regdis -- Control variables and decimals in regression displays
regdis [varlist] [, options : command]
regdis provides a fast and easy way to control variables and decimals in regression displays
dec(#) specifies the number of decimal places, usually 3
fmt( ) specifies one of these: f g e fc gc, usually f
drop(variables) specifies variables to be dropped
keep(variables) specifies variables to be kept (supercedes [varlist] if both specified)
noheader suppress the table header
* set up data cap clear* sysuse auto, clear tab rep78, gen(REP)
* used as a command qui reg headroom length foreign REP* regdis regdis, drop(REP*) nohead est replay regdis, dec(1) regdis REP*
* used as a prefix regdis : reg headroom length foreign regdis, dec(2) keep(leng): reg headroom length foreign
* may get a slightly different output arrangement xtreg headroom length turn, fe i(foreign) regdis : xtreg headroom length trunk, fe i(foreign) regdis, dec(4) : xtreg headroom length trunk, fe i(foreign)
The e(b) and e(V) remain unchanged.
regdis is cloned from _prefix_display and _coef_table. My apologies to somewhere in College Station.
regdis is a cleaned up version of this: http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-05/msg00661.html
Also see
Manual: [D] format, autofmt, outreg2