 \ /* */ 6.24 , 6.08 , 5.92 \ /* */ 6.22 , 6.07 , 5.92 \ /* */ 6.20 , 6.06 , 5.91 \ /* */ 6.18 , 6.05 , 5.90 \ /* */ 6.16 , 6.03 , 5.90 \ /* */ 6.14 , 6.02 , 5.89 \ /* */ 6.13 , 6.01 , 5.88 \ /* */ 6.11 , 6.00 , 5.88 \ /* */ 6.09 , 5.99 , 5.87 \ /* */ 6.08 , 5.98 , 5.87 \ /* */ 6.07 , 5.97 , 5.86 \ /* */ 6.05 , 5.96 , 5.85 \ /* */ 6.04 , 5.95 , 5.85 \ /* */ 6.03 , 5.94 , 5.84 \ /* */ 6.01 , 5.93 , 5.83 \ /* */ 6.00 , 5.92 , 5.83 \ /* */ 5.99 , 5.91 , 5.82 \ /* */ 5.98 , 5.90 , 5.82 \ /* */ 5.97 , 5.89 , 5.81 \ /* */ 5.96 , 5.89 , 5.80 \ /* */ 5.95 , 5.88 , 5.80 \ /* */ 5.94 , 5.87 , 5.79 \ /* */ 5.93 , 5.86 , 5.79 \ /* */ 5.92 , 5.86 , 5.78 \ /* */ 5.91 , 5.85 , 5.78 \ /* */ 5.91 , 5.84 , 5.77 \ /* */ 5.90 , 5.83 , 5.77 \ /* */ 5.89 , 5.83 , 5.76 \ /* */ 5.88 , 5.82 , 5.76 \ /* */ 5.87 , 5.82 , 5.75 \ /* */ 5.87 , 5.81 , 5.75 \ /* */ 5.86 , 5.80 , 5.74 \ /* */ 5.85 , 5.80 , 5.74 \ /* */ 5.85 , 5.79 , 5.73 \ /* */ 5.84 , 5.79 , 5.73 \ /* */ 5.83 , 5.78 , 5.72 \ /* */ 5.83 , 5.78 , 5.72 \ /* */ 5.82 , 5.77 , 5.72 \ /* */ 5.81 , 5.77 , 5.71 \ /* */ 5.81 , 5.76 , 5.71 \ /* */ 5.80 , 5.76 , 5.70 \ /* */ 5.80 , 5.75 , 5.70 \ /* */ 5.79 , 5.75 , 5.70 \ /* */ 5.78 , 5.74 , 5.69 \ /* */ 5.78 , 5.74 , 5.69 \ /* */ 5.77 , 5.73 , 5.68 \ /* */ 5.77 , 5.73 , 5.68 \ /* */ 5.76 , 5.72 , 5.68 \ /* */ 5.76 , 5.72 , 5.67 \ /* */ 5.75 , 5.72 , 5.67 \ /* */ 5.75 , 5.71 , 5.67 \ /* */ 5.75 , 5.71 , 5.66 \ /* */ 5.74 , 5.70 , 5.66 \ /* */ 5.74 , 5.70 , 5.66 \ /* */ 5.73 , 5.70 , 5.65 \ /* */ 5.73 , 5.69 , 5.65 \ /* */ 5.72 , 5.69 , 5.65 \ /* */ 5.72 , 5.68 , 5.65 \ /* */ 5.71 , 5.68 , 5.64 \ /* */ 5.71 , 5.68 , 5.64 \ /* */ 5.71 , 5.67 , 5.64 \ /* */ 5.70 , 5.67 , 5.63 \ /* */ 5.70 , 5.67 , 5.63 \ /* */ 5.70 , 5.66 , 5.63 \ /* */ 5.69 , 5.66 , 5.62 \ /* */ 5.69 , 5.66 , 5.62 \ /* */ 5.68 , 5.65 , 5.62 \ /* */ 5.68 , 5.65 , 5.62 \ /* */ 5.68 , 5.65 , 5.61 \ /* */ 5.67 , 5.65 , 5.61 \ /* */ 5.67 , 5.64 , 5.61 \ /* */ 5.67 , 5.64 , 5.61 \ /* */ 5.66 , 5.64 , 5.60 \ /* */ 5.66 , 5.63 , 5.60 \ /* */ 5.66 , 5.63 , 5.60 \ /* */ 5.65 , 5.63 , 5.60 \ /* */ 5.65 , 5.63 , 5.59 \ /* */ 5.65 , 5.62 , 5.59 \ /* */ 5.65 , 5.62 , 5.59 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=3 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivbias30" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ . , . , . \ /* */ . , . , . \ /* */ 5.39 , . , . \ /* */ 5.34 , 4.73 , . \ /* */ 5.25 , 4.79 , 4.30 \ /* */ 5.15 , 4.78 , 4.40 \ /* */ 5.07 , 4.76 , 4.44 \ /* */ 4.99 , 4.73 , 4.46 \ /* */ 4.92 , 4.69 , 4.46 \ /* */ 4.86 , 4.66 , 4.45 \ /* */ 4.80 , 4.62 , 4.44 \ /* */ 4.75 , 4.59 , 4.42 \ /* */ 4.71 , 4.56 , 4.41 \ /* */ 4.67 , 4.53 , 4.39 \ /* */ 4.63 , 4.50 , 4.37 \ /* */ 4.59 , 4.48 , 4.36 \ /* */ 4.56 , 4.45 , 4.34 \ /* */ 4.53 , 4.43 , 4.32 \ /* */ 4.51 , 4.41 , 4.31 \ /* */ 4.48 , 4.39 , 4.29 \ /* */ 4.46 , 4.37 , 4.28 \ /* */ 4.43 , 4.35 , 4.27 \ /* */ 4.41 , 4.33 , 4.25 \ /* */ 4.39 , 4.32 , 4.24 \ /* */ 4.37 , 4.30 , 4.23 \ /* */ 4.35 , 4.29 , 4.21 \ /* */ 4.34 , 4.27 , 4.20 \ /* */ 4.32 , 4.26 , 4.19 \ /* */ 4.31 , 4.24 , 4.18 \ /* */ 4.29 , 4.23 , 4.17 \ /* */ 4.28 , 4.22 , 4.16 \ /* */ 4.26 , 4.21 , 4.15 \ /* */ 4.25 , 4.20 , 4.14 \ /* */ 4.24 , 4.19 , 4.13 \ /* */ 4.23 , 4.18 , 4.13 \ /* */ 4.22 , 4.17 , 4.12 \ /* */ 4.20 , 4.16 , 4.11 \ /* */ 4.19 , 4.15 , 4.10 \ /* */ 4.18 , 4.14 , 4.09 \ /* */ 4.17 , 4.13 , 4.09 \ /* */ 4.16 , 4.12 , 4.08 \ /* */ 4.15 , 4.11 , 4.07 \ /* */ 4.15 , 4.11 , 4.07 \ /* */ 4.14 , 4.10 , 4.06 \ /* */ 4.13 , 4.09 , 4.05 \ /* */ 4.12 , 4.08 , 4.05 \ /* */ 4.11 , 4.08 , 4.04 \ /* */ 4.11 , 4.07 , 4.03 \ /* */ 4.10 , 4.06 , 4.03 \ /* */ 4.09 , 4.06 , 4.02 \ /* */ 4.08 , 4.05 , 4.02 \ /* */ 4.08 , 4.05 , 4.01 \ /* */ 4.07 , 4.04 , 4.01 \ /* */ 4.06 , 4.03 , 4.00 \ /* */ 4.06 , 4.03 , 4.00 \ /* */ 4.05 , 4.02 , 3.99 \ /* */ 4.05 , 4.02 , 3.99 \ /* */ 4.04 , 4.01 , 3.98 \ /* */ 4.04 , 4.01 , 3.98 \ /* */ 4.03 , 4.00 , 3.97 \ /* */ 4.02 , 4.00 , 3.97 \ /* */ 4.02 , 3.99 , 3.96 \ /* */ 4.01 , 3.99 , 3.96 \ /* */ 4.01 , 3.98 , 3.96 \ /* */ 4.00 , 3.98 , 3.95 \ /* */ 4.00 , 3.97 , 3.95 \ /* */ 3.99 , 3.97 , 3.94 \ /* */ 3.99 , 3.97 , 3.94 \ /* */ 3.99 , 3.96 , 3.94 \ /* */ 3.98 , 3.96 , 3.93 \ /* */ 3.98 , 3.95 , 3.93 \ /* */ 3.97 , 3.95 , 3.93 \ /* */ 3.97 , 3.95 , 3.92 \ /* */ 3.96 , 3.94 , 3.92 \ /* */ 3.96 , 3.94 , 3.92 \ /* */ 3.96 , 3.93 , 3.91 \ /* */ 3.95 , 3.93 , 3.91 \ /* */ 3.95 , 3.93 , 3.91 \ /* */ 3.95 , 3.92 , 3.90 \ /* */ 3.94 , 3.92 , 3.90 \ /* */ 3.94 , 3.92 , 3.90 \ /* */ 3.93 , 3.91 , 3.89 \ /* */ 3.93 , 3.91 , 3.89 \ /* */ 3.93 , 3.91 , 3.89 \ /* */ 3.92 , 3.91 , 3.89 \ /* */ 3.92 , 3.90 , 3.88 \ /* */ 3.92 , 3.90 , 3.88 \ /* */ 3.91 , 3.90 , 3.88 \ /* */ 3.91 , 3.89 , 3.87 \ /* */ 3.91 , 3.89 , 3.87 \ /* */ 3.91 , 3.89 , 3.87 \ /* */ 3.90 , 3.89 , 3.87 \ /* */ 3.90 , 3.88 , 3.86 \ /* */ 3.90 , 3.88 , 3.86 \ /* */ 3.89 , 3.88 , 3.86 \ /* */ 3.89 , 3.87 , 3.86 \ /* */ 3.89 , 3.87 , 3.85 \ /* */ 3.89 , 3.87 , 3.85 \ /* */ 3.88 , 3.87 , 3.85 \ /* */ 3.88 , 3.86 , 3.85 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=3 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivsize10" { matrix input `temp' = /* */ (16.38,. \ /* */ 19.93,7.03 \ /* */ 22.3,13.43 \ /* */ 24.58,16.87 \ /* */ 26.87,19.45 \ /* */ 29.18,21.68 \ /* */ 31.5,23.72 \ /* */ 33.84,25.64 \ /* */ 36.19,27.51 \ /* */ 38.54,29.32 \ /* */ 40.9,31.11 \ /* */ 43.27,32.88 \ /* */ 45.64,34.62 \ /* */ 48.01,36.36 \ /* */ 50.39,38.08 \ /* */ 52.77,39.8 \ /* */ 55.15,41.51 \ /* */ 57.53,43.22 \ /* */ 59.92,44.92 \ /* */ 62.3,46.62 \ /* */ 64.69,48.31 \ /* */ 67.07,50.01 \ /* */ 69.46,51.7 \ /* */ 71.85,53.39 \ /* */ 74.24,55.07 \ /* */ 76.62,56.76 \ /* */ 79.01,58.45 \ /* */ 81.4,60.13 \ /* */ 83.79,61.82 \ /* */ 86.17,63.51 \ /* */ 88.56,65.19 \ /* */ 90.95,66.88 \ /* */ 93.33,68.56 \ /* */ 95.72,70.25 \ /* */ 98.11,71.94 \ /* */ 100.5,73.62 \ /* */ 102.88,75.31 \ /* */ 105.27,76.99 \ /* */ 107.66,78.68 \ /* */ 110.04,80.37 \ /* */ 112.43,82.05 \ /* */ 114.82,83.74 \ /* */ 117.21,85.42 \ /* */ 119.59,87.11 \ /* */ 121.98,88.8 \ /* */ 124.37,90.48 \ /* */ 126.75,92.17 \ /* */ 129.14,93.85 \ /* */ 131.53,95.54 \ /* */ 133.92,97.23 \ /* */ 136.3,98.91 \ /* */ 138.69,100.6 \ /* */ 141.08,102.29 \ /* */ 143.47,103.97 \ /* */ 145.85,105.66 \ /* */ 148.24,107.34 \ /* */ 150.63,109.03 \ /* */ 153.01,110.72 \ /* */ 155.4,112.4 \ /* */ 157.79,114.09 \ /* */ 160.18,115.77 \ /* */ 162.56,117.46 \ /* */ 164.95,119.15 \ /* */ 167.34,120.83 \ /* */ 169.72,122.52 \ /* */ 172.11,124.2 \ /* */ 174.5,125.89 \ /* */ 176.89,127.58 \ /* */ 179.27,129.26 \ /* */ 181.66,130.95 \ /* */ 184.05,132.63 \ /* */ 186.44,134.32 \ /* */ 188.82,136.01 \ /* */ 191.21,137.69 \ /* */ 193.6,139.38 \ /* */ 195.98,141.07 \ /* */ 198.37,142.75 \ /* */ 200.76,144.44 \ /* */ 203.15,146.12 \ /* */ 205.53,147.81 \ /* */ 207.92,149.5 \ /* */ 210.31,151.18 \ /* */ 212.69,152.87 \ /* */ 215.08,154.55 \ /* */ 217.47,156.24 \ /* */ 219.86,157.93 \ /* */ 222.24,159.61 \ /* */ 224.63,161.3 \ /* */ 227.02,162.98 \ /* */ 229.41,164.67 \ /* */ 231.79,166.36 \ /* */ 234.18,168.04 \ /* */ 236.57,169.73 \ /* */ 238.95,171.41 \ /* */ 241.34,173.1 \ /* */ 243.73,174.79 \ /* */ 246.12,176.47 \ /* */ 248.5,178.16 \ /* */ 250.89,179.84 \ /* */ 253.28,181.53) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivsize15" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 8.96 , . \ /* */ 11.59 , 4.58 \ /* */ 12.83 , 8.18 \ /* */ 13.96 , 9.93 \ /* */ 15.09 , 11.22 \ /* */ 16.23 , 12.33 \ /* */ 17.38 , 13.34 \ /* */ 18.54 , 14.31 \ /* */ 19.71 , 15.24 \ /* */ 20.88 , 16.16 \ /* */ 22.06 , 17.06 \ /* */ 23.24 , 17.95 \ /* */ 24.42 , 18.84 \ /* */ 25.61 , 19.72 \ /* */ 26.80 , 20.60 \ /* */ 27.99 , 21.48 \ /* */ 29.19 , 22.35 \ /* */ 30.38 , 23.22 \ /* */ 31.58 , 24.09 \ /* */ 32.77 , 24.96 \ /* */ 33.97 , 25.82 \ /* */ 35.17 , 26.69 \ /* */ 36.37 , 27.56 \ /* */ 37.57 , 28.42 \ /* */ 38.77 , 29.29 \ /* */ 39.97 , 30.15 \ /* */ 41.17 , 31.02 \ /* */ 42.37 , 31.88 \ /* */ 43.57 , 32.74 \ /* */ 44.78 , 33.61 \ /* */ 45.98 , 34.47 \ /* */ 47.18 , 35.33 \ /* */ 48.38 , 36.19 \ /* */ 49.59 , 37.06 \ /* */ 50.79 , 37.92 \ /* */ 51.99 , 38.78 \ /* */ 53.19 , 39.64 \ /* */ 54.40 , 40.50 \ /* */ 55.60 , 41.37 \ /* */ 56.80 , 42.23 \ /* */ 58.01 , 43.09 \ /* */ 59.21 , 43.95 \ /* */ 60.41 , 44.81 \ /* */ 61.61 , 45.68 \ /* */ 62.82 , 46.54 \ /* */ 64.02 , 47.40 \ /* */ 65.22 , 48.26 \ /* */ 66.42 , 49.12 \ /* */ 67.63 , 49.99 \ /* */ 68.83 , 50.85 \ /* */ 70.03 , 51.71 \ /* */ 71.24 , 52.57 \ /* */ 72.44 , 53.43 \ /* */ 73.64 , 54.30 \ /* */ 74.84 , 55.16 \ /* */ 76.05 , 56.02 \ /* */ 77.25 , 56.88 \ /* */ 78.45 , 57.74 \ /* */ 79.66 , 58.61 \ /* */ 80.86 , 59.47 \ /* */ 82.06 , 60.33 \ /* */ 83.26 , 61.19 \ /* */ 84.47 , 62.05 \ /* */ 85.67 , 62.92 \ /* */ 86.87 , 63.78 \ /* */ 88.07 , 64.64 \ /* */ 89.28 , 65.50 \ /* */ 90.48 , 66.36 \ /* */ 91.68 , 67.22 \ /* */ 92.89 , 68.09 \ /* */ 94.09 , 68.95 \ /* */ 95.29 , 69.81 \ /* */ 96.49 , 70.67 \ /* */ 97.70 , 71.53 \ /* */ 98.90 , 72.40 \ /* */ 100.10 , 73.26 \ /* */ 101.30 , 74.12 \ /* */ 102.51 , 74.98 \ /* */ 103.71 , 75.84 \ /* */ 104.91 , 76.71 \ /* */ 106.12 , 77.57 \ /* */ 107.32 , 78.43 \ /* */ 108.52 , 79.29 \ /* */ 109.72 , 80.15 \ /* */ 110.93 , 81.02 \ /* */ 112.13 , 81.88 \ /* */ 113.33 , 82.74 \ /* */ 114.53 , 83.60 \ /* */ 115.74 , 84.46 \ /* */ 116.94 , 85.33 \ /* */ 118.14 , 86.19 \ /* */ 119.35 , 87.05 \ /* */ 120.55 , 87.91 \ /* */ 121.75 , 88.77 \ /* */ 122.95 , 89.64 \ /* */ 124.16 , 90.50 \ /* */ 125.36 , 91.36 \ /* */ 126.56 , 92.22 \ /* */ 127.76 , 93.08 \ /* */ 128.97 , 93.95 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivsize20" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 6.66 , . \ /* */ 8.75 , 3.95 \ /* */ 9.54 , 6.40 \ /* */ 10.26 , 7.54 \ /* */ 10.98 , 8.38 \ /* */ 11.72 , 9.10 \ /* */ 12.48 , 9.77 \ /* */ 13.24 , 10.41 \ /* */ 14.01 , 11.03 \ /* */ 14.78 , 11.65 \ /* */ 15.56 , 12.25 \ /* */ 16.35 , 12.86 \ /* */ 17.14 , 13.45 \ /* */ 17.93 , 14.05 \ /* */ 18.72 , 14.65 \ /* */ 19.51 , 15.24 \ /* */ 20.31 , 15.83 \ /* */ 21.10 , 16.42 \ /* */ 21.90 , 17.02 \ /* */ 22.70 , 17.61 \ /* */ 23.50 , 18.20 \ /* */ 24.30 , 18.79 \ /* */ 25.10 , 19.38 \ /* */ 25.90 , 19.97 \ /* */ 26.71 , 20.56 \ /* */ 27.51 , 21.15 \ /* */ 28.31 , 21.74 \ /* */ 29.12 , 22.33 \ /* */ 29.92 , 22.92 \ /* */ 30.72 , 23.51 \ /* */ 31.53 , 24.10 \ /* */ 32.33 , 24.69 \ /* */ 33.14 , 25.28 \ /* */ 33.94 , 25.87 \ /* */ 34.75 , 26.46 \ /* */ 35.55 , 27.05 \ /* */ 36.36 , 27.64 \ /* */ 37.17 , 28.23 \ /* */ 37.97 , 28.82 \ /* */ 38.78 , 29.41 \ /* */ 39.58 , 30.00 \ /* */ 40.39 , 30.59 \ /* */ 41.20 , 31.18 \ /* */ 42.00 , 31.77 \ /* */ 42.81 , 32.36 \ /* */ 43.62 , 32.95 \ /* */ 44.42 , 33.54 \ /* */ 45.23 , 34.13 \ /* */ 46.03 , 34.72 \ /* */ 46.84 , 35.31 \ /* */ 47.65 , 35.90 \ /* */ 48.45 , 36.49 \ /* */ 49.26 , 37.08 \ /* */ 50.06 , 37.67 \ /* */ 50.87 , 38.26 \ /* */ 51.68 , 38.85 \ /* */ 52.48 , 39.44 \ /* */ 53.29 , 40.02 \ /* */ 54.09 , 40.61 \ /* */ 54.90 , 41.20 \ /* */ 55.71 , 41.79 \ /* */ 56.51 , 42.38 \ /* */ 57.32 , 42.97 \ /* */ 58.13 , 43.56 \ /* */ 58.93 , 44.15 \ /* */ 59.74 , 44.74 \ /* */ 60.54 , 45.33 \ /* */ 61.35 , 45.92 \ /* */ 62.16 , 46.51 \ /* */ 62.96 , 47.10 \ /* */ 63.77 , 47.69 \ /* */ 64.57 , 48.28 \ /* */ 65.38 , 48.87 \ /* */ 66.19 , 49.46 \ /* */ 66.99 , 50.05 \ /* */ 67.80 , 50.64 \ /* */ 68.60 , 51.23 \ /* */ 69.41 , 51.82 \ /* */ 70.22 , 52.41 \ /* */ 71.02 , 53.00 \ /* */ 71.83 , 53.59 \ /* */ 72.64 , 54.18 \ /* */ 73.44 , 54.77 \ /* */ 74.25 , 55.36 \ /* */ 75.05 , 55.95 \ /* */ 75.86 , 56.54 \ /* */ 76.67 , 57.13 \ /* */ 77.47 , 57.72 \ /* */ 78.28 , 58.31 \ /* */ 79.08 , 58.90 \ /* */ 79.89 , 59.49 \ /* */ 80.70 , 60.08 \ /* */ 81.50 , 60.67 \ /* */ 82.31 , 61.26 \ /* */ 83.12 , 61.85 \ /* */ 83.92 , 62.44 \ /* */ 84.73 , 63.03 \ /* */ 85.53 , 63.62 \ /* */ 86.34 , 64.21 \ /* */ 87.15 , 64.80 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="ivsize25" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 5.53 , . \ /* */ 7.25 , 3.63 \ /* */ 7.80 , 5.45 \ /* */ 8.31 , 6.28 \ /* */ 8.84 , 6.89 \ /* */ 9.38 , 7.42 \ /* */ 9.93 , 7.91 \ /* */ 10.50 , 8.39 \ /* */ 11.07 , 8.85 \ /* */ 11.65 , 9.31 \ /* */ 12.23 , 9.77 \ /* */ 12.82 , 10.22 \ /* */ 13.41 , 10.68 \ /* */ 14.00 , 11.13 \ /* */ 14.60 , 11.58 \ /* */ 15.19 , 12.03 \ /* */ 15.79 , 12.49 \ /* */ 16.39 , 12.94 \ /* */ 16.99 , 13.39 \ /* */ 17.60 , 13.84 \ /* */ 18.20 , 14.29 \ /* */ 18.80 , 14.74 \ /* */ 19.41 , 15.19 \ /* */ 20.01 , 15.64 \ /* */ 20.61 , 16.10 \ /* */ 21.22 , 16.55 \ /* */ 21.83 , 17.00 \ /* */ 22.43 , 17.45 \ /* */ 23.04 , 17.90 \ /* */ 23.65 , 18.35 \ /* */ 24.25 , 18.81 \ /* */ 24.86 , 19.26 \ /* */ 25.47 , 19.71 \ /* */ 26.08 , 20.16 \ /* */ 26.68 , 20.61 \ /* */ 27.29 , 21.06 \ /* */ 27.90 , 21.52 \ /* */ 28.51 , 21.97 \ /* */ 29.12 , 22.42 \ /* */ 29.73 , 22.87 \ /* */ 30.33 , 23.32 \ /* */ 30.94 , 23.78 \ /* */ 31.55 , 24.23 \ /* */ 32.16 , 24.68 \ /* */ 32.77 , 25.13 \ /* */ 33.38 , 25.58 \ /* */ 33.99 , 26.04 \ /* */ 34.60 , 26.49 \ /* */ 35.21 , 26.94 \ /* */ 35.82 , 27.39 \ /* */ 36.43 , 27.85 \ /* */ 37.04 , 28.30 \ /* */ 37.65 , 28.75 \ /* */ 38.25 , 29.20 \ /* */ 38.86 , 29.66 \ /* */ 39.47 , 30.11 \ /* */ 40.08 , 30.56 \ /* */ 40.69 , 31.01 \ /* */ 41.30 , 31.47 \ /* */ 41.91 , 31.92 \ /* */ 42.52 , 32.37 \ /* */ 43.13 , 32.82 \ /* */ 43.74 , 33.27 \ /* */ 44.35 , 33.73 \ /* */ 44.96 , 34.18 \ /* */ 45.57 , 34.63 \ /* */ 46.18 , 35.08 \ /* */ 46.78 , 35.54 \ /* */ 47.39 , 35.99 \ /* */ 48.00 , 36.44 \ /* */ 48.61 , 36.89 \ /* */ 49.22 , 37.35 \ /* */ 49.83 , 37.80 \ /* */ 50.44 , 38.25 \ /* */ 51.05 , 38.70 \ /* */ 51.66 , 39.16 \ /* */ 52.27 , 39.61 \ /* */ 52.88 , 40.06 \ /* */ 53.49 , 40.51 \ /* */ 54.10 , 40.96 \ /* */ 54.71 , 41.42 \ /* */ 55.32 , 41.87 \ /* */ 55.92 , 42.32 \ /* */ 56.53 , 42.77 \ /* */ 57.14 , 43.23 \ /* */ 57.75 , 43.68 \ /* */ 58.36 , 44.13 \ /* */ 58.97 , 44.58 \ /* */ 59.58 , 45.04 \ /* */ 60.19 , 45.49 \ /* */ 60.80 , 45.94 \ /* */ 61.41 , 46.39 \ /* */ 62.02 , 46.85 \ /* */ 62.63 , 47.30 \ /* */ 63.24 , 47.75 \ /* */ 63.85 , 48.20 \ /* */ 64.45 , 48.65 \ /* */ 65.06 , 49.11 \ /* */ 65.67 , 49.56 \ /* */ 66.28 , 50.01 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="fullrel5" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 24.09 , . \ /* */ 13.46 , 15.50 \ /* */ 9.61 , 10.83 \ /* */ 7.63 , 8.53 \ /* */ 6.42 , 7.16 \ /* */ 5.61 , 6.24 \ /* */ 5.02 , 5.59 \ /* */ 4.58 , 5.10 \ /* */ 4.23 , 4.71 \ /* */ 3.96 , 4.41 \ /* */ 3.73 , 4.15 \ /* */ 3.54 , 3.94 \ /* */ 3.38 , 3.76 \ /* */ 3.24 , 3.60 \ /* */ 3.12 , 3.47 \ /* */ 3.01 , 3.35 \ /* */ 2.92 , 3.24 \ /* */ 2.84 , 3.15 \ /* */ 2.76 , 3.06 \ /* */ 2.69 , 2.98 \ /* */ 2.63 , 2.91 \ /* */ 2.58 , 2.85 \ /* */ 2.52 , 2.79 \ /* */ 2.48 , 2.73 \ /* */ 2.43 , 2.68 \ /* */ 2.39 , 2.63 \ /* */ 2.36 , 2.59 \ /* */ 2.32 , 2.55 \ /* */ 2.29 , 2.51 \ /* */ 2.26 , 2.47 \ /* */ 2.23 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.20 , 2.41 \ /* */ 2.18 , 2.37 \ /* */ 2.16 , 2.35 \ /* */ 2.13 , 2.32 \ /* */ 2.11 , 2.29 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.27 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.24 \ /* */ 2.05 , 2.22 \ /* */ 2.04 , 2.20 \ /* */ 2.02 , 2.18 \ /* */ 2.00 , 2.16 \ /* */ 1.99 , 2.14 \ /* */ 1.97 , 2.12 \ /* */ 1.96 , 2.10 \ /* */ 1.94 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.93 , 2.07 \ /* */ 1.92 , 2.05 \ /* */ 1.91 , 2.04 \ /* */ 1.89 , 2.02 \ /* */ 1.88 , 2.01 \ /* */ 1.87 , 2.00 \ /* */ 1.86 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.85 , 1.97 \ /* */ 1.84 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.83 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.82 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.81 , 1.92 \ /* */ 1.80 , 1.91 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.90 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.89 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.88 \ /* */ 1.77 , 1.87 \ /* */ 1.76 , 1.87 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.86 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.85 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.84 \ /* */ 1.73 , 1.83 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.83 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.82 \ /* */ 1.71 , 1.81 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.80 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.80 \ /* */ 1.69 , 1.79 \ /* */ 1.68 , 1.79 \ /* */ 1.68 , 1.78 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.66 , 1.76 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.76 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.74 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.74 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.69 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.69 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.69 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.69 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="fullrel10" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 19.36 , . \ /* */ 10.89 , 12.55 \ /* */ 7.90 , 8.96 \ /* */ 6.37 , 7.15 \ /* */ 5.44 , 6.07 \ /* */ 4.81 , 5.34 \ /* */ 4.35 , 4.82 \ /* */ 4.01 , 4.43 \ /* */ 3.74 , 4.12 \ /* */ 3.52 , 3.87 \ /* */ 3.34 , 3.67 \ /* */ 3.19 , 3.49 \ /* */ 3.06 , 3.35 \ /* */ 2.95 , 3.22 \ /* */ 2.85 , 3.11 \ /* */ 2.76 , 3.01 \ /* */ 2.69 , 2.92 \ /* */ 2.62 , 2.84 \ /* */ 2.56 , 2.77 \ /* */ 2.50 , 2.71 \ /* */ 2.45 , 2.65 \ /* */ 2.40 , 2.60 \ /* */ 2.36 , 2.55 \ /* */ 2.32 , 2.50 \ /* */ 2.28 , 2.46 \ /* */ 2.24 , 2.42 \ /* */ 2.21 , 2.38 \ /* */ 2.18 , 2.35 \ /* */ 2.15 , 2.31 \ /* */ 2.12 , 2.28 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.25 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.23 \ /* */ 2.05 , 2.20 \ /* */ 2.03 , 2.17 \ /* */ 2.01 , 2.15 \ /* */ 1.99 , 2.13 \ /* */ 1.97 , 2.11 \ /* */ 1.95 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.93 , 2.07 \ /* */ 1.92 , 2.05 \ /* */ 1.90 , 2.03 \ /* */ 1.88 , 2.01 \ /* */ 1.87 , 2.00 \ /* */ 1.86 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.84 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.83 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.82 , 1.93 \ /* */ 1.81 , 1.92 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.91 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.89 \ /* */ 1.77 , 1.88 \ /* */ 1.76 , 1.87 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.86 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.85 \ /* */ 1.73 , 1.84 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.83 \ /* */ 1.71 , 1.82 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.81 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.80 \ /* */ 1.69 , 1.79 \ /* */ 1.68 , 1.78 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.76 \ /* */ 1.66 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.74 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.69 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.68 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.68 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.67 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.67 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.66 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.66 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.65 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.65 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.64 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.64 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.63 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.63 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.62 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.62 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.62 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.61 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.61 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.61 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.60 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.60 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.60 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.58 \ /* */ 1.50 , 1.58 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="fullrel20" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 15.64 , . \ /* */ 9.00 , 9.72 \ /* */ 6.61 , 7.18 \ /* */ 5.38 , 5.85 \ /* */ 4.62 , 5.04 \ /* */ 4.11 , 4.48 \ /* */ 3.75 , 4.08 \ /* */ 3.47 , 3.77 \ /* */ 3.25 , 3.53 \ /* */ 3.07 , 3.33 \ /* */ 2.92 , 3.17 \ /* */ 2.80 , 3.04 \ /* */ 2.70 , 2.92 \ /* */ 2.61 , 2.82 \ /* */ 2.53 , 2.73 \ /* */ 2.46 , 2.65 \ /* */ 2.39 , 2.58 \ /* */ 2.34 , 2.52 \ /* */ 2.29 , 2.46 \ /* */ 2.24 , 2.41 \ /* */ 2.20 , 2.36 \ /* */ 2.16 , 2.32 \ /* */ 2.13 , 2.28 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.24 \ /* */ 2.06 , 2.21 \ /* */ 2.04 , 2.18 \ /* */ 2.01 , 2.15 \ /* */ 1.99 , 2.12 \ /* */ 1.96 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.94 , 2.07 \ /* */ 1.92 , 2.04 \ /* */ 1.90 , 2.02 \ /* */ 1.88 , 2.00 \ /* */ 1.87 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.85 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.83 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.82 , 1.93 \ /* */ 1.80 , 1.91 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.89 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.88 \ /* */ 1.76 , 1.86 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.85 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.84 \ /* */ 1.73 , 1.82 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.81 \ /* */ 1.71 , 1.80 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.79 \ /* */ 1.69 , 1.78 \ /* */ 1.68 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.76 \ /* */ 1.66 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.74 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.69 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.68 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.68 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.67 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.66 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.65 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.65 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.64 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.63 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.63 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.62 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.62 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.61 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.60 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.60 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.58 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.58 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.57 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.57 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.56 \ /* */ 1.50 , 1.56 \ /* */ 1.50 , 1.56 \ /* */ 1.49 , 1.55 \ /* */ 1.49 , 1.55 \ /* */ 1.49 , 1.54 \ /* */ 1.48 , 1.54 \ /* */ 1.48 , 1.54 \ /* */ 1.48 , 1.53 \ /* */ 1.47 , 1.53 \ /* */ 1.47 , 1.53 \ /* */ 1.47 , 1.52 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.52 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.52 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.51 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.51 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.51 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.50 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.50 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.50 \ /* */ 1.44 , 1.50 \ /* */ 1.44 , 1.49 \ /* */ 1.44 , 1.49 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="fullrel30" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 12.71 , . \ /* */ 7.49 , 8.03 \ /* */ 5.60 , 6.15 \ /* */ 4.63 , 5.10 \ /* */ 4.03 , 4.44 \ /* */ 3.63 , 3.98 \ /* */ 3.33 , 3.65 \ /* */ 3.11 , 3.39 \ /* */ 2.93 , 3.19 \ /* */ 2.79 , 3.02 \ /* */ 2.67 , 2.88 \ /* */ 2.57 , 2.77 \ /* */ 2.48 , 2.67 \ /* */ 2.41 , 2.58 \ /* */ 2.34 , 2.51 \ /* */ 2.28 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.23 , 2.38 \ /* */ 2.18 , 2.33 \ /* */ 2.14 , 2.28 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.23 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.19 \ /* */ 2.04 , 2.16 \ /* */ 2.01 , 2.12 \ /* */ 1.98 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.95 , 2.06 \ /* */ 1.93 , 2.03 \ /* */ 1.90 , 2.01 \ /* */ 1.88 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.86 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.84 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.83 , 1.92 \ /* */ 1.81 , 1.90 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.88 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.87 \ /* */ 1.76 , 1.85 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.83 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.82 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.80 \ /* */ 1.71 , 1.79 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.78 \ /* */ 1.69 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.68 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.74 \ /* */ 1.66 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.69 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.68 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.67 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.66 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.66 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.65 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.64 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.63 \ /* */ 1.56 , 1.63 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.62 \ /* */ 1.55 , 1.61 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.61 \ /* */ 1.54 , 1.60 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.53 , 1.59 \ /* */ 1.52 , 1.58 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.57 \ /* */ 1.51 , 1.57 \ /* */ 1.50 , 1.56 \ /* */ 1.50 , 1.56 \ /* */ 1.50 , 1.55 \ /* */ 1.49 , 1.55 \ /* */ 1.49 , 1.54 \ /* */ 1.48 , 1.54 \ /* */ 1.48 , 1.53 \ /* */ 1.47 , 1.53 \ /* */ 1.47 , 1.52 \ /* */ 1.47 , 1.52 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.52 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.51 \ /* */ 1.46 , 1.51 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.50 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.50 \ /* */ 1.45 , 1.50 \ /* 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7.03 \ /* */ 6.46 , 5.44 \ /* */ 5.44 , 4.72 \ /* */ 4.84 , 4.32 \ /* */ 4.45 , 4.06 \ /* */ 4.18 , 3.90 \ /* */ 3.97 , 3.78 \ /* */ 3.81 , 3.70 \ /* */ 3.68 , 3.64 \ /* */ 3.58 , 3.60 \ /* */ 3.50 , 3.58 \ /* */ 3.42 , 3.56 \ /* */ 3.36 , 3.55 \ /* */ 3.31 , 3.54 \ /* */ 3.27 , 3.55 \ /* */ 3.24 , 3.55 \ /* */ 3.20 , 3.56 \ /* */ 3.18 , 3.57 \ /* */ 3.21 , 3.58 \ /* */ 3.39 , 3.59 \ /* */ 3.57 , 3.60 \ /* */ 3.68 , 3.62 \ /* */ 3.75 , 3.64 \ /* */ 3.79 , 3.65 \ /* */ 3.82 , 3.67 \ /* */ 3.85 , 3.74 \ /* */ 3.86 , 3.87 \ /* */ 3.87 , 4.02 \ /* */ 3.88 , 4.12 \ /* */ 3.89 , 4.19 \ /* */ 3.89 , 4.24 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.27 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.31 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.33 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.36 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.38 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.39 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.41 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.43 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.44 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.45 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.47 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.48 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.49 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.50 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.51 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.52 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.53 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.54 \ /* */ 3.90 , 4.55 \ /* */ 3.90 , 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3.03 \ /* */ 2.57 , 3.03 \ /* */ 2.57 , 3.02 \ /* */ 2.56 , 3.02 \ /* */ 2.56 , 3.02 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="limlsize20" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 6.66 , . \ /* */ 4.42 , 3.95 \ /* */ 3.69 , 3.32 \ /* */ 3.30 , 2.99 \ /* */ 3.05 , 2.78 \ /* */ 2.87 , 2.63 \ /* */ 2.73 , 2.52 \ /* */ 2.63 , 2.43 \ /* */ 2.54 , 2.36 \ /* */ 2.46 , 2.30 \ /* */ 2.40 , 2.25 \ /* */ 2.34 , 2.21 \ /* */ 2.29 , 2.17 \ /* */ 2.25 , 2.14 \ /* */ 2.21 , 2.11 \ /* */ 2.18 , 2.09 \ /* */ 2.14 , 2.07 \ /* */ 2.11 , 2.05 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.03 \ /* */ 2.06 , 2.02 \ /* */ 2.04 , 2.01 \ /* */ 2.02 , 1.99 \ /* */ 2.00 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.98 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.96 , 1.97 \ /* */ 1.95 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.93 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.92 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.90 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.89 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.88 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.87 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.86 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.85 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.84 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.83 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.82 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.81 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.81 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.80 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.95 \ /* */ 1.79 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.97 \ /* */ 1.80 , 1.97 \ /* */ 1.87 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.92 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.95 , 1.99 \ /* */ 1.97 , 2.00 \ /* */ 1.99 , 2.00 \ /* */ 2.00 , 2.01 \ /* */ 2.01 , 2.09 \ /* */ 2.02 , 2.11 \ /* */ 2.03 , 2.18 \ /* */ 2.04 , 2.23 \ /* */ 2.04 , 2.27 \ /* */ 2.05 , 2.29 \ /* */ 2.05 , 2.31 \ /* */ 2.06 , 2.33 \ /* */ 2.06 , 2.34 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.35 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.36 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.37 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.38 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.39 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.39 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.40 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.40 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.41 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.41 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.41 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.42 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.42 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.42 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.43 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.43 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.43 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.43 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.09 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.08 , 2.45 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.44 \ /* */ 2.07 , 2.44 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } if "`type'"=="limlsize25" { matrix input `temp' = ( /* */ 5.53 , . \ /* */ 3.92 , 3.63 \ /* */ 3.32 , 3.09 \ /* */ 2.98 , 2.79 \ /* */ 2.77 , 2.60 \ /* */ 2.61 , 2.46 \ /* */ 2.49 , 2.35 \ /* */ 2.39 , 2.27 \ /* */ 2.32 , 2.20 \ /* */ 2.25 , 2.14 \ /* */ 2.19 , 2.09 \ /* */ 2.14 , 2.05 \ /* */ 2.10 , 2.02 \ /* */ 2.06 , 1.99 \ /* */ 2.03 , 1.96 \ /* */ 2.00 , 1.93 \ /* */ 1.97 , 1.91 \ /* */ 1.94 , 1.89 \ /* */ 1.92 , 1.87 \ /* */ 1.90 , 1.86 \ /* */ 1.88 , 1.84 \ /* */ 1.86 , 1.83 \ /* */ 1.84 , 1.81 \ /* */ 1.83 , 1.80 \ /* */ 1.81 , 1.79 \ /* */ 1.80 , 1.78 \ /* */ 1.78 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.77 , 1.77 \ /* */ 1.76 , 1.76 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.75 \ /* */ 1.73 , 1.74 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.71 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.73 \ /* */ 1.69 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.68 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.66 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.64 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.62 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.61 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.70 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.58 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.57 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.59 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.60 , 1.71 \ /* */ 1.63 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.65 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.67 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.69 , 1.72 \ /* */ 1.70 , 1.76 \ /* */ 1.71 , 1.81 \ /* */ 1.72 , 1.87 \ /* */ 1.73 , 1.91 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.94 \ /* */ 1.74 , 1.96 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.98 \ /* */ 1.75 , 1.99 \ /* */ 1.76 , 2.01 \ /* */ 1.76 , 2.02 \ /* */ 1.77 , 2.03 \ /* */ 1.77 , 2.04 \ /* */ 1.78 , 2.04 \ /* */ 1.78 , 2.05 \ /* */ 1.78 , 2.06 \ /* */ 1.79 , 2.06 \ /* */ 1.79 , 2.07 \ /* */ 1.79 , 2.07 \ /* */ 1.79 , 2.08 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.08 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.09 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.10 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.10 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.10 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.10 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.10 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.11 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.11 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.11 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.11 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.11 \ /* */ 1.80 , 2.11 ) if `k2'<=100 & `nendog'<=2 { scalar `cv'=`temp'[`k2',`nendog'] } } return scalar cv=`cv' end /* end of cdsy program definition */ capture program drop dispbreak program define dispbreak syntax , initial(string) todisplay(string) mlength(integer) tab(integer) local todisplay_1 "`initial'" local i=1 foreach td of local todisplay { if (`i'==1) { if (length("`todisplay_`i''")<=`mlength' & length("`todisplay_`i'' `td'")>`mlength') { local i=`i'+1 local todisplay_`i' `td' } if (length("`todisplay_`i''")<=`mlength' & length("`todisplay_`i'' `td'")<=`mlength') { local todisplay_`i' `todisplay_`i'' `td' } } if (`i'>1) { if (length("`todisplay_`i''")<=`mlength'-`tab' & length("`todisplay_`i'' `td'")>`mlength'-`tab') { local i=`i'+1 local todisplay_`i' `td' } if (length("`todisplay_`i''")<=`mlength'-`tab' & length("`todisplay_`i'' `td'")<=`mlength'-`tab') { local todisplay_`i' `todisplay_`i'' `td' } } } noisily display "`todisplay_1'" forvalues ii=2/`i' { noisily display _col(`tab') "`todisplay_`ii''" } end /* end of dispbreak program definition */ capture program drop collincheck /* from ivreg2 */ program define collincheck, rclass syntax , lhs(varname) [endog(varlist)] iexog(varlist) [exexog(varlist)] [weight(varname)] [wtexp(string)] touse(varname) * I. collinearities check using canonical correlations approach * eigenvalue=1 => included endog is really included exogenous * eigenvalue=0 => included endog collinear with another included endog * corresponding column names give name of variable if ("`exexog'"!="") { tempname XX X1X1 X1Z ZZ Z2Z2 XZ Z1Z2 Xy Zy YY yy yyc ZY Z2y Z2Y XXinv ZZinv XPZXinv wvar generate `wvar'=1 quietly sum `wvar' if `touse' `wtexp', meanonly if "`weight'"=="" | "`weight'"=="fweight" | "`weight'"=="iweight" { * effective number of observations is sum of weight variable. * if weight is "", weight var must be column of ones and N is number of rows local wf=1 local N=r(sum_w) } * save commonly used matrices mata: s_crossprods ("`lhs'","`endog'","`iexog'","`exexog'","`touse'","","`wvar'",`wf',`N') mat `X1X1'=r(X1X1) mat `X1Z'=r(X1Z) mat `ZZ'=r(ZZ) mat `ZZinv'=r(ZZinv) local endog_ct : word count endog if `endog_ct' > 0 { tempname ccmat mata: s_cccollin ("`ZZ'","`X1X1'","`X1Z'","`ZZinv'","`endog'") mat `ccmat'=r(ccmat) * loop through endog to find eigenvalues=0 or 1 local i=1 foreach vn of varlist `endog' { if round(`ccmat'[`i',`i'],10e-7)==0 { * collinear with another endog, so remove from endog list local endog : list endog-vn local ncollin "`ncollin' `vn'" } if round(`ccmat'[`i',`i'],10e-7)==1 { * collinear with exogenous, so remove from endog and add to inexog local endog : list endog-vn local iexog "`iexog' `vn'" local ecollin "`ecollin' `vn'" } local i=`i'+1 } } } * II. using _rmcollright * _rmcollright crashes with _rc=100 if no arguments supplied but =908 if matsize not big enough. * can continue with former but must exit with latter. capture _rmcollright `iexog' `exexog' if `touse', noconstant if _rc == 908 { di as err "matsize too small" exit 908 } * endog has had within-endo collinear removed, so non-colllinear list is _rmcoll result + endog local ncvars `r(varlist)' `endog' local allvars `endog' `iexog' `exexog' * collin gets collinear variables to be removed local collin : list allvars-ncvars * remove collin from exexog local exexog : list exexog-collin * remove collin from iexog local iexog : list iexog-collin if ("`_cns'"!="" & regexm("`iexog'","`_cns'")==1) { local iexog: list iexog - _cns local iexog `iexog' `_cns' } * add dropped endogenous to collinear list, trimming down to "" if empty local collin "`collin' `ncollin'" local collin : list clean collin * collinearity warning messages, if necessary if "`ecollin'" != "" { di in gr "Warning - endogenous variable(s) collinear with instruments" local mlength=78 local tab=23 local init "Vars now exogenous: " dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`ecollin'") mlength(78) tab(23) *di in gr "Vars now exogenous: " _c *disp "`ecollin'", _col(21) } if "`collin'" != "" { di in gr "Warning - collinearities detected" local mlength=78 local tab=23 local init "Vars dropped: " dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`collin'") mlength(78) tab(23) *di in gr "Vars dropped: " _c *disp "`collin'", _col(21) } /*capture _rmcollright `endog' `iexog' `exexog' if `touse', noconstant if _rc == 908 { di as err "matsize too small" exit 908 } if ("`r(dropped)'"!="") { local dropped=r(dropped) local iexog: list iexog - dropped local endog: list endog - dropped local exexog: list exexog - dropped } local iexog: list iexog - _cns local iexog `iexog' `_cns' if ("`dropped'"!="") { di in gr "Warning - collinearities detected" di in gr "Vars dropped: " _c disp "`dropped'", _col(21) }*/ *display "`endog'" *display "`iexog'" *display "`exexog'" return local endog `endog' return local iexog `iexog' return local exexog `exexog' return local collin `collin' end /* end of collincheck program definition */ capture program drop rranktest /* from ivreg2 */ program define rranktest, eclass syntax , [endog(varlist)] iexog(varlist) [exexog(varlist)] exexog_ct(real) endog_ct(real) rhs_ct(real) iv_ct(real) [robust(string)] [cluster(varname)] [noconstant(string)] if (`exexog_ct'!=0) { * check that -ranktest- is installed local ranktestversion 01.2.02 local ranktest_cmd "ranktest" capture `ranktest_cmd', version if _rc != 0 { di as err "Error: must have ranktest version `ranktestversion' or greater installed" di as err "To install, from within Stata type " _c di in smcl "{stata ssc install ranktest :ssc install ranktest}" exit 601 } local vernum "`r(version)'" if ("`vernum'" < "`ranktestversion'") | ("`vernum'" > "09.9.99") { di as err "Error: must have ranktest version `ranktestversion' or greater installed" di as err "Currently installed version is `vernum'" di as err "To update, from within Stata type " _c di in smcl "{stata ssc install ranktest, replace :ssc install ranktest, replace}" exit 601 } if (`endog_ct'!=0) { * id=underidentification statistic, wid=weak identification statistic tempname idrkstat widrkstat iddf idp tempname ccf cdf rkf cceval cdeval cd cc tempname idstat widstat * Anderson canon corr underidentification statistic if homo, rk stat if not * need only id stat for testing full rank=(#cols-1) qui `ranktest_cmd' (`endog') (`exexog') /*`wtexp' */if e(sample), partial(`iexog') full `robust' `noconstant' /*`clopt' `bwopt' `kernopt'*/ if "`cluster'"=="" { scalar `idstat'=r(chi2)/r(N)*(e(N)/*-`dofminus'*/) } else { * no dofminus adjustment needed for cluster-robust scalar `idstat'=r(chi2) } mat `cceval'=r(ccorr) mat `cdeval' = J(1,`endog_ct',.) forval i=1/`endog_ct' { mat `cceval'[1,`i'] = (`cceval'[1,`i'])^2 mat `cdeval'[1,`i'] = `cceval'[1,`i'] / (1 - `cceval'[1,`i']) } local iddf = `iv_ct' - (`rhs_ct'-1) scalar `idp' = chiprob(`iddf',`idstat') * Cragg-Donald F statistic. * under homoskedasticity, Wald cd eigenvalue = cc/(1-cc) Anderson canon corr eigenvalue. scalar `cd'=`cdeval'[1,`endog_ct'] scalar `cdf'=`cd'*(e(N)/*-`sdofminus'*/-`iv_ct'/*-`dofminus'*/)/`exexog_ct' * weak id statistic is Cragg-Donald F stat, rk Wald F stat if not if "`robust'"!="robust" { scalar `widstat'=`cdf' scalar `rkf'=. } else { * need only test of full rank qui `ranktest_cmd' (`endog') (`exexog') /*`wtexp' */if e(sample), partial(`iexog') full wald `robust' /*`noconstant' `clopt' `bwopt' `kernopt'*/ * sdofminus used here so that F-stat matches test stat from regression with no partial if "`cluster'"=="" { scalar `rkf'=r(chi2)/r(N)*(e(N)-`iv_ct'/*-`sdofminus'-`dofminus'*/)/`exexog_ct' } else { scalar `rkf'=r(chi2)/(e(N)-1) /**/ *(e(N)-`iv_ct'/*-`sdofminus'*/) /**/ *(e(N_clust)-1)/e(N_clust) /`exexog_ct' } scalar `widstat'=`rkf' } * save into e() ereturn scalar rkf=`rkf' ereturn scalar cdf=`cdf' ereturn scalar cd=`cd' ereturn scalar idstat=`idstat' ereturn scalar idp=`idp' ereturn scalar iddf=`iddf' ereturn scalar widstat=`widstat' } } end /* end of rranktest program definition */ capture program drop display_results program define display_results, eclass syntax , exexog_ct(real) endog_ct(real) [elasticities(string)] [el_str(varname)] * header di in gr _n "`e(title)'" local tlen=length("`e(title)'") di in gr "{hline `tlen'}" di in gr "`e(estimator_name)'" _continue di in gr _col(55) "Number of obs = " in ye %8.0f e(N) *display "`e(clustvar)'" if ("`e(clustvar)'"!="") { di in gr "Number of clusters (`e(clustvar)') = " in ye %5.0f e(N_clust) _continue } di in gr _c _col(55) "F(" in ye %3.0f e(Fdf1) in gr "," in ye %5.0f e(Fdf2) in gr ") = " di in ye %8.2f e(F) di in gr _col(55) "Prob > F = " in ye %8.4f e(Fp) di in gr _col(55) "R2 (m. utility) = " in ye %6.4f e(r2) * main estimates ereturn display, nolstretch * underidentification test if ("`e(endog)'"!="" & "`e(idstat)'"!="" & `exexog_ct'!=0) { di in smcl _c "Underidentification test" if "`e(vcetype)'"=="nonrobust" { di in gr _c " (Anderson canon. corr. LM statistic):" } else { di in gr _c " (Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic):" } di in ye _col(71) %8.3f e(idstat) di in gr _col(52) "Chi-sq(" in ye e(iddf) in gr ") P-val = " in ye _col(73) %6.4f e(idp) di in smcl in gr "{hline 78}" } * weak identification test if ("`e(endog)'"!="" & "`e(widstat)'"!="" & `exexog_ct'!=0) { di in smcl _c "Weak identification test" di in gr " (Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic):" in ye _col(71) %8.3f e(cdf) if "`e(vcetype)'"!="nonrobust" { di in gr " (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic):" in ye _col(71) %8.3f e(widstat) } di in gr _c "Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values:" local cdmissing=1 cdsy1, type(ivbias5) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(43) "5% maximal IV relative bias" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivbias5=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivbias10) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "10% maximal IV relative bias" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivbias10=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivbias20) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "20% maximal IV relative bias" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivbias20=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivbias30) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "30% maximal IV relative bias" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivbias30=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivsize10) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "10% maximal IV size" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivsize10=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivsize15) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "15% maximal IV size" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivsize15=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivsize20) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "20% maximal IV size" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivsize20=r(cv) } cdsy1, type(ivsize25) k2(`exexog_ct') nendog(`endog_ct') if "`r(cv)'"~="." { di in gr _col(42) "25% maximal IV size" in ye _col(73) %6.2f r(cv) local cdmissing=0 ereturn scalar sy_ivsize25=r(cv) } if `cdmissing' { di in gr _col(64) "" } else { di in gr "Source: Stock-Yogo (2005)."/* Reproduced by permission."*/ if "`e(vcetype)'"~="nonrobust" { di in gr "NB: Critical values are for Cragg-Donald F statistic and i.i.d. errors." } } di in smcl in gr "{hline 78}" } * overidentification test if (`exexog_ct'!=0) { di in gr _c "Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments):" di in ye _col(71) %8.3f e(j) if (e(jdf)>0) { di in gr _col(52) "Chi-sq(" in ye e(jdf) in gr ") P-val = " in ye _col(73) %6.4f e(jp) } else { di in gr _col(50) "(equation exactly identified)" } di in smcl in gr "{hline 78}" } * variable lists local mlength=78 local tab=23 if "`e(endog)'" != "" { local init "Instrumented: " dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`e(endog)'") mlength(78) tab(23) } if "`e(iexog)'" != "" { local diexog: list iexog - _cns if "`diexog'" != "" { local init "Included instruments:" dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`diexog'") mlength(78) tab(23) } } if "`e(exexog)'" != "" { local init "Excluded instruments:" dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`e(exexog)'") mlength(78) tab(23) } if "`e(dups)'" != "" { local init "Duplicates: " dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`e(dups)'") mlength(78) tab(23) } if "`e(collin)'" != "" { local init "Dropped collinear: " dispbreak , initial("`init'") todisplay("`e(collin)'") mlength(78) tab(23) } di in smcl in gr "{hline 78}" di in gr "Estimation time: " %1.0f = hh(e(estimation_time_ms)) "h " %1.0f = mm(e(estimation_time_ms)) "m " %1.0f = ss(e(estimation_time_ms)) "s" * elasticity and diversion ratio matrices if ("`elasticities'"!="") { quietly levelsof `el_str' if e(sample), local(elabels) clean matrix colnames el = `elabels' matrix rownames el = `elabels' matrix colnames dr = `elabels' matrix rownames dr = `elabels' ereturn matrix el=el ereturn matrix dr=dr display "" display in gr "Estimated average elasticities (by `elasticities')" matlist e(el), format(%10.1f) display "" display in gr "Estimated average diversion ratios (by `elasticities')" matlist e(dr), format(%10.0f) } end /* end of display_results */