// ------------------------------------------------------------- // Display Regression Footnote // ------------------------------------------------------------- program reghdfe3_footnote syntax [, linesize(int 79)] local skip1 = max(`s(width_col1)'-1, 12) // works with both _coef_table, ivreg2 and ivregress if ("`e(model)'"=="ols" & inlist("`e(vce)'", "unadjusted", "ols")) { local dfa1 = e(df_a) + 1 local todisp `"F(`=e(df_a)-1', `e(df_r)') = "' local skip3 = max(23-length(`"`todisp'"')-2,0) local skip2 = max(14-length(`"`dfa1'"')-2,0) local skip0 `skip1' foreach fe in `e(extended_absvars)' { local skip1 = max(`skip1', length("`fe'")) } di as text %`skip0's "Absorbed" " {c |}" /// _skip(`skip3') `"`todisp'"' /// as res %10.3f e(F_absorb) %8.3f fprob(e(df_a),e(df_r),e(F_absorb)) /// as text _skip(13) `"(Joint test)"' * Col width local WX = `skip1' + 1 * Show by-fe FStats * Relevant macros: NUM_FE, FE1, .., FE_TARGET1, .., FE_VARLIST local r2 = 1 - e(rss0)/e(tss) local r2_report %4.3f `r2' forval i = 1/`e(N_hdfe_extended)' { local fe : word `i' of `e(extended_absvars)' if (e(F_absorb`i')<.) { di as text %`skip1's "`fe'" " {c |}" _continue local df_a_i = e(df_a`i') - (`i'==1) local df_r_i = e(df_r`i') local todisp `"F(`df_a_i', `df_r_i') = "' local skip3 = max(23-length(`"`todisp'"')-2,0) di as text _skip(`skip3') `"`todisp'"' _continue di as res %10.3f e(F_absorb`i') %8.3f fprob(e(df_a`i'),e(df_r`i'),e(F_absorb`i')) _continue di as text _skip(12) `"(Nested test)"' local r2 = 1 - e(rss`i')/e(tss) local r2_report `r2_report' " -> " %4.3f `r2' *local cats = e(K`i') - e(M`i') *local data = "`e(K`i')' categories, `e(M`i')' collinear, `cats' unique" *local skip = 62 - length("`data'") *di as text _skip(`skip') `"(`data')"' } } di as text "{hline `=1+`skip0''}{c BT}{hline 64}" if (e(rss0)<.) di as text " R-squared as we add HDFEs: " `r2_report' } // regress-unadjusted specific else { foreach fe in `e(absvars)' { local skip1 = max(`skip1', length("`fe'")) } local WX = `skip1' + 1 } * Show category data di as text di as text "Absorbed degrees of freedom:" di as text "{hline `WX'}{c TT}{hline 49}{c TRC}" // {c TT}{hline 14}" di as text %`skip1's "Absorbed FE" " {c |}" /// %13s "Num. Coefs." /// %16s "= Categories" /// %15s "- Redundant" /// " {c |} " _continue // if ("`e(corr1)'"!="") di as text %13s "Corr. w/xb" _continue di as text _n "{hline `WX'}{c +}{hline 49}{c RT}" // {c +}{hline 14}" local i 0 local explain_exact 0 local explain_nested 0 forval i = 1/`e(N_hdfe_extended)' { local fe : word `i' of `e(extended_absvars)' di as text %`skip1's "`fe'" " {c |}" _continue local numcoefs = e(K`i') - e(M`i') assert `numcoefs'<. & `numcoefs'>=0 local note = cond(`e(M`i'_exact)'==0, "?", " ") if ("`note'"=="?") { local explain_exact 1 } else if (`e(M`i'_nested)'==1) { local note * local explain_nested 1 } di as text %13s "`numcoefs'" _continue di as text %16s "`e(K`i')'" _continue di as text %15s "`e(M`i')'" _continue di as text %2s "`note'" " {c |} " _continue //if ("`e(corr`i')'"!="") { // di as text %13.4f `e(corr`i')' _continue //} di } di as text "{hline `WX'}{c BT}{hline 49}{c BRC}" // {c BT}{hline 14}" if (`explain_exact') di as text "? = number of redundant parameters may be higher" if (`explain_nested') di as text `"* = fixed effect nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation"' // di as text _skip(4) "Fixed effect indicators: " in ye "`e(absvars)'" end